
发布时间:2017-10-28 编辑:tyl
  Carnation and Mother's day   母亲节和康乃馨   Carnation is the most popular flower for Mother's day. Why? The canation was first choosen as a symbol for Mother's Day by its founder Anna Javis. It was her mother's favorite flower.   康乃馨是母亲节期间最流行的花,为什么呢?因为她康乃馨是母亲节的创始人Anna Javis的母亲最爱的花,于是她将康乃馨选择为母亲节的象征。   母亲节英语小诗:   If you are...假如你是   Should you be the water,   妈妈,假如你是水   I would be a fish   我就是鱼   Swimming and swimming   在你的身边   Around you   游来游去   Should you be wind   妈妈,假如你是风   I would be feather   我就是羽毛   Flying and flying   在天空中飞翔   Abreast you   与你并肩   Should you be the blue sky   妈妈,假如你是蓝天   I would be a white cloud.   我就是白云   Moving and moving   飘啊飘   Amid you   围着你   Oh, mom   妈妈,   That's you and me!   那就是我和你