《Raising Mne》英语教案

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《Raising Mne》英语教案

  Unit 5 Buing and Selling lessn 25 Raising Mne

《Raising Mne》英语教案

  Learning ais:

  1. Learn the new wrds and expressins.

  2. nw sething abut prduct.

  Learning iprtant pints:

  1. The new wrds and expressins.

  2. Hw t retell the dialgue?

  Learning difficult pints:

  Hw t retell the dialgue.

  Learning ethd:

  Listen, sa, read and write

  Learning instruents:

  cards, prectr

  Learning steps:

  Step 1. Leading-in

  We live in the wrld. Ever da we need ne t bu sething. But we are all students, we have n ne. Hw will we ae ne? Nw let’s learn Lessn25. Then find ut what will enn, Dann and Brian d?

  Step 2. Read it quicl and answer the questins

  1. Hw uch des each plaer need t pa?

  2. What will Brian d?

  Then chec the answers.

  Step 3. Ce t “Thin Abut It”

  1. D u alwas carr ne in ur pcet?

  2. What wuld u d if ur fund fift uan?

  3. Wh d enn, Dann and Brian need ne?

  Step 4. Listen t the text and pa attentin t ur prnunciatin

  Step 5. D exercises in class

  Step 6. Hewr

  1. Thin f re was t help the tea ae ne.

  2. Write se advertising fr their prducts.

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