
时间:2021-01-21 14:08:21 事件类英语作文 我要投稿





  The Spring Festival this year, I have a special dinner is the most pleasant thing.

  At 4:30, grandma reunion dinner you are going to do, I follow my grandma came to the kitchen, I saw in the kitchen is filled with large and small basket and all kinds of dishes, basket and plates containing a wide variety of dishes. Grandma said: "this thing too much, you go to the living room watching TV!" So, I was grandma out of the kitchen.

  I sit idly watching TV in the sitting room, a little later, a savory dish fragrance floated into my nostrils, as soon as I smell I know is I most like to eat to braise in soy sauce pig's tail, suddenly, my saliva kept out, also in the land of cuckoo call, I run to the kitchen in the past, while grandma and grandpa do not pay attention to picked up a piece of, well, throw down in the mouth, the pig tail is sweet! Eat my greasy mouth, I can't help but eat a again, I didn't think was grandpa found, grandpa to grandma said: "look! Look! A mouse eating pig tail!" I embarrassedly ran out of the kitchen.

  Six, the uncle hands with hot food shouted: "dinner!" We quickly sat at the table, such as grandma announced "open seats", I look east, west looked at, the dishes on the table is really good! Molasses have golden black bean, red tomatoes, and green cabbage, yi! How didn't opened the lid and dish, in out of curiosity, I opened the lid and a lifelike carps appeared in front of us, my grandma said: "this is a fish eight-treasure rice pudding." I took one bite, wow! There are red bean! Eating in the mouth sweet and soft. Grandma said: "I bought fish t because I hope the New Year in everyone's life sweet, year after year."

  After dinner, grandpa and grandma to the kitchen to wash the dishes, others go to the living room to see the Spring Festival gala, patiently waiting for the arrival of the New Year's eve.





  六点,舅舅两手端着热腾腾的菜大声喊着:“开饭啰!”我们迅速地围坐在餐桌上,等奶奶宣布“开席”,我东瞧瞧,西望望,桌上的菜可真丰盛啊!有金灿灿的土豆丝、有红彤彤的糖蜜西红柿、还有绿油油的大白菜,咦!怎么还有一道菜没揭开盖子呢,在好奇心的驱使下,我打开盖子,一条活灵活现的鲤鱼出现在我们面前,奶奶说:“这是鱼形八宝饭。”我吃了一口,哇!里面都是豆沙!吃在嘴里甜甜的,软软的。奶奶说:“我买鱼形八宝饭是因为我希望新年中大家的生活甜甜蜜蜜,年年有余。”  晚饭后,爷爷和奶奶到厨房去洗碗,其它人则去客厅看春晚,耐心地等待除夕的到来。









