
时间:2022-11-11 17:17:22 演讲稿 我要投稿





  good morning,everyone!it's a great pleasure to stand here to share my own story with you.

  what's the most important event in your life?different people may have different answers.and i have gotten my answer these days----that is coming to wuyi university where my life has great changes,in other words,the university life has brought many "first times" to me----the new experience.

  when i was at high school,i was told that the university life was wonderful,full of freedom and chanllenges,so i was really looking forward to my own life in university,dreaming of the beautiful campus,interesting courses and all kinds of activities.

  however, when it really came to me,it's a different story at the beginning.i took my first step into the campus with disappointment,beacause the buildings look too old and drad.i still remember the day when daddy drove me here and i was unwiling to get out of the car and say goodbye to him.on the way to jiangmen,i hope if only the car slowed down or the road was longer.

  there's no doubt that as a freshman i couldn't adapt myself to the new life here due to the differences between university life and high school life,in particular the one dependent like me.once i was at a boarding school,however,living in the university is not the same as before,you know,it's the first time for me to be so far away from home.i felt homesick and even a little afraid,and i phoned mummy and daddy almost every day.what's more,at home mummy and daddy do everything for me,because i am a child forever in their eyes,so they always protect me from being hurted.but now i have to learn to be independent and do everything by myself.

  as time goes by,i have met new friends who make me feel at ease on campus.gradually,i have managed to adjust myself to the life here,furthermore,i've learnt a lot from university life.being far away from home,i get to realize how deeply i love my family and how deeply they love me.even though they're not around me here in jiangmen,i was able to take good care of myself;i can wash my clothes by my own hands;i can put away my things by myself;i can go shopping with my roommates.

  now i am a member of the environmental protection association of wuyi university,where i've gotten a lot of opportunities to train myself and broaden my mind,such as working out the function plan and giving others a lesson on environnmental protection,and all of these are meaningful.when i make every effort to work on one thing,finally i make it,and the feeling is really good.i got my first part-time job last sunday.you can imagine how exciting i was when i got my paid after hours' work.now i understand the old saying''no pain,no gain.""if you think you can,you can!"

  in conclusion,coming to wuyi university let me know who i am and how to really grow up and be independent.everyone can do the best!so my dear friends,let's cherish our opportunities to study here and enjoy our school life.thank you!


  Some people say that youth is a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.

  80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.

  Today, "54" Sports as a glorious page has been included in the annals of the Chinese nation. However, "54" is much more than just a historical case, it is a spirit, to show young people of our nation fiery love for the future and destiny of the country concerned about the performance of duty and mission of young people.

  Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the "54" the spirit of thinking seriously, and they should have a kind of youth, what kind of life. Recall that the initial start Know "54" is a history lesson from the primary and secondary schools began. At that time, the teacher talked about "54" exercise, to us, on the imperialist powers of the various Chinese bullying on young people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat. At that time, although we still can not fully understand one of the profound truth, but like a ray of hope to illuminate the wilderness of ignorance, our young minds have sown the seeds of patriotism. Gradually, we grew up, we become their prime of youth, we more deeply understand the traditions and spirit of 54. Think of us once and almost 54 young people it big! They already provide us with the tender shoulders of a salvation from the task, and today the important task of the construction of the motherland will have no choice but to fall on our shoulders of the people of this generation, we should be even more prosperous homeland and dedication of us all?

  Ah yes, we do not small, we should not stop at Forever Parent generous shelter sheltered under the wings. May 4 this year, we will take part in the swearing-in ceremony for adults. That means we will have the same father who together put up a blue sky.

  Elders often say that we are people of this generation tank foam honey baby, with less sense of urgency, and less sense of responsibility. Indeed, compared with them, our lives more comfortable, more comfortable. But this does not mean that we can relax his efforts to reduce the duty on the shoulders.

  People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great. Subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. Army horse倥偬era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. After new China was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people Subei diligence and wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. Speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. However, we should also see that here with the motherland when compared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. Us, as Subei youth, first of all should feel what? Calligonum duty, duty should be felt. "Health is my land, take care of me are this piece of land." We loved this piece of land at the foot. We have to assume the construction of homeland, prosperous homeland responsibility.

  In my homeland, there is a father with my peers. He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man. Him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output. When his research has made the preliminary results, the cancer again and again to hit him. He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home. Tireless efforts, he produced the fine varieties have been promoted by the popularity of plant technology, grain output increased peasant hands welcome such agricultural Members. Put him as the "Agricultural Iron Man." He is our example of good old youth. Last year, his swearing-in ceremony of young adults in our city on earnestly warned us, for the old economy to take off, it is necessary to study hard and master the scientific and cultural knowledge, based on their own, holding a heart, the non-semi-root grass go! We remember the iron man, we be aware of her own duty, our Yanfu old youth who will try our best.

  Yes, our duty on the shoulders of every youth, if we look to the new century, the entire nation, and the construction of homeland, we will not shrink.

  Li Dazhao had at "their youth," one paper wrote: "burst the shackles of history, wash away the history of Tourette's plot, the new national life, to restore the nation's crisis." Although we have today without the face of lost territory, subject to war without smoke, but The task before us arduous same. We should strive to become Luxun described as "the creation of human history there has never been on the third generation." " dared not country" the world as, youth blood Xian homeland, tenacious efforts and selfless dedication for the prosperity of the motherland and contribute their wisdom and strength of all. Today, we are filled with people of talent, and tomorrow are the pillars of society, it is necessary to set off waves of Chinese take-off.












  we deep in the years to write a glorious. In global view shows choice of the Chinese road of national rejuvenation; concentrated panorama in history."

  Around the millennium change, eventful years, Chinese new century, great turning point, span, the future of six theme, reflects China's great achievements since 1840,

  arduous and tortuous road of revitalization of the nation and the Chinese people made in China under the leadership of the Communist party. The "shock" "excited" tears ""……

  This is my watch, taste right is felt when discourse. Process of reading and rejuvenation of the great,

  I reviewed the history of the Chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and unremitting exploration. Full and accurate historical data, magnificent momentum, a language, a precious historical pictures,

  shows a picture of the world national revival.



  i hope i can make a good performance today. i#39;m confident that i can succeed.


  now i will introduce myself briefly.


  i am kongxiaoyuan , i come from qinghai where zhe most beaultful qinghai lies.


  i am a shy boy , so i do not speak frequently to others, but that does not mean i don not want to communicate with you .i like making friends very much.


  the topic i am going to present to you today is “too many days at a time.”

  今天我演讲的题目是 做好今天

  if you would like to listen carefully,


  you will find that what i am going to say is something that everybody should really think about.


  so everybody please put on your listening ears.


  there are two days in every week about which we should not worry. two days which should be kept free from fear and worries.


  one of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.

  一天是 昨天,充满错误、压力、痛苦的昨天。

  yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.


  all the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. we cannot undo a single act we performed. we cannot erase a single word we said.


  yesterday is gone!!


  the other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible misfortunes, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance.


  tomorrow is beyond our immediate control.


  tomorrow#39;s sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. but it will rise.


  we must always keep a positive mind.


  however , today is the tomorrow i set goals for yesterday.



  so boys and girls, my message to you is short and simple: just do it well today! today! today! today!


  thank you , everybody and wish you all the best!



  Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “Life”. I hope you will like it ,

  Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a true man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

  Once my teacher said :” You are not common, you are unique; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kied, friendshipand love will perfection and happy in the future.

  How to say futureMaybe its a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.


  But Holmes understood as we should by now as well that a tolerant society is necessary for the purposes of seeking the truth, that this is produced through an act of collective commitment to live according to its values and that this requires constant vigilance and persistent reassertion of those values, yet we often lapse.

  Unsurprisingly then, history provides countless illustrations of these ideas colliding with people in government who felt threatened by the current of their time and chose to be hostile to the imagination and enamored of their own power and belief.

  At the end of the first world war, western civilization had lost its way and the political and economic divisions were unraveling the status quo. Fears of Russia and the spread of communism and socialism along with growing unrest among labor give rise to fear and panic among those who wished to preserve the world as it was.

  All these forces of instability, in turn, escalated into repression, censorship and the scapegoating of marginal populations, of radicals, dissenters, nonconformance, foreigner and immigrants. The leader of the American socialist party Eugene Debs was imprisoned for delivering a speech.

  Today, a century later, a new threat to our core values has emerged, around the world and in this country. The rise of authoritarianism often in the guys of democratically elected despots has become the defining feature of modern life. The tactics, unfortunately, are age-old and time tests.

  There must be an in-group, conceived around religious ethnic, racial or nationalistic lines and an outgroup. Typically, foreigners, immigrants, elites, or an opposing party.


  Good morning, everyone! My name is Liu Meng. I’m from Class 7, Grade 7. Today, I’ll tell you something about the best way to learn foreign languages.

  In schools boys and girls are learning foreign languages. English is one of the most important languages because so many people use it, not only in England and America, but also in other countries of the world. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it. Millions of boys and girls at school are trying to do it.

  Which is the best way to learn a language? We know that we all learnt our own language well when we were children. If we learn a second language in the same way and it won’t be so difficult. How does a small child do? It listens to what people say, and he tries to guess what he hears. When he wants something, he has to ask for it. He is using the language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time. If people use a second language all the time, they will learn it quickly.

  In school, you learn to read, to write, to hear and to speak. It is best to learn all new words through the ear. You can read them, spell them and write them later.

  That’s all. Thank you.


  I Agree or not agree: the next twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more.

  I don't think so. printed books won't be abandoned in such a short time. I admit that new technology is developing fast. Many advanced electronic products are gradually take the place of traditional tools. Just like in university, teachers like to use multimedia in class for it is quite convenient and efficient. However, for our student, it is not realistic to study completely by electronic products.

  There are many things need to recorded on books. Books are something meaningful and practical. I should say, in our country, printed books wouldn't be abandoned within 20 years at least for two reasons. Firstly, books are classical container of knowledge. They accompany human to advance. A student without books could be someway ridiculous. Secondly, our country haven't developed so strong to make every student study by computer or other forms of electronic tools. And even after 20 years, the possibility is also very small. I also think it is unnecessary because books are cheap but useful and still meaningful.


  The ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. The ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He must never teach anything he himself is not interested in.

  HE should be a bit of anactor and he should not be afraid t express his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. He must like his students and respect them. But he must also respect himself and take pride in his work.

  Otherwise, he cannot respect his students and win respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an understanding of his students and be able tp relate to them. HE needs students’ understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and he should motivate his students to seek knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences.

  He must know how to encourage the self-development and growth of each of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students. So what about the teachers around you?


  Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference.

  Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of complaining. In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.


  I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida.

  As I’m sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect. Thousands of Americans students and professors have come here to study and teach. We feel a special kinship with you.

  I am, however, grateful that this day is different in one important respect from another important occasion 79 years ago. In June of 1919, the first president of Yenching University, John Leighton Stuart, was set to deliver the very first commencement address on these very grounds. At the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. They were all out leading the May 4th Movement for China’s political and cultural renewal. When I read this, I hoped that when I walked into the auditorium today, someone would be sitting here. And I thank you for being here, very much.

  Over the last 100 years, this university has grown to more than 20,000 students. Your graduates are spread throughout China and around the world. You have built the largest university library in all of Asia. Last year, 20 percent of your graduates went abroad to study, including half of your math and science majors. And in this anniversary year, more than a million people in China, Asia, and beyond have logged on to your web site. At the dawn of a new century, this university is leading China into the future.

  I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.

  The American people deeply admire China for its thousands of years of contributions to culture and religion, to philosophy and the arts, to science and technology. We remember well our strong partnership in World War II. Now we see China at a moment in history when your glorious past is matched by your present sweeping transformation and the even greater promise of your future.

  Just three decades ago, China was virtually shut off from the world. Now, China is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations -- enterprises that affect everything from air travel to agricultural development. You have opened your nation to trade and investment on a large scale. Today, 40,000 young Chinese study in the United States, with hundreds of thousands more learning in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.

  Your social and economic transformation has been even more remarkable, moving from a closed command economic system to a driving, increasingly market-based and driven economy, generating two decades of unprecedented growth, giving people greater freedom to travel within and outside China, to vote in village elections, to own a home, choose a job, attend a better school. As a result you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty. Per capita income has more than doubled in the last decade. Most Chinese people are leading lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.

  Of course, these changes have also brought disruptions in settled patterns of life and work, and have imposed enormous strains on your environment. Once every urban Chinese was guaranteed employment in a state enterprise. Now you must compete in a job market. Once a Chinese worker had only to meet the demands of a central planner in Beijing. Now the global economy means all must match the quality and creativity of the rest of the world. For those who lack the right training and skills and support, this new world can be daunting.

  In the short-term, good, hardworking people -- some, at least will find themselves unemployed. And, as all of you can see, there have been enormous environmental and economic and health care costs to the development pattern and the energy use pattern of the last 20 years -- from air pollution to deforestation to acid rain and water shortage.

  In the face of these challenges new systems of training and social security will have to be devised, and new environmental policies and technologies will have to be introduced with the goal of growing your economy while improving the environment. Everything I know about the intelligence, the ingenuity, the enterprise of the Chinese people and everything I have heard these last few days in my discussions with President Jiang, Prime Minister Zhu and others give me confidence that you will succeed.


  dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character.

  as teachers and our students, the most important gratitude is a school. schools to give us a big growth stage of life: bright and spacious classrooms, new desks and chairs, air-conditioned and well-being, as well as multi-media facilities, has provided us with an attractive learning environment. read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour; flat beautiful big playground, provided us with a good place for the exercise, and pottery room, computer room, dance room, multi-purpose hall, and so on, no school is not out of devotion to our selfless love! however, in these beautiful places, often with some notes of discord.

  read books in one room, some students read the book, abandonment, i do not know the original release, there is more tear, using the phenomenon of the book; when the red and green and white artificial big playground to open it selfless embrace, and some of the scenes of discord hurt our eyes: a wide range of confetti, colorfu

  l tang zhi, and scattered in all corners of the shell seeds, chewing gum, etc. the list goes on of these!

  students, please put your hand on his chest ask ourselves: "i do a thanksgiving school?

  students, let us now work together, with their good health habits to school thanksgiving, thanksgiving, so that the flowers on campus and open more beautiful.












  The topic of my speech today is“thoughts>Thankyou for listening.


  The topic of my speech todayis “Thoughts>

  As a child, I always hoped that Icould grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever Iwanted and do whatever I liked. Now I’m a grown-up, but I findthings do not go as I expected. Although I can enjoy more freedom,at the same time I realize that being a grown-up not>Thank you for yourlistening.


  ladies and gentlemen,

  i have had a lot of teachers in my school who have given me much help in my study. for their help i will never forget them. but today i am going to talk about a special teacher of mine. this teacher is not a human being and its name is“computer”. it has been teaching me a lot of knowledge and i appreciate it very much.

  with the development of modern science and technology, computers are widely used in every teritories including education. how can a computer be my teacher? how does a computer teach me? multimedia helps a lot in this aspect in recent years, and computer-based training has become a popular educational medium . even before the multimedia come up, many different learning systems appeared, using the components and techniques we now associate with the term “multimedia”. multimedia components, such as graphics , animations , sound and video, make the learning process easier through visualization. animations can present many complex subjects dynamically, but human teachers can not do this on blackboards. multimedia makes our study more lively and interesting. for example, a cd-rom disk named “encarta encyclopedia” contains 650 mb information including images, graphics, music clips, video clips, animations , texts, hotwords, and database search functions. fields involved includes physical

  sciences, performance arts, social sciences, politics, military, education and so on. when pressing a button, i can hear american president clinton's speech clip. i may enjoy playing all kinds of musical instruments in the world. i can also see the animation of many physical phenomena. this makes physical concept to be understood deeply . the audio features of multimedia can greatly help me learning foreign languages. with its speech output capabilities, i'm no longer dependent on an instructor for proper pronunciation.

  how can i interact with a computer? there are many ways, including keyboard, mouse pointer, and touch screen. i often use a keyboard. when i press right keys, i can see and hear whatever i want. information world is at my fingertip. i wish that true speech input-output system would be invented one day.

  as teachers, computers have a lot of virtues:they are positive, they have good memories and never lose any information stored in them. they have much knowledge in every field. they can let out all kinds of sounds, and can also improve the efficiency of our study. for example, if i want to, i can skip some chapters so that i can study at my own pace.

  although computers will never take the place of human teachers, they are welcomed by more and more learners. computers will continue to evolve with the aid of modern technologies. computers are so powerful, helpful and important that everybody needs it, especially in the future! i love my computer teacher!

  thank you.


  My career-teacher,

  Different person has different ideas in choosing their work.For me,to be a teacher is my ideal work.Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher.Teacher can teach students various of knowledges,not only teach them how to be good at study,but also how to be a good person.A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road,avoiding makeing mistakes.In a word,To be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society.In order to become a teacher in future,I'll study hard now and accumulate all kinds of knowledges to be prepare for future,Especially,I should be more excellent and have more merits.Because a teacher is the model of his students.

  A teacher helps kids learn to write small.A teacher takes us outside to play.Don't talk back to the teacher.Teachers do not like pink slips.Teachers will get mad if somebody is being bad.A teacher will always love her kids.I think a teacher should be good at explaining things.A teacher should be fun but challenging.A good teacher should be organized.I like a teacher who teaches fun activities in class and not just writing on paper.A teacher should like teaching.

  Teacher teaches us a lot of things.if you have not been taught by teacher,you must be a man who know little knowledge.I think that teacher is a very good job.teacher can learn a lot of things too.many people like this job.









