我的老师英语作文my teacher

发布时间:2017-03-12 编辑:支文洁

  导语: 俗话说“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”这不正是用来比喻老师的最好的诗句吗?下面是cnfla儿童网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。

  my teacher英语作文_第1篇:

  The song teacher is my Chinese teacher of grade one to grade three. The teacher in charge of her when we three years. In this three years, she just like a loving mother care, care for us.

  I remember once, I accidentally fell at the gate of the toilet, ripped her lips and mouth is full of blood. I was dumbfounded at once, do not know what to do. At this time, the teacher rushed to the song dynasty. She crouched down, with a paper towel wipe my blood of the corners of the mouth side, connect body to ask: "what's the matter?" "I accidentally slipped, crashed to the ground." Song the teacher looked at me carefully wound, said: "ok, cut is not big, go to the clinic treatment once!" I nodded. In the infirmary, song teacher help me disinfection, asked me: "still hurt?" I said: "it hurts." Song the teacher said: "when eating the wound not to touch, be careful, it's okay, don't worry about it." I think the song the teacher like my mother, her words like a warm current.

  Another time, the song the teacher was sick, cough is very serious, she still insist on to our class. At the time of lecture, her voice is very dumb, I don't think he's throat must be very urticant, very painful. Something about her, a cough, cough, clear the throat. She still insist on to tell the whole class. At this time, a few naughty students also quietly listening. Special quiet in the classroom. In order not to delay our study, she would rather endure pain.

  The song teacher, is a like a loving mother, and care for our good teacher. , she is more like a candle, burn yourself out to light up others. Thank you, song teacher!

  宋老师是我一年级到三年级的语文老师。她当了我们三年的班主任。在这三年里,她就像位慈母一样关心、呵护着我们 。




  my teacher英语作文_第2篇:

  , "the teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others." This sentence to describe our teacher in charge teacher liu fitting. Don't forget the original seed ya-nan liu teacher for me.

  Although my grades in the class is counting backwards, but liu never gave up on me.

  Due to my personal reason, fourth grade last semester language final grade is not ideal, back to school that day, I came to the classroom with uneasy heart, waiting for the teacher's criticism, I think liu will certainly be swept over me scold a meal, but to my surprise, the teacher did not criticize me, still a prize for the former hair in my hands. I think: the teacher is in with the special form of silent she encouraged me, wanted to cling to the teacher cry a, but I still bear the heart excited, quivering accepted the prize.

  Parents in the afternoon after the meeting, the teacher and her mother to discuss how to improve my winter vacation in language, after coming home, mom told me she and the plans of the teacher, is let me every other day using the Internet to the teacher read an article, this is liu would have considered good plan. Mother said: "never seen so a responsible teacher, she can sacrifice blessedly to some vacation time to help me to learn." The most to my surprise, the teacher gave me a book. I am a poor, the teacher also still like me? Can't let the teacher disappointment, I want to try to overcome their own shortcomings, to learn the language!














