
发布时间:2017-03-07 编辑:文洁

  导语:在日常生活中,人们应该多赞扬他人。以The Importance of Praise为题写一篇80字的英语作文。下面是小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。

  赞美的力量英语作文:The power of praise

  Praise, this word I believe that everyone can understand, but why should learn to praise it? Praise, it has its own special significance.

  The biggest difference between praise and flattery, praise is, it is from the heart, his heart is trying to say, did not include bootlick, profit and other means other; and flattery, is false. The word "flatter", said a little praise contains meaning, also on the surface like a compliment, but flattery, it is to obtain immediate benefits was no way to flattering others, the only way to get in front of "fishing interests". In other words, flattery can be understood as false "praise".

  Praise is a must for a person's behavior.

  Try to praise a person around you, look at what he has reflected. The answer is not known, the majority of people look surprised, happy, joy, excitement. Because, you from the heart of the star of the stars of the fire, the praise of the heart, has produced a huge "current", become very excited.

  Perhaps you have had such an experience: how good is the feeling of being praised by others. That sentence of praise, like an elegant music, make you feel Qin through heart in the heart, feeling is so fresh and clear, my heart also feel personal behavior has certain affirmation, be proud of.

  As for a person to learn to praise, not only will make the object of praise proud, but also to make themselves become perfect this kind of argument, there is a certain reason and source. Praise a person, make a person happy, his heart also should not use words to express feelings. Be praised by others, they will be with the mood of the highly charged and more excited. It can be said that praise is a source of personal strength and spiritual inspiration. You understand it? In praise of people......

  Learn to praise a person around, not only can make the object of praise proud, oneself also can become perfect.


















