
时间:2021-03-08 13:40:04 格林童话 我要投稿


  Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children.在大森林边上住着贫穷的伐木工一家,家里有两个孩子。

  The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel.男孩叫韩赛尔,女孩叫格蕾特。

  He had little to bite and to break, and once when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even daily bread.伐木工一家本来就没多少食物,所以当大饥荒来临时,伐木工再也买不起每天家人需要的面包了。

  Now when he thought over this by night in his bed, and tossed about in his anxiety, he groaned and said to his wife, what is to become of us. How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves.一天晚上他躺在床上,想起这事十分焦虑,他沉重地对妻子说:“我们的下场会是怎样?我们连自己都养不活,怎么养活这两个可怜的`孩子?”

  "I'll tell you what, husband," answered the woman, "early tomorrow morning we will take the children out into the forest to where it is the thickest. There we will light a fire for them, and give each of them one more piece of bread, and then we will go to our work and leave them alone. They will not find the way home again, and we shall be rid of them."“我告诉你怎么办,”妻子回答:“明天一早我们带两个孩子到森林深处去,在那儿点起一个火堆,给每个孩子一块面包,然后我们就去工作,把孩子丢在那里。他们找不着回家的路,这样一来我们就解脱了。”

  "No, wife," said the man, "I will not do that. How can I bear to leave my children alone in the forest. The wild animals would soon come and tear them to pieces."伐木工说:“不,我做不到。我怎能忍受我的孩子被遗弃在森林里?野兽很快就会把他们撕成碎片的。”

  "O' you fool," said she, "then we must all four die of hunger, you may as well plane the planks for our coffins," and she left him no peace until he consented. "But I feel very sorry for the poor children, all the same," said the man.妻子说:“我的天,你这白痴,那我们四个只好饿死了,你还不如现在就刨我们的棺材板呢。”妻子不依不挠,丈夫只好答应。他说:“不过我还是心疼我可怜的孩子。”









