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  Lessn 103教学设计方案


  Teaching bectives:

  Grasp the different tpes f sentences and grasp se wrds.

  Language fcus:

  1. Different tpes f sentences

  1) siple sentences.

  2) cpund sentence: It cnsists f tw r re siple sentences.

  3) cplex sentence: It cnsists f a principal clause and ne r re subrdinate clauses.

  2. Useful expressins

  l)see...ding sth. 2)b the wa 3)few, a few 4)little, a little 5)either 6)neither

  Prperties: Overhead prectr, se pictures

  Teaching prcedures:

  Step 1 Revisin

  1. Dictate se wrds: trip, pleasant, iceberg, hle, sin, lifebat, shut, arried, thanful, in

  2. Retell the str Miss Evans in Lessn 102

  Step 2 Leading-in

  Saing Have u seen the fil Titanic? D u thin it was a ver gd fil? What ther fils d u lie? Can u tal abut it?


  Students are encuraged t give their answers.

  Step 3 Read and sa

  First get the students t l at the picture, guess what the dialgue is abut. Then the read it and chec the answer.

  Pla the tape fr the students t listen, and answer: Which fil des Linda lies best? (Titanic)

  Get the students t tal abut the fils entined in the dialgue. Here are se questins t help:

  1. Have u seen r heard f these fils?

  2. What were the stries?

  3. What d u thin f the actrs and actresses?

  4. What d u lie st abut these fils?

  5. D u nw the Chinese naes f the?

  Explain language pints:

  1. It’s hard t sa … 2. b the wa


  If tie perits, get the students t tal abut their favurite fils r fil stars.

  Step 4 Learn

  First g ver the graar nte n page 159 with the students.

  Explain the tapes f sentences.

  Have the students d this part individuall and chec the answers with the whle class.

  Then d Wrb Exercise 1 in class. Chec the answers.

  Step 5 Practice

  First Explain the eaning f these wrds “few, a few, little, a little and the different usage between few and little. Explain the eaning either …r, neither … nr.

  1) Few is used with cuntable nuns whereas little is used with uncuntable nuns.

  2) A few is psitive and eans “a sall nuber but nt a lt”. Few is negative and eans nt an. A little is psitive and eans “se, but nt a lt”. Little is negative and eans nt uch.

  es, I d nw a few wrds f French.

  Frtunatel he still had a little ne.

  3) neither. . . nr. . . used when tw states. facts, actins, etc. are entined and bth are nt true r nt pssible.

  He is neither handse nr sart.

  4) either eans ne r the ther f tw things r peple .

  either. . . r. . .

  Either T r ac will g there.

  either eans “als (but nl in negatives)”.

  —I can’t swi.

  —I can’t, either.

  Then get the students t fill in the blans with prper wrds fr the bx n page 58. Then chec the answers.

  D Wrb Exercise 2.

  Step 6 Exercises in class

  Fill in the blans with “either” “neither” “(a) few” and “(a) little”.

  1. Sall desn’t lie sating, his bfriend desn’t. ________.

  2. We dn’t have t g t the superaret tda, there are still _________ eggs left.

  3. I have t brrw se ne, because I have ver_________ self.

  4. I dn’t need an re il, there is still _________ in the glass.

  5. He has _________ friends, but ________ f the are helpful.

  6. I lie _________ f these tw fils, the are bth quite bring.

  es: 1. either 2. a few 3. little 4. a little 5. a few, few 6. neither

  What tpes f sentences are the?

  1. He ased her an interesting questin.

  2. He nced at the dr again and again, but there was n answer.

  3. I’ll tell u wh I ased u t ce.

  4. The girl lies ging t schl because she lies the classates.


  1. siple sentence 2. cpund sentence 3. cplex sentence( bect clause) 4. cplex sentence (adverbial clause)

  Step 7 Hewr

  1. Write a shrt passage t intrduce a fil (the str, actrs, actress, usic, etc.)

  2. D exercises n page 129.

  3. Finish ff the wrb exercises.

  Writing n blacbard

Lessn 103

1. Discussin

(1)Have u seen r heard f these fils?

(2) What were the stries?

(3) What d u thin f the actrs and actresses?

(4) What d u lie st abut these fils?

(5) D u nw the Chinese naes f the?

2. Write ut what tpes f sentences these are.

(1) There was a ver big hle in the ship and water began t ce inside.

(2) One afternn in April 1912, a new ship set ff fr England t Aerica n its first trip.

(3) It's hard t sa because I lie an fils.

(4) D u nw hw an peple lst their lives?

(5) On Septeber 1,1985, peple fund the ship 4,000 etres under the sea.

3. Discuss the usage f the fllwing.

few, little, either, either. . .r, neither, neither. . .nr









