my happiness in life英语作文附翻译

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2022关于my happiness in life英语作文附翻译(通用16篇)

  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编整理的2022关于my happiness in life英语作文附翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

2022关于my happiness in life英语作文附翻译(通用16篇)

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇1

  In the hard days to learn to strong, learn to carefully in the happy days.

  Everyone is eager to happiness, everyone in the feeling of happiness. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific; Happiness sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is happy, is happy, enjoy happiness is a blessing word is happiness, and an understanding is eyes happiness happiness is the feeling of the heart. Happiness is the experience of life.

  I was a bird in the field of happiness of life, eager to fly out to feel lonely, lonely bird, but it won't let me go around the ornament of the precipitation in the lonely, all accompany in my side: the love of the parents, a friend's care, care have brothers and sisters.

  Remember the time when is going to face out elementary school rise junior high school examination of I, the mood is predictably, not because of fear of the exam, but worry about the results. This time, people came out, they told me a lot of truth, is knocked on the door, my heart I am not worried about it, as long as I work hard, don't too care about its weight is not important, at least I overcome myself, finally I beat, some elimination were sad shed tears, my in the mind that contradiction was nowhere to put, waiting for my difficulties like mountain, if I turn over, that is flat, will face is more after the combat effectiveness of the "enemy", and strive to move forward with hope.

  I will overcome, it is thought that I have the backup, because is the power of happiness has inspired me, make me to enhance the courage. Growing up in happiness; Grew up in happiness; Adults in the happiness. Happiness gave me strength; Happiness gave me courage; Happiness gave me encouragement. All this is all from the premise of happiness.






  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇2

  We are children of this age is happy, we are very happy! Some elements of happiness too much, don't know to cherish!

  After watching the above two paragraphs, let me one or two examples about my happy life, happiness in life is to have a teacher in school of love and harmony between the classmate. Fight like a family, together happy learning, happy to play, we all help each other, promote each other, this is our own things, can also big family can do things to please, isn't it? Can also meet many good friends in the campus, the school is such a happy life.

  In addition to school, happy life and happy life at home. My mother is love me and hurt my mother, my mother is also very famous, and to do household chores, and take care of me, how luckily bitter! And my dad? Although he rarely go home, so once a month to come back, but his heart has always been very care about me, love me, I also want to dad every day, wish dad can take time to come and play with me!! My this big family, very warm, the house is small, but in my mind, he has been very beautiful. Because of the "nuclear family" we have this 3, so this time, beautiful.

  Both in life and school life, whether it is bitter, is tired, is sad, is happy, excited, this is our happy life! Again we are contained in the bitter tears and sweat, and our tears. In the tired, wrapped with me a day of hard work. We also has a bitter day in the happy results. Whether success or failure in these, much of our happy life. We share together is happy, when success failure when we share is bitter, but bitter also contain the happiness. This is the beginning of our happiness in life, because we are no longer a child, is a mature older children. Now we know what is called happy,





  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇3

  Happiness exists everywhere. Everyone has different definitions of happiness.幸福存在于每个地方。每个人对幸福的定义都不同。

  Some people think possessing a great deal of money is the secret to happiness, while others feel giving aid to others makes them happy. I approve of the latter.有的人认为拥有大笔钱是幸福的秘诀,而有的人感觉给予别人帮助会让自己感到幸福。我同意后者。

  There are many poor people in our society, and we can contribute some money to charities to help them. When the poor receive our assistance, their lives will be improved. Smiles will appear on their faces, and this is the best reward we can get from helping others. When we see their happy smiles, we will be happy as well.社会中有很多穷人,我们可以捐一些钱到慈善机构帮助他们。当那些穷人得到帮助的时候,他们的生活会得到改善。他们的脸上会充满微笑,这也是我们帮助他们所得到的最好的回报。当我们看到他们快乐的笑容,我们也会感到很幸福。

  So I think that true happiness comes from the heart.所以我认为真正的幸福来自我们的内心。

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇4

  I like to read fairy tales and I have read a lot. In every fairy tale, there will be a good girl and a prince, the good girl always wins the prince’s heart. The happy ending is admitted in the story. I believe that if I keep myself a kind girl, then I will get other people’s love and help.


  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇5

  The Way to Happiness When it comes to the topic of happiness, everybody has his own interpretation. But an inspiring idea goes that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the nature of happiness. Happiness will be achieved only when we show great courage to confront problems and develop the capacity to solve them. There is no denying that we will encounter many problems in our life, but that doesn't mean we are deprived of h happiness. Many people have set great examples for us to follow: Nelson Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in prison, but he was optimistic and finally became successful in fighting against racial segregation. Steve Jobs was abandoned by his biological parents and dropped out of university but still managed to change the world. In our lives, no one is definitely immune to problems, but we may achieve happiness through striving.


  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇6

  For happiness, comedian Fan Wei once had such a wonderful saying: "happiness is when you are hungry, when you see someone holding a bun in his hand, he will be happier than me; when you see someone wearing a padded jacket in the cold, he will be happier than me; when you see someone smiling in the sad, he will be happier than me!" these simple humor, whether you can say that happiness and money are not necessarily linked.


  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇7


  Happiness is skating in the snow, because it is a very happy thing. My partner and I like to paddle lightly in the snow like birds.


  Happiness is catching butterflies in spring. Because butterflies are very beautiful, we will not bear to keep them forever. Sometimes we will catch butterflies together and let them fly in order to watch them dancing in the air.


  Happiness is to eat a delicious buffet, because I can choose any food I like. Candy, seafood, mutton It's so interesting to have everything while eating!


  Happiness is to pick fruits in autumn. There are sweet apples, yellow pears and many fruits. We can feel the joy of harvest.


  Happiness is drinking a cup of sweet water in the desert, because if there is no water, people will die. Water is the source of human life.

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇8


  Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. There is, we believe, some connection between fiscal fitness and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we would like to be rich. Three in four American collegians now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well off financially”. Money matters.


  Well, are rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, being relatively well off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and social contact. But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak”. Once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the first. Even lottery winners and the Forbes’ 100 wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American. Making it big brings temporary joy. But in the long run, wealth is like health: its utter absence can breed misery, but having it doesn’t guarantee happiness.

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇9

  Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.

  I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.

  I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.





  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇10


  Autumn wind slowly caresses my side face, leaving sticky marks on my face. The faint yellow is reflected in the turbulent pool, the clouds are indulged in the too quiet day, the thoughts stay, and the tears stained with dazzling red are now blank in the brain. The disappointment, sadness and pain immersed in the evening will disappear with the light of the dawn


  Since taking office as monitor, I have always believed that I can rule a good class, set an example and fulfill the obligations of the cadres. The constant applause and cheers from my classmates on the stage have built up the confidence in my heart. Last semester, when I was the third largest discipline committee member in the class, I had made up my mind to rectify the bad atmosphere in the class. Everyone believed in my ability, but myself. I always believed until the reality broke everything


  Some time when I raised the flag, I took my class to the designated place. However, the too bad order and the team attracted the angry eyes of the instructor. Within five minutes, the instructor had started to scold: the monitor of class 3, grade 2, how do you manage your class? The deafening sound attracted the attention of all the teachers and students of the school. The brain realized the grief, grievance and all the restless pain. Each eye was like a black hole, swallowing, absorbing and taking away the only courage left in my arms. I looked up, but could not restrain the tears in my eyes. The lost sob turned into a kind of begging. Please release me from the prison of all the negative emotions! The pace has become faltering, with more overlapping responsibilities and more weight of tears.


  At that time, my classmates knew that I was not so perfect. I was willing to admit my ignorance, and I was also willing to stop leading the class as a ruler. Everyone took a step back, not only the sea was wide, but also a win-win situation was achieved.


  Pain will dissipate, but the beauty of memories is endless. I dont care what people look at me after that incident, just because its the sweetest tears; I dont regret it, because its the most worthwhile thing in my life. A sip of astringent tea, bitter, disappeared, leaving only a little bit of sweet lingering in the tip of the tongue. The setting sun makes my cheeks blush, and it also raises something that hasnt risen for a long time

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇11

  What is happiness? Beer and skittles? NO! Happiness is the pleasure of the mind and moved; Is from the heart. Today I learned to cherish the importance of happiness.

  In the countryside, children often walk in the road, especially in remote mountainous areas and hills, multinational bridge - to come to school. School, the children and dark or is for fire, walking in the dark and cold night road home. Their life is not rich, a meal can't be a chicken, fish, duck - only pickles, vegetables, going from home to the cold, hard steamed bread, drink a bowl of porridge. But they still face is permeated with joy, they all will treasure this hard-won, they know how to cherish happiness.

  Children living in big cities. They often sit the car, sat sedan, in this colorful dress popular carrying schoolbag go to school. After school, they pick up the car to send home. Their dinner is very rich, often without beef, chicken, duck, fish, but they are not satisfied, not greasy, first is too meat is too fat. They do not cherish the sight of it all, they was being waited on hand and foot, want not also temper tantrum, never do housework for the family. Compared with rural children, children in the city don't know to cherish, they know when they are born. They asked for more, don't know to cherish the hard-won happiness.

  Now, those of us who live in big cities to rural children learn, learn their industrious, brave, and know how to cherish happiness, cherish all heart!





  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇12


  In the constant emergence and modification of the desire, we are attracted to move forward every day, happiness and confusion coexist, growing up day by day. Many of those big and small wishes are broken like soap bubbles, and some are firmly rooted and sprouted in the body, sublimed into the power of dreams, teaching people to strive to achieve.


  When I was a child, I liked to make wishes. In the new year, I wrote my wishes on a small piece of paper, carefully stuffed it into the wishing bottle, and then opened it a year later to see how many have come true. At that time, I believed that all the good wishes would come true. Growing up, I still love to make wishes. All my wishes come true and always come true by myself.


  I've heard such a saying, wishing is to write a check to the future. It depends on us whether we can cash it or not. The story of seven color flowers is just a fairy tale, and no wish can be easily realized. I think since I have made a check, I will cash it myself.


  I still remember a wish I made, it was the last day of summer vacation in grade five of primary school. I carefully wrote down a line in my diary, then closed it and put it at the bottom of the drawer. I know it's not just a wish, it's a commitment. Every day after that, I went out early and came back late as before. I was very busy reading, and I always had sweet expectations in my heart.


  Until a year later, I stood at the gate of Donghu middle school as I wish, and opened my diary again to see that sentence, which made my dream come true. I smiled. I know that tomorrow there will be more wishes and then more wishes. At that time, it was found that the process of realizing the wish was also beautiful, and whether it was finally realized or not was no longer important.


  It's a new year. Standing on the tail of autumn 2004, many wishes germinate in my heart. The moonlight outside the window is pure as autumn water. Facing the stars, I silently make a wish.


  In fact, wish is sometimes just a path to happiness, it may guide the direction but not necessarily all. So what about being insignificant? Even if the final result is biased from the original intention, it doesn't matter. As long as you think of it, you will smile. Who would say that this is not a dream come true?

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇13

  In my eyes, happiness should be very simple, it does not depend on you how many money? Whether you Jiacaiwanguan, these are not the happiness should be.


  I think for an amputee, happiness, for them, is able to move, to be able to walk.


  So, for me, what is my happiness? To be able to see the good friends are very happy, can help you give advice and suggestions. To become a conscientious worker, (themselves) tohave a sense of responsibility, can meet when things calm down, everything can beconsidered from the overall situation, is able to sympathize with others, to offer, can have loveheart, to forgive, to be tolerant, also to love our enemies, everything is calm, not with hatredmind, this is my idea of happiness, although very small is very ordinary, but, who let Ioriginally is the ordinary people? Ha ha.


  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇14

  I am a small girl and live in an ordinary family.

  I have many friends and we always play together. We talk about everything and share our happiness and sorrow. Though my parents are not rich,they care me all the time.

  When I need them,they will stand by my side. I am so lucky to have the happy life and I am so thankful to it.




  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇15


  Page by page, the calendar of life turns over, there are sad tears, bright vision of tomorrow, there are also mother's love piled up little by little happiness.


  Turning to a page when I was a child, it recorded the heavy breathing of my bicycle. When I was a child, I was not in good health and often fell ill. It became a common thing for me to go to the hospital. It was my father who worked in other places, so taking me to hang up every day after school became my mother's most important task. When going uphill, the heavy breathing of bicycle and mother's breathing are interlaced, but they strike my heart like a hammer, shaking. But, I know I am happy, because sitting on the bicycle, holding the corner of my mother's clothes, I know I hold a warm dependence.


  Turning to a page at the back of the calendar, it records a sad look and a happy smile. When I was 11 or 12 years old, I made a promise to my mother that I would write a diary every day. My mother told me with a smile that she would never break her promise. When she was free, she would check it. However, it was the age of playfulness at that time. In less than a week, diary writing was left out of the sky. That afternoon, when I gave my diary to my mother, I thought that she would scold me severely, but she just gave me a deep look, which was mixed with sadness and a little anger, which made me feel that I was a full bad student, tears were rushing out like a market, and my mother's Bracelet came over and gently hugged me, she was like a breeze The words slipped over my ears: "in the future, you must count your words." I nodded my head as if I were dying Now think about it, I was happy, my mother watered the seeds of my inner integrity.


  When I go home in the evening, I hear my mother gently calling my nickname. Seeing the curling smoke on the roof is the most essential and mellow happiness. Today's calendar records the purest smile my mother and I have ever shown after crossing the spiritual bridge.


  The calendar will also turn over one page, and happiness will be delivered again and again. Turn to a new page, and you will find that this page will record the happiness that your mother has meticulously built for you

  my happiness in life英语作文附翻译 篇16

  Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.

  It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that money is the root of all evil. The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

  So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.


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