
发布时间:2017-03-21 编辑:支文洁



  There is many, many for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, but we often say most is about qu yuan. Some people may not heard, or to the content of the story some fuzzy, but don't worry, I'll tell you something about:

  Qu yuan is the story of a patriotic poet, he was as a teenager is left the prime minister, is the emperor's reuse. Treacherous court official know one year, a few looked at qu yuan, so reuse and loved by the emperor, the in the mind is very jealous. Think a plan together. A few days later, they start moving. These people, every day around the edge of the emperor, the emperor shun not all the time. The emperor also is really of, is a can't afford to temptation by the emperor, a few words of sweet words, took him faint geostrophic "fans" day.

  Emperor have treacherous court official in the persuasion, to qu yuan's exile, in the soil of exile, qu yuan heard a bad news, said his country was the enemy away, and the people were dead, then qu yuan jumped into the miluo river.

  People heard the news, then hurriedly paddle boat in the river for the body of qu yuan, some package rice dumplings into the river, don't let the fish eat qu yuan's body.

  Now you should know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, also should know the reason of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi!







  The lunar calendar on May 5, we will eat zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging moxa leaf, sweet bursa. Every Dragon Boat Festival, people will be cleaning the house clean, sprinkle with realgar water in the kitchen, to kill the vermin or prevent poisonous insect breeding. Plant mugwort and display their sweet bursa have extermination, devils with argyi "hanging on the door, can be busy poison."

  According to legend, the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet qu yuan. Qu yuan is the warring states period, chu qu yuan, 22, he became a doctor, then in front of king huai huai trust him very much. Soon, treacherous court official of chu of qu yuan is not pleasing to the eye, and then constantly speak ill of qu yuan, in front of the king huai huai slanderers, no longer believe that qu yuan. A few days later after qin people cheated king huai, put him under house arrest in there, before long, he died. King huai died, his son after a throne called (king, king (the qu yuan to jiangnan region, at the time he wrote jiu ge with the feelings of grief, "nine chapter", "the poem" li SAO ", written and then jumped into the miluo river. Legend has it the dragon boat boatrace is to save the miluo river and died of the patriotic poet qu yuan, the rice dumplings into the rivers in order to make fish and shrimp dumpling eat crab, no longer to eat qu yuan's body.


  传说,端午节是纪念爱国大诗人屈原的日子。屈原是战国时期的楚国人,那时屈原22岁就当了大夫,在楚怀王面前,楚怀王非常信任他。不久,楚国的大奸臣看屈原不顺眼,于是就不断的在楚怀王面前说屈原的坏话,楚怀王听了谗言,不再相信屈原了。过了几天秦国的人把楚怀王骗走后,把他软禁在那里,没多久,他就死了。楚怀王死后,他的儿子继成了王位称为楚襄王,楚襄王就把屈原赶到江南地区,当时他怀着悲痛的心情写下了 《 天问》 、《九章》 、《离骚》 这三首诗,写完后就跳入了汨罗江。相传龙舟竞渡是为了拯救投汨罗江而死的爱国大诗人屈原,把粽子投入江河是为了让鱼虾蛟蟹吃饱了,不再去吃屈原的尸体。










