
时间:2021-01-14 12:53:15 五年级英语作文 我要投稿





  Thank you, teacher

  Two teachers, in that time you can good?

  The teacher, thank you!

  I don't know in our session of students after graduation, whether you also received a number of good student?

  Remember when I just entered the school, you is our PE teacher. It was not until the fourth grade with ms shen to call us. I miss you now! You are always a kind of way for us, look at your appearance, I always assume your age. You don't like the elderly, but for the appearance of we always like an old man! Not to say you old, I mean you to student's attitude is good, this is the kua you!

  In the third grade in our school can represent the qingpu district to play, it is a glorious thing? You without hesitation chose me and three other people. Now I and "hat head" or a class, this fellow now or monitor! If the next time you see him, you have to at him! O! Digress. Remember that you chose the four of us, also hard to train our. In order to let we can get good rankings in the game, win honor for our school. You see we still small, is not willing to try and practice run. You said: "good training every day, take a loaf of bread, and five yuan!" We and the eldest brother eldest sister with the fifth grade at that time were you this recruit to fix. Hard to practice every day. You now think that the noise can be enough unique!

  Then you also are very concerned about us. Do you remember?

  You ask "if we have a training will bring change to wear underwear". At that time we also felt nothing, now think about it. You really care about us, in order not to let a cold one hot catch a cold, you asked us with underwear, convenient to change. Some are not very care about the students don't think of the teacher.

  You trust to me, let me deeply.

  When team leader to choose, you chose me without hesitation. Poor "hat head" now is the monitor, but it became my teasing his way! Thank you very much teacher, otherwise this cat is always called me "binary" let me very uncomfortable!

  All in all, thank you for the teacher! In you taught time soon, always happy. I won't forget you for my teaching!

















  The teacher's love of pure, is great. You like hard gardener, nurturing the flowers of the motherland. You like a bright sun, feeding is not the result of young trees.

  Teacher, everybody says you are in training the backbone of the motherland, I have to say you are the pillars of the motherland. It is you, prop up the backbone of our generation. The classroom is your home, the platform is your stage, textbooks are the ever-burning lamps of your guides, students is your lovely children. Whenever students for the New Year is coming, you will be welcome, handing the graduate students, you will be a tearful farewell. Imparting knowledge to them, you can make them swim in the sea of knowledge, is you taught them how to be a person, to make them have more contribution to society. You are hard gardener, looking forward to the flower garden, looking forward to the plum fragrance! Small classroom is you taught them how to write his own name, the whole world is you into their hearts. Starting from scratch, from now on, the batch students under your help, jun ma up mercedes-benz.

  Teacher, is you gave me the knowledge, gave me courage to overcome the difficulty. Your love, like the sun warm, warm like spring breeze, like a clear spring is sweet; Your love, more serious than father, more than a mother's love is pure. Your love, the sun is the most selfless, the greatest and most sacred.



  老师,大家都说您是在培养祖国的栋梁,我却要说您就是祖国的栋梁。正是您,支撑起了我们一代人的脊梁。教室是您的家园,讲台是您的舞台,教科书是您领路的明灯,学生就是您可爱的孩子。每当新一年的学生来了,您会拱手欢迎,毕业了的学生您会含泪送别。您把知识传授给了他们,才能使他们在知识的海洋里遨游,是您教给了他们怎样做人,才使他们对社会有更多的贡献。您是辛勤的园丁,盼望着鲜花满园,盼望着桃李芬芳!小小的教室里是您教会了他们怎样写下自己的名字,是您把整个世界溶入了他们的心灵。从零开始,从此出发,一批批学生在你的搀扶下,跨上奔驰的骏 马。

  老师,是您给了我知识,给了我克服困难的勇气。您的爱,像太阳一般温暖,像春风一样的和煦,像清泉一般甘甜;你的爱,比父爱更严峻, 比母爱更纯洁。你的爱,天底下最无私,最伟大,最神圣。









