
发布时间:2017-03-24 编辑:文洁



  Tomb-sweeping day, is the day when we worship our ancestors of the Chinese nation, our school also have a holiday. People all say "" rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. But today is sunny. Our whole family go to the mountain grave. According to the custom of our hometown, grave to bring offerings, flowers and wreaths to our ancestors, we are no exception.

  Along the way the spring breeze blow gently, let's go at ridge, when we looked around, with golden rape. Pear, peach blossom also not to be outdone, white, pink petals clusters, clusters, a smiling face like in welcome the arrival of spring, good charming pastoral scene.

  After a while, we went to the foot of the mountain, began to climb the mountain. Hill is steep, narrow mountain road and, by the roadside weeds, few people came, we walked carefully. The mountain azalea blossom, the red one. Individual yesong tall buildings, green and red is another beauty. Soon we came to the tomb of the ancestors. Grandpa the grave of hoe to weed, and dig a little bit of cover soil on the tomb.

  Dad put our offerings, we also offer wreath, family worship in front of the tomb, hope ancestors can bless our family healthy body, all the best. And then my grandfather told us the story of his childhood.

  Grave, we return to the original road, along the way, I think, the ancestors so hard before, so hard. I must study hard to grow up to be the backbone of the motherland. Honor for his family, win honor for our hometown, win honor for our motherland!

  清明节,是我们中华民族祭祀祖先的日子,我们学校也放假了。人们都说“清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂”。可今天却阳光明媚。我们全家一起去山上扫墓。按我们家乡的习俗,扫墓时要带上祭品,鲜花和花圈去祭拜祖先,我们也不例外。






  Today is a traditional festivals -- tomb-sweeping day. We have a large family to go to the mountain worship ancestor.

  Particularly windy today, when I saw grandma already prepared Kowloon, paper money, firecrackers, etc into the basket, I to grandma said: "no longer superstitious, not burn this kind of things, can't you see the village set up many" checkpoint "ancestor worship, let us buy fruits and flowers." "Go, go, go, the child understand what? Don't want disorderly speak" grandmother scold me.

  Along the way, I saw the cuckoo flowers full of hills, a clump of here, there's a bunch of, red, purple, and pink peach blossom, swaying in the wind. Although the scenery is very beautiful, but I no mood to enjoy. Because I have been thinking about how to persuade the stubborn grandmother.

  In the cemetery, when they shall burn things, and I tried to dissuade, said: "today the wind is so big, if not careful, will cause a forest fire, when disaster." But she no one listen to my words, remains calm. Thick black smoke was pouring out suddenly, opposite side, caught fire, fortunately, many disaster, finally was narrowly missed. I say again: "we can put the Kowloon in tomb, ancestors will know, so long as the heart for ancestor worship, the purpose is for fathers in peace bless us, if we disaster, ancestors knew, underground is not reassuring."

  I'm so glad today! I finally persuaded the grandma, avoids the occurrence of a fire, I wish every tomb-sweeping day, everyone can break the traditional, ancestor worship do civilization.















