关于my unlucky day初中英语作文

发布时间:2017-02-29 编辑:谢友念

  每个人都会遇到不幸运的时候,下面闪亮儿童网为大家带来了关于unlucky day的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。

  my unlucky day英语作文一

  It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen! Oops! What an unlucky day! 今天早晨我起床时已经7点10分了。我匆匆洗了把脸,没吃早饭就朝学校奔奉。当我到达学校门口时,我发现我忘了带书包。只好又返回家。在回家的路上,我又被狗咬了一口。唉,真倒霉。当我再次赶到学校走进教室后,课已经开始了。我坐了下来,却发现我忘记带钢笔!噢!多么不走运的一天啊!

  my unlucky day英语作文二

  My Most Unlucky Day Today was my most unlucky day. I stayed up until 1:00 am because of an NBA match.My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. After I got up, I found it was 7:30 am. I hurried to the bus station, but the early bus had already left. I had all the way to my school. But just them, I found I was wearing the wrong shoes. They were different. But I had no time. When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home. Just then,the bell for class rang. I had to walk into the classroom without my backpack and without breakfast. Then the teacher came to me. He stood before me for a few seconds. At last he went away shaking his head.

  my unlucky day英语作文三

  Yesterday was my unlucky day. It seemed that I did everything late. When I got to school in the morning, the bell had rung. And the teacher had begun the class when I went into the classroom. Then when I got back home after school, my favorite program had nearly finished. What was worse, I found I had left my schoolbag at school just as I started to do my homework, so I had to go back for it. When I went to bed last night, it was twelve o’clock! What a bad day I had!










