
发布时间:2017-04-23 编辑:支文洁



  The classmates, the word "labor" you must not strange! As long as the work, to learn. But for me, in my mind the most profound, dry is also one of the most awkward work, became the treasure in my heart.

  That is probably when I was seven years old, after dinner, I suddenly want to do household chores, at this moment, I suddenly saw the pile of dishes in birdbath, my mind suddenly jumped out of an idea: not, I will wash the dishes. So I say to grandma, "grandma, this time let me to wash the dishes". Grandma agreed. But I just picked up the bowl, stumped: should use something to wash dishes? I left pace, right look, I finally found a spiral brush, I thought: washing bowl with the stuff should be good. So I just take it began to wash the dishes.

  Began to wash the dishes, I'll put the bowl into the water, having some water, and then use the brush brush like shoe polish brushes off as it hit the bowl of rice residue. In dry for about half an hour later, I didn't wash all thumbs up three bowl and a dish. In the process of washing and nearly dropped the tray down and broken.

  Human material world, created a rich in labor also created the magnificent spirit world. No work, no civilization. Therefore, we should be an industrious people.






  Today is "51" labor day, my mother and I go to the city to play.

  The qing city, got off the bus, "gosh, qing city how so many people?" I cried, surprised. Qing city people mountain people sea, cars, more people are much, much more busy than usual. We carefully crossed the road, walk into a children's clothing store, but there's nothing I like clothes, but I still chose two skirt.

  The next go to Ocean Park, in the Ocean Park, I accidentally ran into yellow jieren, I'm happy to play with him to play the ball, the rules of the game is: put a coin inside, and then press the red button, the ball will automatically play, which number ball into the hole, how many tickets will emerge. I also play the happiness score, bumper cars, water jet... Play hungry, we can eat dinner. To have a meal, two more. I'm already hungry grumbles! Home meal, already half past three, wanted to sleep, can think of television began "the road to health", I had to endure trapped turned on the TV. Today, the topic of "the road to health" is "says goodbye to oral ulcer.

  Finished watching TV, I think this day is really happy!



  接下来该去海洋乐园了,在海洋乐园里,我偶然碰见了黄世劼,我和他一起玩快乐弹球,游戏规则是:放一个币进去,然后按红色键,球就会自动弹下,球进入哪个数字洞里,就会出多少张彩票。我还玩了快乐得分、碰碰车、射水......玩饿了 ,我们就去吃饭。到了吃饭的地方,都两点多了。我的肚子已经饿得咕咕叫了!吃完饭,回到家已经三点半了,本来想睡一觉的,可一想电视节目“健康之路”都开始了,我只好忍着困打开了电视。今天“健康之路”节目的题目是“对口腔溃疡说再见”。











