
时间:2021-05-17 09:00:49 母亲节 我要投稿




英文的母亲节作文 篇1

  Parents are like a house that keeps us out of the rain. Although they were drenched, they would not let us get a shower of rain; even though they were scarred, they wouldn't hurt us a little.

  Today is mother's day. I have an idea in my mind: "what can parents do for me? What can I do for them?"

  Just as I was lost in thought, my mother came home suddenly. Looking at her tired look, I decided to wash my mother's feet. I'll bring a pot, pour in hot boiling water, and then use a towel, front end to mother, said to his mother: Mom, are you tired? Let me wash your feet! Mother listened, immediately eyes red, and gently stroked my head with his hand, affectionately said: "children, you sensible, and will help my mother feet.". I am embarrassed to say: "Mom, you have worked hard, and let me do more for you later."! Then, I put her feet into the steaming pot, the hand gently rub her feet. I saw Mother's feet were raw. To see this, I can not help but this is a sour bitter for me! After rubbing my feet, I dry my mother's feet with a towel. Then, I learned how to watch TV, put my mother's feet on my legs, and gently massage. When I looked up at my mother, she had fallen asleep by the bedside, with a contented smile on her face!

  At this time, the moonlight shone into the house, and it shone on me and my mother. It was so warm and so beautiful......

英文的母亲节作文 篇2

  A few days ago, cao told us the story of "the most beautiful and filial children of 20xx". When the family is in trouble, gao yuxin and his mother go to the street to sell barbecue every evening. Shao, a 12-year-old mother of acute myeloid leukemia, took a break from school in Beijing to donate bone marrow to her mother. The stories of these ten filial children have moistened my eyes. I feel a little guilty in my heart. I want to be grateful to my mother.

  Mother's day is coming. I told my mother to cook her a dish. "Is it true?" she said, overjoyed. "Don't underestimate me! I nodded to my mother.

  I first peeled the garlic, I didn't think the small garlic is very stubborn, won't let me easily strip off its coat. My mother came to help, and immediately she was stripped of seven or eight, and I had not finished. "Mom, what are you going to do? "I asked. "Practice makes perfect!" "Mom laughed.

  Then, I follow the instruction at the mother to wash the red amaranth, let me to take off the root of red amaranth, then wash with water, rinse for six or seven times before I reach the state without sand in birdbath, wash dish finally, but I feel waist sour backache.

  Well, it should be easier. I comfort myself. I strike a light first and then pour oil, and then to smash the garlic into the pot, a garlic smells fragrant and come, I tried to smell the nose in the pot, suddenly some splash on my cheek, the pain I keep call, I hurriedly poured red amaranth, quick stir, brittle leaves become soft, originally a pot of delicious dish out, and I was hot sweat.

  Mom took a towel to help me wipe the sweat, I hurriedly put the red amaranth with the chopsticks to let the mother taste, mother nodded: "very fragrant, just a little bit weak." Oh! I forgot to put salt in it. I wish there was a seam for me to get in.

  "Great! This dish has a son's taste, mother likes it very much! "My mother said with a smile on my arm. A small stir fry, let me feel the mother's not easy! Mom, a person who always understands you and CARES about you. "Mom, I love you, happy mother's day!" I send my blessing loudly to my mother, this is my heartfelt heartfelt wishes!

英文的母亲节作文 篇3

  For me, this festival is warm. Because, in this festival, there is one of the most important roles, that is to work hard to cultivate our great mother. This festival belongs to the mother all over the world and the women all over the world. It's mother's day.

  Before this mother's day came, I had already prepared for her to feel her daughter's love for her and repay her in her holiday. So I took the pocket money I had saved and bought some carnations. At the flower shop, I personally chose one of the most beautiful and beautiful flowers for my mother, wrapped the paper with a gift, and then hid the flowers in the closet at home.

  I left it, finally the day. I got up early in the morning, when her mother was still in bed, I quietly dressed, will elaborate carnations on the mother's bed, when she woke up, saw a beam that is full of love, moved to tears, suddenly hugged me and said: "you grew up. And this is the happiest moment of my life, never thought is usually the little princess, you will be so filial." I am glad to bring my mother to the kitchen, let her taste my fruit platter, mother taste it, say, "it's delicious, you just do it for me everyday." It's time for me to play table tennis. I ran to my mother and gave my mother a sweet kiss. My mother hugged me and said, "today, my mother is really happy. This is my sweetest day."

  Mother is our closest relatives, our benefactor, her love for us is selfless, never resentment. Here, I want to thank my mother and thank the mother all over the world.

  Mom, I'm your forever daughter.

英文的母亲节作文 篇4

  Today is mother's day, mother seems to forget the festival, breakfast in the morning, and hurried to work. Since mom doesn't know it's mother's day, then it's a surprise!

  I'm going to help my mother do the housework today and let her be happy when she comes back. I'm looking for dirty clothes, but I don't know what to do. By the way, I will draw a picture of my mother's holiday theme, and give it to my mother. She must like it. I drew it with my heart and drew it at last. I put it in my room, and when my mother comes back, give it to her.

  At night, mother came back from work, and she was as busy as the usual housework and cooking. In the evening we had dinner and sat down to watch TV. I asked my mother, do you know what the festival is today? My mother stretched out his tired body and said he didn't know. I take out my work, put it behind me, and then say to my mother mystical, mama's happy holiday! I took out my work and put it on my mother's desk and ran back to my bedroom. I can't sleep in bed, and I guess my mother's mood. Thinking, I went into a sweet dream.

  When I got up the next morning, my mother smiled and asked me, "daughter, your painting has made progress. Mom likes it very much. You know how to care for your parents at such a young age. I'm very happy." Then my mother hugged me, touched my head and said, "my daughter is really my jacket".

  I know that mother love is great, she has only to give, not to take. In my heart, I was determined to learn to repay my mother's love.










