
发布时间:2017-02-13 编辑:邦俊



  I am a love sports. Sports let me know how many, for example: the persistence is victory; As long as you work hard, be successful.

  Remember once, our school held a sports meeting, I division in the 200 m and 400 m running on the project of every project can be two athletes, ms shen suddenly said to me: / QiuKeJun, you go ahead. I assumed a surprise appearance, said: [I haven't practiced ah.] Ms shen said: [that you try it. / ok. I said. The match began, my heart beat faster. Start is 80 cm. Before four classmates are skipped, it was my turn, I tiptoe ran forward, burst, I front foot a lift, hind feet a step, jump in the past. 82 cm and 84 cm, and I will jump over on the sidelines of ms shen can't help. The referee shao teacher said: / 85 cm. I attempt the two did not succeed, the most time I front foot like just another lift hind feet a step, after all, it is a difficulty for me a great test of type, I failed. Ms shen said: [failed no matter, anyway, you have already tried, and the fourth is also a good result.] I think: yes, I have tried, I succeeded.

  Exercise has many benefits, we need to explore, to discover.





  I like sports, my favorite sport is jumping rope, swimming, playing, tae kwon do.

  Every day I would jump rope under one hundred downstairs. I like kangaroos leap to jump rope skipping, I can jump on one foot, feet jump, also can jump before and after the jump. Skip rope can make us grow tall, strengthen intelligence, can also exercise the hands and feet coordination. I also like swimming, every weekend I go to the swimming pool to swim. I put on swim ring like turtles swimming in the swimming pool, you can also have a water fight with the children, can be fun. Although I can't swim, but summer vacation must learn to swim.

  I also like to play badminton, have the time I will go downstairs to play, I send the ball hard and fast, mother often don't get my ball. Sometimes I play to depend on, I'll hit the ground bounce the ball to the mother, so funny! Taekwondo is my favorite, I began to learn tae kwon do in the kindergarten. As soon as I have now is blue and red to bring the upgrade to the red zone. I also tai chi, play boxing to 2, but strong. Sometimes the coach told us to play, I often played each other out of the water.

  Sport is not only fun, but also exercise the body, can make us healthy growth. The children sports together!


  我每天放学都会在楼下跳一百下绳。我跳绳的时候像袋鼠一样蹦蹦的跳,我可以单脚跳、双脚跳,还可以前跳、后跳。跳绳可以让我们长高个子、增强智力,还可以锻炼手脚协调能力。 我还喜欢游泳,每个周末我都会去游泳池游泳。我套上游泳圈像海龟一样在游泳池里游来游去,还可以跟小朋友们打水仗,可好玩了。虽然我不会游泳,不过暑假一定要学会游泳。

  我还喜欢打羽毛球,有时间的话我都会下楼打球,我发的球又狠又快,妈妈经常接不到我的球。有时候我会耍赖,我会把打到地上弹起的球打到妈妈那边去了,好搞笑啊。 我最喜欢跆拳道,从幼儿园我就开始学跆拳道了。现在我已经是蓝红带了,马上就升级到红带了。我还会太极拳法,打起拳来虎虎生威,可有劲了。有时候教练叫我们对打,我经常把对方打的落花流水。











