
时间:2021-01-17 14:57:27 英语演讲稿 我要投稿
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  The classmates:

  How do you do!

  Will never forget, on July 7, 1937, Japanese imperialism to the soldiers missing as an excuse to the Marco Polo bridge incident shocked China and foreign countries, from then on, took to the difficult course of the war of resistance against Japan; Never forget and unequal treaties, made from vast country into a sacrificial sheep. Will not forget that the g8 coalition burning yuanmingyuan, let the world's most majestic building suddenly turned into a scorched earth and rubble. Never forget, how many person, how many revolutionary martyr shed, and blood, with iron will and fearless spirit, with the power of the indomitable spirit and unity is strength over imperialism.

  Things change, wind and rain, the country had a hard time. Shoulder the historical mission of cross-century, unwilling behind our predecessors, and to inherit and carry forward a forerunner to not afraid, open the enclosed forward the enterprising spirit.

  Young xing goodsky, young strong a country is strong. To the requirement of era development, understanding the history and future of the motherland, love the motherland of the great things. The motherland territory, seize by division.

  History written still tireless flipping, called for in the ancient landscape of Renaissance history echoes, the voice of the bold each hot heart to shock. With wisdom and courage to raise the ideal sail! With youth and lifeblood compose before not false to the ancients, worthy of the century ten thousand generation after a new chapter in the history!

  Lu xun once said: the nation since ancient times people with hard work, there is desperately hard dry, people have more of religion, plead for the people of the people -- yes backbone. All the predecessors of salvaging the country and the backbone, heroes of the war of resistance in the spine, and, will be the backbone of national revival in the new century, there are so many back, just can have the revitalization of a day!







