安徒生童话英文版:The A.B.C.Book 识字课本

发布时间:2017-08-06 编辑:tyl

 "Now that is meant to be deep!" said the Cock. "It's so deep I can't get to the bottom of it!

  W - Washerwoman

  A Washerwoman will wash and scrub

  Until there's nothing left but the tub!

  "Now, it's certainly impossible that he can have found anything new for X.

  X - Xantippe

  In the sea of marriage are rocks of strife,

  As Socrates found with Xantippe, his wife.

  "He would have to take Xantippe! Xanthus is much better.

  Y - Ygdrasil

  Under Ygdrasil tree the gods sat every day;

  But the tree is dead and the gods have gone away.

  "Now we are almost through," said the Cock. "That's a relief. I'll continue on.

  Z - Zephyr

  Zephyr, in Danish, is a west wind so cold

  It penetrates fur and skin, we're told.

  "That's that. But that's not the end of it. Now it will be printed and then it will be read. It will be offered in place of the noble old rhymes in my book. What says this assembly - learned and not so learned, single volumes and collected works? What says the alphabet? I have spoken; now let the others act."

  The books stood still, and the bookcase stood still; but the Cock flew back to his place at the capital A in the old A-B-C Book and looked proudly around. "I have spoken well, and I have crowed well. The new A-B-C Book can't do anything like that. It will certainly die; in fact, it's dead already, for it has no Cock!"