英语一年级下册Food and drinkLesson 1教案

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北师大版英语一年级下册Food and drinkLesson 1教案


北师大版英语一年级下册Food and drinkLesson 1教案

  Unit 9 Fook and drink Lesson 1

  教学目标 :

  1.Can listen ead and say the vocabulary:hambulary,french fries,pizza,chickin,juice,milk, icecream,rice,noodles.

  2.To get the drills:What do you like?I like.....

  教学目标的检测途径 1.把图片、单词打乱顺序认读。2.听老师说,画出老师所说的食物。


  听说读french fries,pizza,chickin,juice,milk, icecream,rice,noodles.


  french fries和rice的认读

  突破教学难点的`方法 1.通过谐音让学生记得本课时的单词读音。2. 以课文联系实际,让学生说说自己喜欢的食物,以情景引出教学内容。




  一、warm -up

  1. Let’s chant. An apple for you.

  2.Ask to say according my actions. (Review the words about shapes.)


  1.T: Show a mask of Ann. Today is Ann’s birthday. Let’s sing the birthday song to her. Ss:Sing the song. “Happy birthday” T:Ann is happy. She hold a party for all her friends. There are many foods and drink.Read the title: “ Unit 9 Food and drink”

  2.See the pictures..Show pictures of foods and drink to students.

  T: What do you like?Learn the new words"Hamburgers" and do actions. T: What do you like?

  T: Hamburgers for you.

  Ss:A hamburger for you. A hamburger for me? Elicit: I like?

  S: I like hamburgers/chicken/noodles/French fries. Pair work: What do you like? I like?

  3.T:What about some Friench fries?呈现Friench fries.

  S::Friench fries is yellow.板书教说

  4.T:Is the juice yelloow?呈现juice,

  S:Drink some juice.板书教说

  5.由Drink some juice.引出S:Drink some milk.板书教说。

  Pair work:What do you like?I like.....


  全班问老师:What do you like?

  T: I don't like westen food ,I like Chinese food:PPT呈现,并且逐一介绍,让学生明白Western Food ,和Chinese food之间的区别,学习rice,noodles.了解其他的中国食品例如饺子,汤丸,粽子。

  7.T:I'm thirsty. What can I drink??呈现milk,S:Drink some milk.板书教说。

  由Drink some milk.学生说说自己知道的牛奶品牌:Guangming Milk.

  8.呈现Ice cream,S:Eat the ice cream.板书教说。

  由Eat the ice cream.学生说说I like to eat the ice cream1,2...... . 9.呈现pizza,让学生明白这是意大利菜,板书,教说。呈现chicken,让学生明白这是中西皆有的菜系,板书,教说 Pair work:What do you like?I like.....

  三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

  1.Chant:A hamburger for you. A hamburger for me?Listen to the tape and read after it.

  2.Point and say.Touching gameUse their cards, one student says the words, the other student touches the right pictures.

  3.Gane :谁是大胃王?看图片,看谁说的单词多,抢到的食物多。

  4.Draw some pictures.


  1.Listen to the tape and read after it.





  What do you like?

  I like..... hambulary,french fries,pizza, chickin,juice,milk, icecream,rice,noodles.

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