
时间:2021-07-05 13:17:12 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




  Let the law in the heart.

  We live in a legal country, everywhere need law, is to abide by the law, and as a youth, we should make laws in the heart.

  As important, so learning method

  We start from junior high school opened in legal education, legal importance of remarkable. Through the study, we on the cognitive law, legal idea is also improved. We knew within the law what the help, something forbidden to do. How to exercise the rights, how to perform the obligation ... ... And if we are ignorant of the law, perhaps on the run from the law do not know his behavior is illegal, the consequences will be serious, according to statistics, in all kinds of crime personnel, do not know what is illegal or not law accounted for more than half of the total. So, studying law is based on the legal basis of society, is to create a better future is important assure.

  As important, so the law

  Abide by the law and the constitution is the obligation of every citizen. As the saying goes: "no rules, no to Cheng Fangyuan." Law is the basic way to maintain social order, so in order to social stability, but also to our own, we must consciously abide by the law. But the law content, must focus on the interests of citizens, so we have no reason to oppose, there is no reason not to follow, no more reason to draw further apart. Although we have the pursuit of individual freedom, but this does not mean that we can ignore the law of new legislation, there is. And the law against the results of only one, is to self-destruct. In the US, peers know the law but break it be too numerous to enumerate examples, to the brilliant tomorrow, we can not abide by the law?

  Because of the need, so the usage

  We have done such a question: when their interests are infringed, how to do? The answer is: use legal weapon to safeguard their rights. We said so, but can not completely. When we finally meet the similar things, is often the "big small, small matter of", thus abandoning the exercise of rights. However, this conciliatory attitude is not wise, indulge others mistake behavior. Since we studied law, it should be good at applying to law, spear, the attack illegal shield, dare to fight with the forces of darkness, for the community to do their share of power.

  The law is the base of the harmonious society, the law society to progress and development; the law is the flowers of civilization, there are legal citizens to improve literacy; the law is the fruit of practice, a legal country can long period of stability. Therefore, let us learn law, law-abiding, usage, make laws in our heart!






  遵守法律和宪法是我们每个公民应尽的义务。俗语有云:“没有规矩,无以成方圆。”法律的制定是维护社会秩序的根本途径,所以为了社会的安定,更是为了我们自身,我们必须自觉守法。而且法律所规定的内容,必定是着眼于公民的利益,因此我们没有理由反对,没有理由不遵循,更没有理由背道而驰。虽然我们有追求个性的自由,但这并不意味我们能标新立 异,无视法律的存在。与法律抗衡的结果只有一个,就是自毁前程。在我们身边,同龄人知法犯法的例子不胜枚举,而为了灿烂的明天,我们能不守法吗?












