
发布时间:2017-06-08 编辑:支文洁



  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, across the country are celebrating Dragon Boat Festival, to commemorate qu yuan.

  In the early morning, grandma couldn't wait the way to the vegetable market when I come back hand carrying a big bag of small bag. What I asked grandma is going to do this, grandma without thinking of answer: "eat bread barrel of course!" Out of curiosity, I stood watching her grandma do eat bread barrel process. Grandma put flour and water, then stir evenly, 35 minutes into a dough. Find out a small dough paste in the pan, I became a thin crust. After crust is ready, and then of course we have to do the bread barrel filling. First of all, the grandmother took out several eggs out of the basket to play together, and then like do crust the egg mixture into a round shape, and then on board the eggs cut into long thin article. The following is the Fried noodles and potatoes. Grandma's exceptionally good craft, at the time of Fried noodles I couldn't help drooling. Mother saw me so like, every dish is a bit left out, I have a full belly. So, grandma after doing this dish, began to busy other dishes until noon finished all the food.

  At half past eleven, grandma finally began to do eat bread barrel, from each in the poon choi set a order to on top of the crust, the crust supports full bilge full bilge. Grandma did a lot of, my parents and I all very like to eat, get rid of the four or five.

  My favorite festival, can have a holiday also can eat delicious food. I like eating bread barrel, begged grandma in the evening continue to do for me, my grandma said that night and dumplings waiting for everybody to eat together. Today not only taste delicious food bread barrel, also know the method of making the bread barrel. Dragon Boat Festival is really a meaningful.


  一大早,奶奶就迫不及待的往菜市场赶去,回来的时候手上提着大袋小袋。我问奶奶这是准备做什么,奶奶不假思索的回答:“当然是食饼筒啦!”出于好奇,我就站在旁边观看起了奶奶做食饼筒的过程。 奶奶先把粉和上水,然后不停的搅均匀,三五分钟就成了一个面团。揪出一小团的面团糊在平底锅上,就成了一张薄薄的饼皮。饼皮好了之后,接下来当然是做饼筒的馅料了。首先,奶奶从篮子里拿出了好几个鸡蛋打在一起,然后就像做饼皮一样把蛋糊成圆形的,然后放在案板上把蛋切成了长细的条。接下来就是炒面和土豆丝了。奶奶的手艺特别好,在炒面的时候我都忍不住流口水。妈妈看见我这么喜欢,把每个菜都留了一点出来,我吃了个饱肚。就这样, 奶奶做完这个菜后又开始忙活别的菜,直到中午才吵完所有的菜。


  我最喜欢过节日了,既能放假还能吃到美味的食物。我很喜欢吃食饼筒,央求奶奶晚上还继续做给我吃,奶奶说晚上还有粽子等着大家一起吃呢。 今天不仅尝到了美味的食饼筒,还知道了食饼筒的制作方法。真是一个有意义的端午节。


  The fifth is the annual traditional festival/the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great ancient poet qu yuan. All those places in preparation for this happy festival, everywhere permeated with thick festal atmosphere. In the Dragon Boat Festival in our house that was both enrich and warm oh!

  Remember the Dragon Boat Festival this year, our family atmosphere everywhere permeated with joy. The Dragon Boat Festival that day, our whole family to discuss the coming this year? At this moment, my mind one track-minded "sou" suddenly jump out, to do a package rice dumplings competition, to start, I hurriedly brought in all the relatives and friends to participate in the contest of package rice dumplings. Is everyone went busy package rice dumplings. All of a sudden, I looked up, and the brown is not broken, just can't wrap. Alas, how can be the winner? Suddenly, a thought in my head a flash, why I didn't do a heart-shaped rice dumplings? I put the leaf into heart, and then put the glutinous rice and meat inside, round brown leaves, with a rope, and such a heart-shaped rice dumplings done.

  Watching everyone coming package rice dumplings, I don't think I'm the heart-shaped rice dumplings are very special. Then carefully put them into the pot, not and in a short while, the delicious rice dumplings came out, everyone scrambled to rob their own achievements, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is a special and happy!













