
发布时间:2017-01-11 编辑:支文洁



  In the firecrackers, we usher in the Chinese across the country's biggest festival yue - the Spring Festival, every household is beaming with joy, hang red lanterns, labeled red couplets, busy...

  Flush after years, adult children made haste, necessities, and sweep the house... Busy busy! To stick couplets on the Spring Festival is the project of the essential to your own, all the harvest and hope in the coming year a year to write into the Spring Festival couplets. Around at night, watching the Spring Festival gala, steaming hot pot, listening to bursts of firecrackers outside the window, a family enjoy a happy family. At that time, children can get lucky money. Legend, lucky money can be pinned evil thing, make the kids in the Chinese New Year. New Year's day, without visiting relatives and friends. Relatives and friends get together, eat the big stuff, give each other a blessing.

  The New Year, again wandering far also want to get home, with family members eat parents prepared dinner. Old days, people call this shou sui, boil in the New Year's eve.

  The Spring Festival, is not only all beer and skittles together, more important is reflected a kind of national spirit of our country. It into a kind of affection, a kind of pursuit of the good life and interpersonal harmony and peace.






  The history of the Spring Festival is very long. How to celebrate this holiday, in one thousand years of history development, has formed some customs and habits.

  Sweep the dust

  Every Spring Festival approaching, every family to clean the environment, all sorts of appliance in the cleaning, unpick and wash the curtains in the quilt. Everywhere is full of joyous laughter laugh cleaning, clean the joy of the Spring Festival atmosphere. To stick couplets on the Spring Festival

  It with neat, concise, elegant words to express good wishes. Every Chinese New Year, no matter the city or the countryside, every family should choose a bright red spring couplets on the door, increase the festive atmosphere for the festival. While to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, some people in the door, wall stickers on large and small "f" word. "F" word refers to the blessing, good fortune, for people to happy life yearning, wish for a better future. Some people simply will "fu" character topsy-turvy stick, said "happiness has to" "blessing has to".

  Shou sui

  On New Year's eve the whole family reunion together, eat dinner waiting for old times, all night vigil, a symbol of the bad things out, looking forward to the New Year auspicious sign.


  On the arrival of the New Year every family to open the door first thing in the firecrackers, and by villager of firecrackers used orientation.

  This is a good Spring Festival custom, I'm looking forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival in 2017.



  每到春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种用具,拆洗被子窗帘。到处充满着欢欢笑笑搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。 贴春联

  它以工整、简洁、精美的文字表达美好愿望。每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要选一幅大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。在贴春联的同时,一些人家要在屋门上、墙壁上贴上大大小小的“福”字。 “福”字指福气、福运,寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,对美好未来的祝愿。有的人干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已到”“福气已到”。















