
发布时间:2017-04-20 编辑:支文洁



  When I was young, I would love to read story book, but unfortunately at that time I didn't know the word. So I very like to listen to mom and dad told me the story.

  Go to school, I finally began to read, I finally able to their own independent reading! I especially like to watch some story books about princess, such as "Cinderella", "Snow White" and "sleeping beauty"... I saw the man from the "Snow White" envy is really terrible, in the end of the wicked will eventually take the consequences. From the ugly duckling, I saw a after many hardships and finally an ugly duckling into a beautiful white swan, also let me understand the person must have the self-confidence, don't go to tube what others say, do what you have to think about.

  Is a book that brought me to the long river of history, in the book, I know the surrender of wen tianxiang, patriotic general ding; Know the area of the fort, fire body Qiu Shaoyun; To serve the people of lei feng, young hero radish head, wang2 xiao3 er4... From the book, I understand their risk one's life is for the sake of what, is the motherland!

  Books, can let our life has become richer, so I want to say: "I'm reading, so I'm happy!"


  上学了,我终于开始认识字了,我终于能够自己独立看书了!我特别喜欢看一些关于公主的故事书,比如《灰姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《睡美人》……从 《白雪公主》里我看到了人的嫉妒心真的是太可怕了,到最后恶人终将自食其果。从《丑小鸭》里我看到了一只经过种种磨难最后变成一个非常美丽的白天鹅的丑小鸭,也让我明白了做人要有自信,不要去管别人说什么,要做自己觉得对的事情。




  Reading makes me realise the truth of life, when I confused, hesitation, book is like a bright torch, guide me direction, and for me to enhance my confidence; When I am sad, the book will tell me, grief is only a temporary, as long as the courage to face up to, happiness will appear in your life.

  Remember one day, the teacher handed out the four books, I saw a book on the topic of "journey to the west", I think I've seen on TV more than ten thousand times, then think that I don't see the book. Teachers seemed to see my state of mind, cried: "I am I when I was in college are still reading this book, you can't look down upon it." Listened to these words, I had a great interest in this book, I go through a few pages, but who knows, the more I see more ecstasy, are in the book of Marine rises.

  Reading can let a person open. Can also arrived in the language knowledge in the book, let the interesting book to be our best friend.













