歌词:How could an angel break my hear

时间:2021-03-22 09:52:53 歌词 我要投稿

歌词:How could an angel break my hear

  Toni Braxton是90年代最受欢迎的`R&B女歌手之一,她同时也是成功的商业歌手。她能够迎合各大阵营的口味:对R&B听众来说她的声音够骚灵,在现代成人乐上够柔和;对成年人来说够老练,对年轻一代则够撩人;能够抚慰女性受伤的心灵,同时也让男人消魂。依靠着这些特质,Toni接二连三地获得千万销量的肯定,当然随之而来的是一连串排行佳作,Un-break My Heart(别让我伤心)便是其中之一,被评为摇滚时代逗留时间最长的流行冠军单曲。

歌词:How could an angel break my hear


  I heard he sang a lullaby

  I heard he sang it from his heart

  When I found out thought I would die

  Because that lullaby was mine

  I heard he sealed it with a kiss

  He gently kissed her cherry lips

  I found that so hard to believe

  Because his kiss belonged to me

  How could an angel break my heart

  Why didn't he catch my falling star

  I wish I didn't wish so hard

  Maybe I wished our love apart

  How could an angel break my heart

  I heard here face was white as rain

  Soft as a rose that blooms in may

  He keeps her picture in a frame

  And when he sleeps he calls her name

  I wonder if she makes him smile

  The way he used to smile at me

  I hope she doesn't make him laugh

  Because his laugh belongs to me

  How could an angel break my heart

  Why didn't he catch my falling star

  I wish I didn't wish so hard

  Maybe I wished our love apart

  How could an angel break my heart

  Oh my soul is dying it's crying

  I'm trying to understand

  Please help me

  How could an angel break my heart

  Why didn't he catch my falling star

  I wish I didn't wish so hard

  Maybe I wished our love apart

  How could an angel break my heart

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