my dream job英语作文「附翻译」

时间:2021-01-23 14:45:11 初一年级英语作文 我要投稿

关于my dream job英语作文「附翻译」


关于my dream job英语作文「附翻译」


  Ideal is stone, knock out a spark; Ideal is fire, lit out of lights; Ideal is the lamp, illuminates the nocturnal way; Ideal is road, lead you to the dawn. Life is colorful because of the ideal, everyone has his own ideal, my ideal is to be a teacher.

  Teacher is a hard and sacred profession, some people say that; The teacher is a candle, burn yourself, lights others and consumes itself. The teacher is the silkworm, selfless dedication for us; The teacher is hard gardener, nurturing the flowers of the motherland. Teacher is a noble profession, he caught my infinite admiration of love. Since I was young, I desire to be a teacher. That a successful person, that a people admire scientists aren't the teacher of hard training? So I'm firm belief, thinking about my goal.

  If one day, I became a teacher, I will take the students go to the sea of knowledge, to explore the truth of life, I'll take the students to all over the world, let them enjoy the mystery of the world, I will let the students towards Chinese paradise, a sea of mathematics, the world of English. With abundant knowledge to open the children's heart. Let them swim in the sea of knowledge. I will communicate with their heart, don't let them because of the distance, to the teacher, not spit out your true. So I want to study hard, strive to achieve the ideal of the good. Gain experience and knowledge in daily life. Want to know, to realize his ideal is to the effort and sweat, as the saying goes: "where there is a will, there is a way". Perhaps the ideal difficult to achieve, but as long as there is confidence, courage is bound to be successful, I should learn every subject, solid one step at a time to climb up, do a good teacher.

  Looking up at the sky, feet on the ground, buried ideal seeds, constant efforts in the direction of the growth of it, I believe that little seed will become a towering trees. I want to be in the way of life lit the lamp belongs to me.








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