
时间:2021-07-06 14:39:12 英语日记 我要投稿





  Today is the first day of school, students ca to school with a beansle, finally can et with your classtes ain.

  Very not easy, such as the second class in the afternoon class! Physical education is our free activity, can want to do.

  We entered the playound, iediately ran to the seesaw. I and JianGuiduan accounted for each one, ben to swin I just up, she is swinn We two feet crash , which ve us a lot of power, swinnup ain. At this nt, Tan Re rninout of an idea, and I JianGuiduan oscillation, and the neration of his son frous in the past, if the play to theeven if they lose. Started, and I JianGuiduan attack: before and after her forward, I also forward, let thenot drill in the past. At this ti, JianGuiduan closed his eyes, said: I play to who can iore, the consequence is proud. At this nt, Tan Re rnintried once, be JianGuiduan stuled. Yeah, we won! We are tired of playinthis, chan the another . Theposition

  We hand in hand, a body forward, after a toward the body, then,to the dizzy, at the sa ti to let , who wins who throw distance is far. We were thrown out od far, aunt and Tan Re rninfar, she wins, jine bell, jine bell... The class was over, theended in lauter. We reluctantly back to the classroo

  It s so happy today!



  我们一进操场,立刻奔向了秋千。我和蒋贵端各占到一个,开始荡起来。我刚荡起来,她也就荡了起来。我们两个的脚 撞车 了,这给了我们很大的动力,又荡了起来。这时,谭若晨出了个主意,我和蒋贵端荡,他和代歌从我们中间钻过去,如果 踢 到他们的话就算她们输。开始了,我和蒋贵端前后夹击:她向前后,我也向前,让他们没有缝隙钻过去。这时,蒋贵端闭上了眼睛说: 我踢到谁可不管,后果自负。 这时,谭若晨试了一回,不小心被蒋贵端绊了下。 耶,我们赢了! 我们玩腻了这个,就换了另一个游戏。

  我们手牵手,一个身子朝前,一个身子朝后,然后转圈,转到晕时,同时放手,谁甩出的距离远谁获胜。我们都被甩出去了好远,量了一下,谭若晨的远,她赢了, 叮铃铃,叮铃铃 下课了,这场游戏在笑声中结束了。我们依依不舍地回了教室。



  The school! The twinklinof an eye, relaxed and happy winter vacation life is over, the new sester isinain.

  Today is the first day of school, it is sunny,classtes like a oup of cute little bird, fly happily in the beautiful caus. In capacious and brit classroo the teacher want to send us the new textbook. My hands strokinthe new textbooks, lookinat the itterincover, sllinthe faint scent of ink,heart can t say how happy and reets. Well, ti to the old n, you can t walk slowly? We haven t play enou! After school, we face is nervous learnin can t sleep like a biblack bear to 9, 10 o clock, 50 points of the alarclock ranat six o clock, you have to t up rit now, can no lonr easily like winter vacation. Because you just a little a bit lazy, learninis likely to step backwards, first ar tea are likely to find your location. I ll never et the end of each sester to sacred podiu t yoshi students and outstandinclass dry certificates, hard to cultivateowth of teachers face the deep feelin happy sle...

  As an old sayines, no pains, no ins, no pains, no ins. Learninis a happy thin we should be like a spon, the water of efforts to learn the knowled frothe book, now, will be better in the future. Besides, after nths of intensive study, rich and colorful vacation wille ain. The classtes, let us in the new sester, work harder, strive for eater proess.


  今天是开学的第一天,天气格外晴朗,久别的同学们像一群活泼可爱的小鸟,兴高采烈地飞进了美丽的校园。在宽敞明亮的教室里,老师给我们发下了崭新的课本。我双手抚摸着新课本,望着闪亮的封面,闻着油墨的`清香,心里有说不出的高兴和感慨。哎,时间老人,您慢点走不行吗?我们还没有玩够呢!开学后,我们面对的又是紧张的学习,再也不能像大黑熊一样睡到9、10点钟了,6点50分的闹钟一响,就得马上起床,再也不能像寒假里那样轻松了。因为你只要稍稍偷懒一点,学习就有可能退步, 第一集团军 的队伍中就有可能找不到你的位置。我永远忘不了每个学期末走上神圣的领奖台,领取 三好学生 、 优秀班干 等奖状时,辛勤培养我成长的老师脸上那深情、欣喜的笑容

  俗话说得好: 一分耕耘,一分收获。 学习是件愉快的事情,我们要像海绵一样,努力从书中吸取知识之水,把握现在,才会有美好的将来。再说,经过几个月的紧张学习,丰富多彩的假期生活又会来临。同学们,让我们在新的学期里,更加努力学习,争取更大的进步吧。





《A Diary》英语日记带翻译04-02




