科普版小学英语第五册Lesson 3 What are you doin

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科普版小学英语第五册Lesson 3 What are you doing? Let’s talk优秀教案


科普版小学英语第五册Lesson 3 What are you doing? Let’s talk优秀教案

  本节课主要学习单词drawing just 词组 look like 要求学生能够理解和掌握现在进行时句型What are you doing? I am...并能灵活运用本课句型进行自由会话。




  1、知识目标:让学生掌握句型What are you doing? I am...并能用此句型进行交际。

  2、 能力目标:培养学生能正确运用现在进行时态询问别人正在做什么,培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。

  3、 情感目标:关注学生在学习过程中积极愉悦的情感体验,培养学生自信开口,积极思维的习惯,激发学生的学习兴趣。


  1. 四会掌握动词ing形式的单词,以及他们的`正确发音。

  2. 理解What are you doing? I am...的意思。并灵活运用该句型。

  3. 掌握look like 的用法。


  Step 1 Review

  T: Look at me, Walking walking ,I am walking .dancing dancing ,I am dancing

  Do you like doing actions? Let’s do and say.复习现在分词:walking dancing flying swimming running .

  Step 2 Presentation

  A: 导入新课

  a) 板书课题 Lesson 3 What are you doing ?

  b) T: Today ,we will learn lesson 3What are you doing ?

  c) 师生同写What are you doing? I am writing.

  d) T: Look I am drawing a star for boys.I am drawing a flower for girls .将全班分成男女生两组,在黑板上贴上各自的标志,男女生进行比赛,看哪组度的最好。


  a) T: Showme your fingers.Let’s draw some pictures.Do and say “drawing drawing Iam drawing.”

  T: Boys ? What are you doing?

  T: Girls? What are you doing ?

  T: Mary? What are you doing?

  T: Lucy? What are you doing?

  b) 师生同写What are you doing?I am...并操练该句型。

  c)利用课件中的图片(playing ping-pong listening to music skating......)通过chain game 的游戏,进行替换词练习。

  d) 讲授look like and just 的用法。并巩固 操练该句型。

  Step 3rill

  A):出示课件 First time ,just listen .

  B): Second time ,Let’s read it together.

  C):Third time ,listen and fill in the blanks.

  D):Check your answers.

  E):Act the dialogue.

  Step 4:Consolidation and extension practice:

  A): Let’s sing.

  B)ractice in pairs and make a dialogue.

  C):It’s time to show your dialogue.


  Step 5: Homework

  Making a zip-zap book.

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