
时间:2021-04-29 19:54:30 英语教案 我要投稿


  一 学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)








  二 时总安排

  总共100时:授 时 复习 时

  测试 时 机动 时


  The goal:

  The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

  Go For It! 是以《英语程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

  The key points of each unit:


  U 1aking new friendsIntroduce yourself

  Greet people

  Ask for and give telephone numbersPresent tense to be

  What questions

  Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

  U2Things in the classroom

  Identify ownershipsDemonstratives:this,that

  What questions and Yes/No questions

  How do you spell pen?

  U3The familyIntroduce people

  Identify peopleDemonstratives:these,those

  Subject pronouns:I,he,she

  Yes/No questions

  Plural nouns

  U4Things around the houseTalk about where things areWhere questions and Yes/No questions

  Prepositions: on,in,under

  Subject pronouns: they

  U5Spending time with friendsAsk and answer questions about ownership

  ake suggestionsPresent tense to have

  Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

  Adjectives of quality


  FoodTalk about likes and dislikesPresent tense to like

  Yes/No questions and short answers

  Affirmative and negative statements


  ShoppingAsk about prices

  Talk about clothing

  Thank someoneDemonstratives:this,that,these,those

  How much questions


  DatesTalk about datesWhen questions

  Prossessive “s”

  How old are you?


  oviesTalk about preferences

  ake plansPresent tense to want

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Adjectives of quality

  U10Joining a clubTalk about abilitiesodal verb can

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Affirmative and negative statements

  What questions

  U11Daily routinesTalk about daily routines

  Ask about and say timesWhen questions

  What time is it?

  Adverbs of frequency

  U 12School subjectsTalk about preferences

  Give reasonsWhat questions

  Why questions

  Who questions

  Adjectives of quality

  四、 教材分析


  人教社《新目标英语》教材的几大特色:A. 图并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行化、规制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


  a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


  b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


  c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


  d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)









  Week 1Starter Unit 1 5时

  Week 2Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 35时

  Week 3Unit 16时

  Week 4Unit 26时

  Week 5Unit 36时

  Week 6Revision6时

  Week 7Unit46时

  Week8Unit 56时

  Week 9Unit 6 6时

  Week 10 Revision 6时

  Week 11 iddle examination6时

  Week 12Unit 7 6时

  Week 13Unit 8 6时

  Week 14 Unit 9 6时

  Week 15Unit 10 6时

  Week 16Unit 11 6时

  Week 17Unit 12 6时

  Week 18Revision6时

  Week 19 Revision6时

  Week 20 Final examination



  内容:动词的三种时态 English智力快车(动词的三种时态)型Revision教学目标1.复习三种时态的定义,构成规则2.能正确的写出动词的第三人称单数形式,现在进行时,和一般过去时3.能正确的运用动词的三种时态重点三种时态的定义,构成规则难点正确运用动词的三种时态教具黑板,卡片

  主 备 人 教 案 及 教 学 过 程参备人意见教学环节教学意图

  师 生 活 动Step1Step2Step3Step4




  1.Sing a song “ y little donkey”.

  2.T: Do you like me? Do you like English? Do you like having an English class?O,If your answer is yes ,welcome to English 智力快车。首先我们做一下热身运动。I will ask you many questions , you should answer me correctly.Ask and answer between students and the teacher, using three tenses that we have learned in Grade seven.For example:

  T:What’s your name? / How are you ?/Do you like animals ?/Which animal do you like best?pandas ,elephants.koalas,tigers,l

  ions ?/What do you want to be?Do you want to be an actor?a teacher?a nurse?a policeman?a doctor?/Do you want to eat noodles?What kind of noodles do you like?/What are you doing?/What did you do last weekend?/Hoas your weekend?


  1. T:热身运动到此结束,现在我们进入English 智力快车的第一环节,词汇竞技场

  T:As we know , there are so many verbs that we have learned, how many verbs do you know?.Review the verbs that we have learned in Grade seven as many as possible.The group who remember the most is the winner.

  2. 现在我们进入第二个环节:轮流答题

  T: The first question:we know that there are three tenses of the verb that we have learned, what are they? S:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时。Revise the definition of three tenses.一般现在时表示:现在进行时表示:一般过去时表示:Revise the formation rules of the verbsThe second question:动词变为第三人称单数形式的构成规则The third question:动词ing 形式的构成规则The forth question:动词过去式的构成规则3,现在我们进入第三个环节,竞争平台,这里包括两个笔试题目。T:No.1 is 单词大比拼,T:please look at the samll blackboard, please change these verbs into Ving 形式 and past tense.Every group choose one to write your answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers with students , The group which get the highest points will be the winner.T:No.2 is 语法大比拼T:please look at the samll blackboard, do the exercises on the small blackboard. Also the group which get the highest points will be the winner.4 .现在我们进入英语智力快车的最后一个环节,风险提速。T:Let’s play a game which name is 换宝。教师将把原先准备好的写有单词和短语的卡片放到一个盒子里,让学生上摸宝,摸到中要把它翻译成英,摸到英要把它翻译成中,要根据时态翻译;摸到图片也要把它用英语说出,可以用动词的各种时态。 The students make a report of the 英语智力快车。Then choose the best group , give them the praise.The teacher summary what we have learned this class , and summary three tense of the verbs.Do a survey about the differences of the present tense, V-ing tense and past tense.Blackboard design:一、English 智力快车热身运动1. 词汇竞技场2. 轮流答题动词的三种时态分别是什么动词变为第三人称单数形式的构成规则动词ing 形式的构成规则动词过去式的构成规则3. 竞争平台:单词大比拼,语法大比拼4. 风险提速二、Homework ake a surey about the differences of the present tense, V-ing Tense and past tense.教学反思


  Unit8 I would like some noodles.

  审核人: 时间:


  To say is one thing and to do is anither.


  Live and learn.


  To know everything is to know nothing.


  Where there is a will,there’s a way




  ①Hello,I’d like some noodles.

  ②What kind of noodles would you like?

  ③What size bowl of noodles would you like?

  ④We have some great specials.

  ⑤I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.

  ⑥I don’t like onions, green tea or porridge.


  1.would like表示意愿,意为 。在意义上同 相等。但语气比 委婉,客气很多。 人称和数的变化。

  I would like= ; they woud like= ,

  he would like= ; she would like= .

  (1)肯定句:I’d like some French fries,(接 )

  He’d like to go shopping.(接 )

  总结:would like sth

  would like to do sth.


  Would you like some strawberries?(some不变any)

  肯:①Yes,please. ②Ok. ③All right.


  Would you like to go to the movies with me?

  肯:Yes,I’d like/love to.(我乐意去)

  否:①Sorry, I have no time.

  ②Sorry,I can’t.

  (3)特殊疑问句:What would you like? I’d like…

  What would he like He’d like…

  2.noodle名词“ ”常用 (单、复)数形式

  牛肉面 ;牛肉西红柿面

  名词作定语用 (单、复)数形式

  3.What kind of noodles would you like? (询问面条 )

  I’d like (牛肉胡萝卜面条).

  4.What size bowl of noodles would he like?

  a large bowl of roodles.

  He’d like a medium bowl of noodles.

  a small bowl of noodles.

  what size…?用来询问物体尺寸、大小及号码

  what size shoes does he want? Size 40.


  (1) Tom has a brother and two sisters.(and连接两个名词)

  (2) Lily and Lucy are twins.

  (3) He and I are classmates.(连接两个代词,常将I放后)

  (4)Go and see, please.(连接两个动词)


  (1) I don’t have a bike or a car.(用于否定句)

  (2) Would you like chicken, beef or mutton?选择疑问句,不能用 和

  回答,而是选择其中一个来回答。I’d like .

  例:He likes English and math.(改为否定句)

  He like English math.

  6 .have+食物for+一日三餐

  I have two eggs for breakfast every day.

  午饭吃米饭 ,晚饭吃面条


  a cup of tea→two

  a bottle of milk →four

  a piece of bread→many

  a bag of rice→some

  不可数名词也可以用some,much,little,a little,a lot of修饰,

  some rice; much money.

  There is a pair of shoes.


  There are two pairs of shoes.


  1.I w like some chicken.

  2.What k of noodles would you like?

  3.We’d like some beef and m noodles.

  4.What s bowl of rice would she like?

  5.She’d like a l bowl of noodles.


  1.Wendy wants to go to a movie.(同意句)

  Wendy to go to a movie.

  2.Lily would like some rice.(提问)

  Lily like?

  3.I would like some cabbage.(改为一般疑问句)

  you like cabbage?


  ( )1.He’d like a bowl of noodles.

  A.chicken and potato B.chickens and potatoes

  C.chicken and potatoes

  ( )2.Would you like a cup of tea? .

  A.Yes,I would. B.Yes,it is. C Yes,please.

  ( )3.They would like to the zoo.

  A. go B.to go C .going D.goes


  potato beef mutton onion chicken juice tomato tea soup rice salad strawberry ice cream cabbage carrot broccoli French fries dumpling noodle fish




  1.want to do=would like to do 想要做某事

  2.He wants to drink water=He’d like to drink water.


  3.what kind of 那种.


  4.what size多大号

  5.a kind of 一种

  6.many kinds of许多种

  7.many specials许多特色菜

  8.have 事物for餐.have rice for lunch午餐吃米饭

  9.a bowl of porridge一碗粥

  10.a cup of tea一杯茶

  11.green tea绿茶

  12.House of dumplings饺子屋

  13.on Monday.在周一

  14.order food点菜

  15.tell me your reason告诉我你的原因


  1.What kind of noodles would you like?Beef and tomato noodles,please.


  2.What size bowl of noodles would he like?He’d like a small/medium/large bow/of noodkes.


  3.Can I help you?=May I help you?=What can I do for you?


  4.I don’t like onions,green tea or porridge.


  5.Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10 RMB for 15 dumplings.


  6.Would you like a cup of tea?Yes,please.No,thanks.


  7.Would you like to go shopping with me?Yes,I’d love to. Sorry,I can’t.


  8.Sunday is the first day of the week.


  How was your weekend


  1. Vocabulary (Past Simple Tense)

  A). Ask Ss to write down all the phases in P25 (picture 1A) under the time axis.

  B). Ask Ss to write down the past tense of the verbal phrases.

  C). After a small discussion, Ss find out the rules by themselves.

  D). Teach them the rules of verbs in past simple tense.

  1). regular verbs: + ed. /id/. y i +ed

  2). Irregular verbs:

  is / was are / were do / did go / went buy / bought

  3). 过去时无人称和数的变化。

  2. P25 Section A 1A; P28 Section B 1A Read the new phrases and practice.

  3. Listening. P26 Section A 2A, 2B.

  A). “Above are all the things about weekend activities. What would you say if you want to ask others about their weekend?” elicit the main sentences:

  e.g.: How was your / his / her weekend?

  It was great / boring / pretty good / …

  What did you / he / she do over the weekend?

  How about you?

  B). “First, let’s listen to other people’s weekend. They are Anita, Ben and Sonia. Let’s see how did they spend their weekend.” Listen to the tape twice. 2a; 2b.

  (Then do P29 Section B 3a.)

  C). “Now, please work in pairs and tell your partner what did you do over the weekend and how did you feel.”

  Interview your partner and take notes.

  NameFeelingWhat you didTime


  D). Change your partner and take notes.

  (Work in groups of four.)

  E). Ask four people (a group) come up to the front and do the memorizing activity. Other people take notes. Then let two Ss ask questions about what the people do in the front over the weekend.

  4. Homework.

  Copy the new phrases. (4 times)

  Workbook. 1,2,5.

  Make at least ten pieces of weekend activity phrases (include the 7 new ones in the book). Cut them into small pieces.


  1. Revision. (P27 Section A 3a)

  2. Listening (P25 Section A 1b)

  A). “Today, let’s listen to a girl’s weekend activities. Her name is Lucy. What you should do is to tell me what do you think about her weekend. Do you like it?”

  Before listening, Ss first guess what did Lucy do over the weekend. (Pair work)

  Prediction (Guess) Reality (Tape)








  B). Listen to the tape twice. And fill in the chart.

  C). Stick the little pieces in the chart and check the answers with the partner.

  D). Check the answer together. Ask someone to give a report

  e.g.: On Saturday morning, Lucy played tennis. And she did her homework…

  E). “Do you like her weekend or not? Why?”

  3. Task: “The Best Weekend Plan”

  A). “Please work in pairs and find out who has got the best weekend plan. Who both did their work and had fun.” Ask your partner about their weekend plan and take notes. Draw J or L in the chart.

  You P1 P2 P3








  B). Change your partner and take notes.

  C). Work in groups of four and find out whose weekend plan is the best. The group leader should give us a report. We need reasons.

  e.g.: Jim helped her mother clean the house on Saturday morning. (We think) It was good! Because he can help others…He both had fun and did his homework. That’s pretty good.

  D). Design a best weekend plan

  (groups of four).

  4. Homework

  Workbook: 3, 4

  Design a best weekend plan and write the reasons.

  Each group leader prepares 12 pieces of paper. Write 6 groups of regular and irregular verbs on them.


  1. Revision (Porker Game)

  Give each group (groups of four) 12 blank cards and some markers. Help students write out pairs of cards with a present tense of a certain verb on one and the past tense of the same verb on the other. The students mix up the cards and give each student three cards. Players choose a card from the student on the right. The object of the game is to find the other (past or present tense) verb cards that match the ones you are holding and place the cards face up on the table. The first student to match up all their cards is the winner.

  2. Section B 1b, 2a, 2b.

  3. Role-play.

  Work in pairs. Student A is a famous person in the world, (e.g.: Jackie Chen). Student B is a TV reporter. Student B should interview A about how he or she spent his or her weekend.

  4. Homework

  Survey: Interview at least ten people in our class and write a report about how many people did the same thing at the same time over the weekend.

  Workbook: 6.


  1. Reading 3a, 3b

  2. Self-check

  3. Class presentation

  4. Supplementary Reading

  5. Quiz 5

  6. Homework

  Workbook: 7.

  Challenging Activity: Interview your grandparents and your parents about what they did over the weekend when they are at your age. And then write down what you did over the weekend and please predict what the children will do over the weekend in year 2050. This is a letter for them to read and to find out the great changes during these 100 years.


  UNIT 5 How Was Your Weekend?

  Task 1 (调查汇报上个周末做了什么)

  Interview your partner and take notes.

  NameFeelingWhat you didTime


  Task 2

  Prediction (Guess) Reality (Tape)








  Task 3

  Ask your partner about their weekend plan and take notes. Draw J or L in the chart. Design a best weekend plan






  七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Comic strips & Welcome to the unit(第一课时)



  2.谈论参观访问和交通方式。 3.辨别方位。



  认识路__________________ 爬上山 ____________

  跟随我__________________ 在北京的西南_______________

  下来 __________________ 乘地铁去市中心____________________

  不要害怕 ________________ 不得不 ________________

  一次春游________________ 进行一次远足________________



  1. Guangzhou is in the ____________ of China.

  2.Beijing is in the ______________ of China.

  3.Shanghai is in the ______________of China

  4. Kunming is in the _______________ of China.

  5. Harbin is in the ________________ of China.

  6.Xinjiang is in the _________________ of China.


  1. We are _________(害怕) of tigers.

  2. My daughter likes ___________ (跟随) me to go shopping.

  3. I’m ______ (确信) I know the way.

  4. It’s raining outside. He ____________(have to) stay at home.

  5. Let’s __________(go) to the zoo tomorrow.

  6. It takes half an hour ___________(drive) to the Lake Park.

  三、 根据P43 所给图示及首字母完成对话。

  A: E ________ m__________. Where is the Sunnyside Garden?

  B: It’s n________________ of the Zoo.

  A: H________ can I get there?

  B: You can go there b_______ bus.

  A: W _________ bus Shall I t____________?

  B: The No.1 bus.

  A: Thank you .

  B: You are w____________.



  1.Let’s enjoy Beijing opera here. ( 改为同意句 )

  ________ we enjoy Beijing opera here?

  2.Be late for school.( 改为否定句 )

  ________ __________ late for school.

  3.I think we can go there by underground. ( 改为否定句 )

  I _______ think we _________ go there by underground.

  4. She goes to the zoo by bus. ( 对划线部分提问 )

  ________ _________ she ________ to the zoo.

  5. The Sunnyside Garden is north ?west of the zoo. ( 改为一般疑问句 )

  _______ the Sunnyside Garden ___________ of the zoo.

  6. Simon walks to the supermarket. ( 改为同意句 )

  Simon __________ to the supermarket __________ ________.

  7. They go to the park by bike. ( 改为同意句 )

  They ________ a bike to the park.

  8. The zoo is north of the Lake Park. ( 对划线部分提问)

  __________ __________ the zoo?


  1.Don’t be so sure. Let’s ask the teacher for help.


  2.Don’t be afraid. We are all here to help you.


  3.Tom is going up the hill.


  4.Let’s help Miss Li carry the books.


  5.Some people are afraid of dogs.












  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Reading(1) (第二课时)







  1.a lucky escape 2.drive/run to

  3. at once 4.turn left into Park Road

  5.drive away 6.try to do sth.

  7.try again 8. be surprised to do sth.

  9.meet at the station 10.take different routes

  11.push into 12.turn right into Fourth street

  13.驾车去上班 14..警服

  15.下公共汽车 16.下小汽车

  17.走另一条线路 18.在公园路向左转

  19.在交通灯处 20.逃跑



  1.Who is making a call to the twin brothers?_________________________

  2.Where are the robbers?__________________________________________

  3.How do the twins go to Hill Building?______________________________

  4.What do the robbers push the twins into?____________________________

  5.How do the twins open the back door of the van?______________________

  6.Who do the twins see at the police station?___________________________


  Justin and Paul are ___________ brothers. They are at home. Susan ___________ them for help. There are some __________in the building. They ________ there quickly. Three men in police uniform ______ ________ out of the building. They___________ Justin and Paul into the back of a green van. Paul_______the back door _______his knife. When the van stops at the _______ lights, they __________out of it. They take different r____________ to run away. When they _________ at the police station, they are _________ to see the three men there. The policemen ________the van because the back door of the van is _________. The three men try to run away, but the policemen catch them in the end.



  1.The man _____ __________ ____________ (着警察制服) is Daniel’s uncle.

  2.Every morning my father _______ _______ ________(开车带我去) school.

  3. Lucy ______ _______ ______(跑出) the classroom after school.

  4.Everyone ____ ___________ ______(吃惊地看见) see a big cat when it ________ _________ _________(跳出) the box.

  5.Policemen often help students cross the road _____ ______ __________


  6.Shall we ______ _________ __________ (走不同的路线) to the shopping mall? Let’s see who is faster.


  1.There is something wrong with my watch. It doesn’t w_____.

  2. Mr Green usually does to work on foot. But today he wants to d____ to work.

  3.She doesn’t work hard at English, so she f_____ in the exam.

  4. When the t_____ light is red, we can’t cross the road.

  5.Lucy is r_________ something to the teacher.

  6. The two students in school u_______ are in No. 1 Middle School.

  7.We can take different r________ to the police station.

  8. He is s__________ to hear the news.

  9.I’d like a________ cup of coffee.

  10.What do you m_______ by this word?


  1. Paul 试图打开门,但没有成功。


  2.让我们跑到位于第四大街的警察局吧 。






  5. 当老师进来的时候,学生们停止了讲话。


  6. 他完成作业后就立刻回家。


  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Reading(2) (第三课时)






  Justin:Where is the police station?

  Paul:It’s_________4th Street.

  Justin: _______we_________different routes?

  Paul: OK! I’ll go_________6th Street. Then I’ll turn _______into Park Road

  and turn _________into 4th Street to the police station.

  Justin: OK! ______ _______ ________ take another _________. I’ll turn

  _______ into 7th Street and turn ________ into Park Road. Then I’ll go

  to the police station.



  1.Will you tell me the story _________ Lei Feng?

  2.You can lock the door _________ the key.

  3.The robbers push the door open and run___________.

  4.Let’s meet _________ the traffic lights.

  5.Shanghai is _________ the east of China.

  6.The hospital is _________ 4th street.

  7.The man _________ the uniform ran _________ _________ the building

  at once.

  8.I can’t open the door ________the knife.

  9. Let’s drive ______Xuanwu Lake.

  10. Don’t jump ______ _______ ________ the window. It’s too dangerous.


  1.Shall we visit the Palace Museum?

  _______ _______ visiting the Palace Museum?

  _______ _______ visit the Palace Museum?

  2.He uses a knife to open the door.

  He _______ the door ________ a knife.

  3.Their friend Ann doesn’t live far away.

  Their friend Ann _________ _________.

  4.His father goes to work by car every day.

  His father _________ ________ work every day

  His father does to work ______ _________ ________ every day..

  5.Ann calls the twins, “Help, help” on the phone.

  Ann calls the twins _________ _________ on the phone.

  6.Jim doesn’t pass the English exam.

  Jim __________ __________ the English exam.

  7.He is surprised to see the robbers.

  _________ he _______ the robbers,he feels very __________.

  8 Something is wrong with my watch.

  My watch __________ ___________.

  9..Take the second turning on the right.

  _________ ___________ at the _____________ turning.




  _______ are you _________ so ___________?



  3. 他请我从公交车上下来,上他的小轿车.

  He asks ________________ the bus and ______________his car.


  I try ______________________ but ____________.


  The door _____________and you can ______________.

  6. 看到他们的父母,这些孩子很吃惊.

  The children _____________________________their parents.

  7. 两个盗贼跳出窗口逃走了.

  The two robbers _______________the window and ___________.

  8. 他太累了,想停下来休息一下.

  He _________________and he wants to stop__________a rest.


  .Can you tell me _____ _____ _____ _____the shopping centre?


  ______ ______ ______ ______ you see the ____ ____.


  ____ the teacher comes in, the students ____ _____ _____.

  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Vocabulary(第四课时)








  1. Walk s_____________ on and you’ll find the hospital on your left.

  2. Turn right at the zebra c____________, you’ll see the supermarket.

  3. My sister works in Sunshine h_______________.

  4 There is a dog lying in the c___________ of the room.

  5. Let’s meet at the e_____________ to the cinema this evening.

  6. Your answer is c__________ , but mine is wrong.


  1.My brother fails ____________(pass) the exam.

  2.She is teaching him how____________(read) a map.

  3.The bus station is on ____________ (five) Street.

  4.Mum tells me _______________(go) along this street.

  5.Turn right at the second_____________(cross). The hospital is on your left.

  6.Cross the street and you _______________(see) the road.


  ( ) 1. There are a lot of old buildings on _________ side of the street.

  A. both B. every C. each D. other

  ( ) 2. Can you tell me ________________?

  A.How to get to the policeman station

  B.How can I get to the policeman station

  C.How I can get to the policeman station. D.Both A and C

  ( ) 3. __________and you will see Sunshine Park.

  A. Turn right B. Turn to right

  C. Take the turning on the right D. A ,B and C

  ( ) 4. The policeman asks us to stop _________, and we stop _________at once.

  A. talking, to listen B. to talk ,to listen

  C. talking, listen D. talk ,listen

  ( ) 5.These two bedrooms are ________________.

  A. the twin’s B. the twin’s C. of the twin D. of the twins

  ( )6. __________ to the cinema, take the bus No.5.

  A. Get B. Getting C. Gets D. To get



  A: Excuse me,______________( 我怎样能到达图书馆 )?

  B: Sorry, I am new here._____________( 你可以问那边的警察 )

  A: Excuse me,____________________________(你可以告诉我去图书馆的路吗 )?

  B: Yes. ____________________________(一直朝前走,再左拐).You can see the zoo._________________________________________(朝右转,来到十字口).


  A: Thank you.


  Peter lived 1 his mother in a very big house and when she died , the house became too big 2 him , 3 he bought a smaller one in the next street . There was a very nice old clock in 4 first house and when the men came to take his things to the new house for him . Peter thought ,“I’m going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck . Maybe they’ll 5 it and then it will be very expensive to repair . So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms . It was heavy so he stopped two or three 7 to have a rest .

  Then suddenly(突然地)a small boy came along the road . He stopped and 8 Peter for a few 9 . Then he said to Peter ,“You are a foolish(愚蠢的) 10 , aren’t you ? Why don’t you buy a watch like everybody else ?”

  ( )1. A. andB. inC. toD. with

  ( )2. A. forB. withC. ofD. to

  ( )3. A. andB. orC. butD. so

  ( )4. A. herB. hisC. itsD. him

  ( )5. A. brokenB. brokeC. breakD. breaking

  ( )6. A. picking it up B. picking them upC. picks it up D. picked it up

  ( )7. A. timeB. timedC. timesD. timing

  ( )8. A. looked atB. look forC. look afterD. looks at

  ( )9. A. secondB. secondsC. minuteD. minutes

  ( )10. A. womanB. boyC. manD. girl

  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Grammar(第五课时) ____________



  2.学会使用will, shall和be going to 以及它们的疑问句和肯定、否定回答形式。

  3.学会用will, shall和be going to进行对话、谈论将来。


  预习课本 Grammar部分



  2. 你知道一般将来时的构成吗, 试着写出它的结构。




  1.Turn right __________ the first turning.

  2.My mother likes walking __________the supermarket at the weekends.

  3.The students are running __________ the playground in the P.E. class.

  4.The train is going ____________ the tunnel.

  5.Don’t climb __________the tree.

  6.Can you swim ___________ the river in ten minutes?

  7.Look! Hobo is walking _____________ the table.

  8. When the traffic lights are red, you can’t walk __________ the road.


  1.They travel to Beijing every year.( 用next Friday改写)


  2.Lily doesn’t play with me. (用next time 改写)


  3.Does Mary sing a song for you? (用 tomorrow afternoon改写)


  4.Where are they playing football? (用next Sunday改写)


  5.Do you help your mother with the cleaning every day? (用 now 改写 )


  6.She is going to give us a talk next week ( 改为否定句 )




  1.穿过隧道_____________________ 2. 游过水池______________________

  3. 沿着路走_____________________ 4. 爬上山________________________

  5. 绕着桌子走 ____________________ 6. 跳过椅子______________________

  7,.下楼 _________________________ 8. 去火车站的路__________________

  9. 穿过田野______________________ 10. 过桥 ______________________


  13. 加入我们____________________ 14.带纸盘子和叉 __________________

  15. 乘公共汽车去颐和园 _____________16. 生起篝火_____________________


  1. I __________________( visit ) my teacher next Sunday.

  2. His uncle _________________ (be) back in a week.

  3. _____________ your mother ___________(see) the doctor tomorrow?

  4. I hope it _________________ (not snow) tomorrow.

  5. My mother often ________________( cook ) for me.

  6. Can you ___________ (see) a tall building on your left?

  7. Millie wants ___________ (join) ____________( we ), too.

  8. We use a knife ____________ (cut) things.

  9. _____________ (get) to the zoo, you must walk ___________( cross ) the bridge and then turn left at the ______________ ( three ) ____________( cross).

  三、 单项选择

  ( ) 1. It is raining outside. Please ________________ the raincoat with you.

  A. take B. to take C. bring D. to bring

  ( ) 2. Go ___________ the city, and then come to a small village.

  A. through B. across C. along D. on

  ( ) 3. Mr. Wu tells us that the earth ____________ around the sun.

  A. travel B. travelled C. travels D. is going to travel

  ( ) 4. If it __________ rain tomorrow, we ___________ go on a picnic.

  A. doesn’t: will B. won’t; will C. won’t / D. isn’t; /

  ( ) 5. I like walking _______________ the river after supper every day.

  A. at B. on C. along D. through

  ( ) 6. The train is leaving __________ five minutes.

  A. in B. at C. after D. for

  ( ) 7. You can find the bookshop _____________ the end of the street.

  A. on B. at C. in D. for

  ( ) 8. The boy comes out of the room __________ the window.

  A. through B. over C. cross D. across

  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Integrated skills& Study skills(第六课时)






  1.沿着小路___________________ 2. 走过一间小木屋____________________

  2. 举行聚会____________________ 4. 在街道的拐角处____________________

  5. 朝市场走去__________________ 6.在红绿灯处过马路___________________

  7. 一直往前走___________________ 8.在右边走第二个拐弯_________________

  9. 在地底下 ___________________10. 走下山 ________________________



  1. Cross the road at the ___________(交通) lights

  2. There is a ____________(木头的) house next to the river.

  3. Walk across the ____________(田地) and you’ll see his house.

  5.Walk straight on and take the second __________(拐弯) on the left.

  6.Excuse me, How can I get to the ____________(市场).

  7.Walk down the ________________(小路) and you will see a bridge.


  A: _______ ______, could you _____ me the _____ ______Sunshine Secondary School?

  B: _______. Go ______ Park Road, and _______ right at the first ______. Then walk ______ ______ until the end of the street. You’ll find it on your left.

  A: ______ ______ is it?

  B: It is about 5 kilometers.

  A: Can I ______ a ______ there?

  B: Of course you can.

  A: ______ bus shall I take?

  B: No2 Bus.

  A: Thanks a lot.

  B: ______________ _____________.


  一. 所给词的正确形式填空

  1.My uncle _____________(fly) to the Palace Museum this Sunday.

  2.Why don’t _____________(write) down your name?

  3.When the teacher comes into the classroom, the students stop ________(talk).

  4.Paul tries ________________ (open) the door but fails.

  5.He is surprised ________(see) the three men in policemen in the police station.

  6.Be quite, they __________ (have) a meeting.

  7.I hope it __________(rain) tomorrow.

  8.My parents always tell me __________ (work) hard.


  1.The students will go to the cinema tomorrow. ( 改为否定句)


  2.She will drive to the market tomorrow. ( 对划线部分提问)


  3.Turn right at the first turning.(改为同意句)


  4.We shall meet at the school gate. ( 对划线部分提问)


  5.To walk from my home to school is not very easy. ( 改为同意句)


  6.Shall we have a picnic in the country? ( 改为同意句)











  5. 第三个路口右拐,过桥。你可以看见右边的花园大厦。


  6. 你愿意参加下周三的聚会吗? 是的,非常愿意。



  7. 从你家走到我家很容易。


  8 .看到他妈妈朝他走来,他很激动。


  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Main task (第七课时)




  词汇 picnic everybody monitor exit bank right

  词组fast food at the corner half of the students



  1.吃烧烤 _________________________ 2. 进行野餐_____________________

  3.盼望放一天假_____________________ 4. 参加聚会____________________

  5. 查找一些信息______________________6. 大部分中国人________________

  3.过街____________________________ 8. 开车上班_____________________

  9.玩不同的'游戏______________________ 10. 告别派对 ___________________

  11.在公园的大门_____________________ 12. 一直走_____________________

  13. 沿着马路走______________________ 14. 走过一家超市_________________

  15. 邀请去北京_____________________ 16. 在星期日早晨_________________课堂训练


  1.Be careful when you go __________(cross) the road.

  2.Turn left at the _____________(five) turning, and you’ll find a hotel on your right.

  3.Let’s have lunch _____________(quick).

  4.We are looking forward to _____________(see) you again.

  5.Our classmates _____________(visit) the Summer Palace tomorrow.

  6.She lives ___________(near) in Hill Bank.

  7.The students stopped __________(laugh) when the teacher came into the classroom.

  1.There are three _____________ (rob) in Hill Building.


  We will have a f___________ party for the students from Beijing o_____ Sunday.

  The party will start at eight in the e_____________ at Tom’s house. Tom lives on Park Streets. And it’s e____________ to find. Go s____________ on to the library. Turn r______________ into the Park Street. At the t_____________ lights, turn right you’ll see Tom’s house on your left. If you can’t find it,please c____________ 882-9966.

  课后巩固 一、选择填空:

  1.( )We will hold a party ________ next Sunday night.

  A. at B. in C. on D. /

  2.( )She is happy ___________ the good news.

  A. to here B. hear C. hearing D. hears

  3.( )We are looking forward to _____________ the Great Wall.

  A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited

  4.( )The policeman asks us to stop ________________, and we stop

  A. talking ; to listen B. to talk; listening

  C. talking : listening D. talking : to listen

  5.( )________loaves of bread do you want to buy?

  A. How many B. How much C. How D. How long

  6.( )I have two bikes .One is black,_________ is blue.

  A. other B. else C. another D. the other

  7.( ) My father hope you _________ to my home.

  A. will can come B. are come C. to come D. will come

  8.( )Millie usually goes to work ___________________.

  A. ride a bike B. on bicycle C. by a bike D. on her bike

  9.( )Lily’s rulers are short. ___________ are longer than ___________.

  A. My; her B. My; hers C. Mine; she D. Mine; hers

  10 ( ) Daniel and Kitty _____________ start a campfire this evening.

  A. is going to B. going to C. will going to D. are going to

  11. ( ) ___________ Millie take her dog to school _________her?

  A. Shall, and B. Shall, with C. Will, with D. Will, and

  12. ( ) It’s dangerous ___________ the busy street now.

  A. to across B. across C. to go across D. cross

  13. ( ) --- I am going on a spring outing tomorrow.

  --- ______________________

  A. You’re lucky B. It’s good for

  C. Have a good time D. I’m glad to hear that

  14.( ) Could you tell me ___________ Sunnyside Shopping Mall?

  A. the way of B. the way to C. how to D. how go to

  15( ) Why don’t we __________?

  A. Going camping B. to go camping

  C. go for camping D. go camping



  Here is the route. ___________________________________________________



  Unit 3 Finding your way

  课题: Checkout(第八课时)






  Wendy: Hi, Neil! I’m going to see a film. It’s at three o’clock. ____1_____.

  Neil: Yes, I’d love to. ____2_____.

  Wendy: Just turn left at your building. Walk straight on and you’ll see the zebra crossing, cross the road. Then turn right at the second crossing. You can see Garden Building on your left. I live in Flat 405.

  Neil: How far is it ? A. How do I get there?

  Wendy:.____3_____. I think you can go by bus. B. What’s the matter with you?

  Neil: ______4_____. C. About twenty minutes’ walk

  Wendy: The NO.124 bus. D. Would you like to come with me?

  Neil: ____5____ E. Where shall I get off?

  Wendy: Just in front of Garden Building. F. Where is the bus stop?

  Neil: Thanks. See you then. G. Which bus shall I take?



  1.Look! It’s cloudy. It ______________(rain) at once.

  2.If you walk across the road, you__________(see) a road sign.

  3.He is so thin that he can go through the hole_________(easy).

  4.When he heard the sad story, he stopped_________(laugh).

  5.I am busy. I _______(not have) a picnic with you this weekend.

  6.My grandpa ________(be) 70 years old next year.

  7.Tomorrow_________(be) Saturday .

  8.________(get) to the zoo, turn left and walk over the bridge, then you can find the zoo.

  9.It is hard ________(see) the moon in a cloudy night.

  10.Most of _____ (we) wanted to have a picnic there.


  1 The baby is walking happily t______ his mother.

  2.There are many shops a_______ the street. It’s a busy street.

  3. When I go to the park, my little dog often f_______ me to the park,

  4.He got into his car and d_______ away quickly.

  5.On his way home last Sunday, Mr. Green met two r_______. Bad luck.

  6.When the t________ lights are red , we must stop and wait.

  7.If you f______ in the exam, you will feel sad.

  8.Let’s take different r_______ to see who is the first to get to the museum.

  9.We must wear school u_______ every Monday morning.

  10. Justin was s__________ to see the three men in the police station.



  ( )1.――I feel tired after the PE lesson.. ――Why not stop _______?

  A. to work B. to have a rest C. having a rest D. to go on with your work

  ( )2. There _______ a football match on the playground tomorrow.

  A. is B. will have C. is going to have D. will be

  ( )3. Be _______. I must go home _________.

  A. quickly, quick B. quick, quickly C. quickly, quickly D. quick, quick

  ( )4. He helped the old man to go ________ the road.

  A. through B. cross C. across D. over

  ( )5. Shanghai is in the _________ of China.

  A. west B. north C. east D. south

  ( )6. ――I am going on a spring outing tomorrow. ――__________________.

  A. You are lucky B. It’s good for you C. Have a good time D. I’m glad to hear that

  ( )7. Could you tell me ______ Sunnyside Shopping Mall?

  A. the way of B. the way to C. how to D. how go to

  ( )8. We saw Hobo jumping into the room ______ window.

  A. across B. through C. cross D. by

  ( )9. My father will come back _________ of this month.

  A. in the end B. by the end C. at the end D. on the end

  ( )10.Walk ____ the road and turn left ___No.4 street, you can see the hospital ____ the left.

  A. along; into; at B. straight; into; on C. in; into; in D. along; into; on

  ( )11.Why don’t we ____________?

  A. Going camping B. to go camping C. go for camping D. go camping

  ( )12.There are _____ books in the library.

  A. millions of B. nine millions of C. nine million of D. nine millions

  ( )13.I’m afraid he may _____ ill at home.

  A. / B. is C. be D. being

  ( )14. I hope you _______ to my birthday party this evening.

  A. can come B. to come C. came D. coming

  ( )15. Jack ________ for HK in five minutes. I _______ her very much.

  A. leaves; miss B. left; will miss C. is leaving ;will miss D. left; missed


  1. Will you take the bus go to the park? ___________

  2.Cross the road, you are going to find the police station. ___________

  3.I live nearby the nearest hotel. __________

  4.Straight on and you will see the traffic lights. ___________


  Starter Unit6 学案



  1.in the park 在公园里

  2.between the hills 在两之间

  3.beside the shop 在商店的旁边

  4.under the chair 在椅子下

  5.in front of 在 ┅ 前面

  6.feed the birds 喂鸟

  7.swim in the lake 在湖里游泳

  8.pi ck the flowers 摘花

  9.climb the tree 爬树

  10.Whe re’s the bird? I t’s in the tree.鸟在哪里? 它在树上



  1.There are some reading rooms in the library(改一般疑问句)

  ______there _____reading rooms in the library?

  2. There is a picture on the wall (对划线部分提问)

  _____ ______ ______ ______there on the wall.

  3.We are English teachers(改为单数)

  ______ ______ ________ English ________.

  4.There are some desks in our classrooms(改为 否定句)

  There_______ ______ ___ in our classrooms.

  5.He is twelve (对划线部分提问)

  _____ ____ _____ he?


  1.Ben andJim are good at ________(china)

  2._______(be) there any tea in the cup.

  3.How many _________(po liceman)are there in it?

  There are three _______(watch)at my home.

  Starter Unit6第二时


  1.on the left /right of┅ 在 ┅左/右边

  2.in th e middle of 在┅的中间

  3.on the grass 在草坪上

  4e here. 过

  5.on/i n/under/between/ beside



  1.We can see two new teaching______(build)in the school.

  2.There are many ________(library)in Nanjing.

  3.Are there any________(read)rooms in your school?

  4.This is ______(I)school .Welcome!

  5.The girl behind_________(he) is his sister.

  6.He is from ___________(English)


  1.你们学校有电脑房吗? 当然。

  Is t here a ________ ________ in your school? ___________ _______


  __________play ______on the _______ ________.


  _______ there_______ ______in your city?他有一个朋友。

  He _________ _________ _

  Module 5 My hometown and country

  odule 5 y hometown and country






  词汇hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region, wide, fact

  词组be famous for, bigger and bigger, on the River Thames





  听能听懂有关祖国,方位,位置的语言表达; 能听懂用所学的形容词比较级所做的口头表述,询问及其回应的听力材料。




  演示与表达 能向同学们介绍两个地方或两条河流,并对其进行比较。

















  难点: 掌握形容词的比较级的结构和用法。






  task ?cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“家乡。”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫




  Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening & Pronunciation and Speaking

  Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading

  Period 3. Language in use

  Period 4. Writing& Around the world &odule Task



  Title: odule 5 y hometown and country

  Period 1 Vocabulary and Listening and Speaking

  Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Listening Pronunciation and Speaking

  Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1. Language nowledge

  ey vocabulary and phrases: hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question

  ey structure: Hong ong is smaller than Shanghai.

  Is Shanghai newer than Hong ong?

  No, it isn’t. It’s older.(重点)

  2.Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the comparison of 2 cities. (难点)

  3.Speaking skill: To talk about 2 different cities or rivers. Improve the students’ speaking ability.

  4. Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country.

  Learning strategies:

  Bottom ?up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.

  Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)

  Teaching Procedures:

  Part I: Lead in:

  Step 1: Introduce our hometown to the students to present the topic

  Step 2: Using the map of China to present the neords

  1), Teach the four compass points (east, south, west, north)

  2).Talk about different parts of China and describe the locations of Shanghai and Hong ong

  Step 3: Introduce the two cities

  Step 4: Extend the knowledge about the two cities for Listening

  Discuss what else they know about the two cities.

  Part II: Listening

  Step 1: Play the recording and have them match the words and phrases in Activity 1. Have them check their answers with a partner

  Step 2: Play the recording again and fill in the blanks

  Step 3: Play another recording again and have them answer the question:

  Is Shanghai a newer city than Hong ong?

  Step 4:.Read and have them check their answers with a partner

  Listen to the underlined word.Step5: Listen again and read.

  Step6: Read this dialogue, find out which sentences involving the comparison of two cities.

  Part III Summy:.

  1.Give the conclusion of the comparatives and practise

  2.Explain the ey phrases and practise Part IV Practice

  1.Talk about the two cities

  2.Work in pairs and think of two cities you know in China. Ask and answer questions. Using big, small, hot, cold, old or newPart V: Homework

  Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading

  Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Reading

  Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1. Language knowledge:

  Neords: north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region

  ey structures: be famous for in the south of

  bigger and busier than…on the River Thames(重点)

  2. Reading skill: To get information about Cambridge, London and Britain.

  3. Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country.

  Learning strategies: Communicative approach.

  Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)

  Teaching Procedures:

  Part I: Revision and Preparation

  1.Help students to revise the four compass points

  2.Show them a map of Britain to describe the country to know some knowledge of Britain

  3.Practise talking about the cities in Britain

  4.Extend the position of telling the direction

  5.Talk about the cites in China and present the usage of” in on to”

  Part II: Presentation

  1 atch the words with the pictures2.Present the famous places in England and learn the words

  3. Choose a title for each photo4.Introduce Cambridge and London5.Talk about the west and north of London and the islandPart III: Listening

  1.Listen and fill in the form

  2. Read the passage and answer the questions:3 Retell the textPartIV: Language use

  (1)Compare the other two cities

  (2)Answer questions and write notes about a town in China Part V: Homework:

  Period 3. Language in use

  Teaching Content: Language in use

  ey structures: A be + adj.-er than B (重点)

  Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1. To summarize and consolidate grammar focus.

  2. To summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.

  Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country.

  Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.

  Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (video, OHP, handout)

  Teaching Procedures:

  Part I Revision

  1.Ues the pictures to revise the degree of comparatives

  2.Revise Comparative Forms of adjectives

  3.Focus the Ss’s attention on the 4 different ways in which they are formed:

  4.Extend the knowledge of Comparatives

  Part II Language practice

  1: To summarize and consolidate the usage of the structure: A be + adj.-er than B

  (1). Practice the structure: A be + adj.-er than B

  (2). Ask the Ss.to make other similar examples

  (3).Talk and compare in the real situation

  Part III: Revise the text what we learned in this module:

  1.Say something about Cambridge

  2.read the poem by Xu Zhimo Say something about London

  3.Revise the numbersConsolidate the passage we have learnedPart IV: Practice

  Part IV Say something about the cities in China

  Part V: Homework:

  Talk about your hometown in Jiaxing and compare two cities

  Period 4: Writing & Around the world &odule Task

  Teaching Content: Writing & Around the world &odule Task

  Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1. Writing skill: Write sentences about the comparison of 2 cities. Improve the students’ writing ability (难点).

  2. To summarise and consolidate-comparing places and comparative adjectives. (重点)

  3.Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country.

  Learning strategies

  Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.

  Teaching Aids: ulti-edia (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout)

  Teaching Procedures:

  Part I: Revision

  1.Where are these cities in China?2pare the cities and rivers using what we have learned

  3.Introduce the two bridges and use the adjectives to compare 4.Ask and answer questions about the places5.Work in pairs ask and answer the questions about the places

  6plete the sentences

  Part II: Writing

  1.Write about the answers to the questions in activity 3 on page 29 individually and check their answers with a friend.

  2.Using the map to show the answer and talk about them

  3.Talk about the two cites in USA

  Part III. Around the world

  1. Learn something about important cities in the world.

  2. Read the text and answer the questions we mention

  Part IV: odule Task

  aking a poster comparing 2 cities or rivers in China.









