
发布时间:2017-04-25 编辑:支文洁



  Today is the May 1st Labour Day holiday, I have an appointment with the students went to sell newspapers.

  In the morning, we came to the meeting place to the newspaper, then began selling activities. We go to the park in 332 selling newspapers. Suddenly, I saw an uncle, so I ran past say: "hello, uncle buy a newspaper, love to learn LeiFengXian of love, one yuan a." But uncle ignored me, my in the mind a little uncomfortable. Then I started looking for a caring person. And I saw an aunt, I immediately ran to say: "aunt hello, sell a love it, learn LeiFengXian compassion, one yuan a." So aunt bought me a love, gave me a dollar money. At that time, my in the mind very happy. Than to eat the honey still sweet. Then, two, three, four, five were all sold out in a minute. I excitedly ran to get report said: "I sold out for five." Aunt puts his thumb up and says: "you are too great." My in the mind secretly enjoyment.

  I got ten copies of the river, and continue my selling activities. Then I went to the trade center selling newspapers, there were so many people here! Then one of my classmates and I saw an uncle at the same time, my classmates and I simultaneous said: "hello! Uncle buy a river newspaper, one yuan a." Results the good uncle bought a copy each of our paper, we made a happy smile. We went on walking, saw a blind man, both of us to see he is very poor, just gave him a dollar money. The blind man smiled happily.

  That was a memorable day! Because let me know how the money is not easy, labor the most glorious!


  早晨,我们来到了集合地点领到了报纸,然后就开始了卖报活动。我们三三两两地到公园里去卖报纸。忽然,我看见了一位叔叔,于是我跑过去说:“叔叔您好!买份爱心报吧,学雷锋献爱心的,一元一份。”可是叔叔没理我,我心里有点小难受。接着我又开始寻找下一位爱心者。我又看见了一位阿姨,我立刻跑上前去说:“阿姨您好!卖一份爱心报吧,学雷锋献爱心,一元一份。”于是阿姨买了我一份爱心报,给了我一元钱。这时,我心里无比的开心。比吃了蜜还甜。接着,两份、三份、四份、五份一会全都卖完了。我激动地跑到领报处说:“我五份全卖完了。”阿姨竖起大拇指说: “你太棒了。”我心里暗暗自乐。




  "51" arrived, our whole family went to the forest park.

  Came to the forest park, wow! The scenery here is really beautiful! White clouds in the sky fast moving, both a lovely small white rabbit, each for a little while to become a magnificent white horse, horse horse into strips and lively little fish in a moment. A breeze blowing, "sasha vujacic" trees whisper, like the tree mother to the birds sing a lullaby. Roadside flowers hiding among the leaves, like a shy little girl. The grass and hopping swing, interesting! Flowers, a group of butterflies in the dance, they spread pollen, some play in the flowers, and the rest on the flower! The distant mountains, mountain green, mountain green, mountain, mountain light, like a beautiful landscape painting. It is so beautiful... , dad suggested, "let's go to see a waterfall hill!" "Good!" My mother and I replied in unison.

  I'm glad to run in front, and mouth singing, a bouncing through between the winding mountain road. Hands full of wild flowers, roadside picked back urged the mom and dad come on from time to time. A moment later, we climbed to the top of the mountain, my father, my mother was too tired to sit organ pavilion to have a rest. Saw the beautiful waterfalls, I also don't feel a bit tired, it reminds me of my written by li bai poem: plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days. In the evening, father, mother and I just unwilling to leave the forest park. The play makes me a lifetime.



  我高兴地跑在最前面,嘴里唱着歌,一蹦一跳地穿行在弯弯曲曲的山路间。手里摘满了路边的野花,时不时地回头催促爸爸、妈妈快点。不一会儿,我们就爬上了山顶,爸爸、妈妈累得坐在观瀑亭休息。看见了美丽的瀑布,我一点也不觉累,这使我想起李白写的诗句:飞流直下三千尺台,疑是银河落九天。傍晚,我和爸爸、妈妈才依依不舍的离开了森林公园。 这次的游玩使我终身难忘。










