小学英语教案:Unit 9 It was clean but it’s

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小学英语教案:Unit 9 It was clean but it’s dirty now

  导语:为了让学生能够三会语言Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?Yes, it is .My books were on the floor this morning.They are on the desk now。下面cnfla小编为您收集整理了一份教案,希望对您有帮助!

小学英语教案:Unit 9 It was clean but it’s dirty now


  1、知识目标:认读单词,warm ,cool, wet, dry, clean,dirty, tidy, messy

  2、能力目标:Listen and say


  教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,Listen and sing.


  课前准备:录音机 单词


  1、通过询问昨天与今天的天气情况,引出一般过去时及单词warm ,cool。What's the weather like yesterday? It was warm. What's the weather like today? Now it's cool.

  2、通过展示湿手帕和干手帕教授单词wet, dry。Look, it's wet. And it's dry.

  3、通过展示脏手帕和干净的手帕授单词clean,dirty。Look, it's clean. And it's dirty.

  4、通过展示收拾整齐的'房间我零乱的房间教授单词tidy, messy

  Look, it's tidy. And it'smessy.

  把以上的新词套进目标语言中进行操练。如The weather was warm this morning.Is it cool now? The desk was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?...

  5、Group work.


  7、Open the book, listen and say.

  8、Homework: (1)、朗读课文单词三遍。


  板书设计: It was clean but it's dirty now.

  The weather was warm this morning.Is it cool now?

  The desk was messy this morning. Is it tidy now?...


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