my happiness in life经典英语作文「带翻译」

时间:2021-01-28 19:12:24 初三年级英语作文 我要投稿

my happiness in life经典英语作文「带翻译」


my happiness in life经典英语作文「带翻译」

  my happiness in life英语作文【篇一】

  What is happiness? Happiness is all around us, the teacher's teaching, parents' care, schoolmate's help, and so on. And I understand happiness is: people are healthy, the air is fresh, no haze days, everyone learn to spread happiness.

  Do you know? Because the environment is destroyed, air, water contamination, newborn congenital heart disease children every year in China there are 150000 people! Have five to seven cases of every one thousand babies. Can do surgery is less than half, however, most of all because the home have no money and give up treatment. Some mountain children, because without a good hospital and the doctor can't treatment. And find out of congenital heart disease is ruthless abandoned by the parents, passed away a little age.

  My heart is also a first child, but I am very happy. Because I love my family, there are so many lives, have good hospitals and doctors. Mom and dad gave me to find the whole southwest best doctor to do surgery, my disease has been completely cured after surgery. The doctor said, as long as the improper athletes, do what all can. Now of I, very healthy and happy! Have love my mom and dad with me, grow up together, and I love the teachers and students can study in such a beautiful campus......... There are many, many, several also countless happiness!




  my happiness in life英语作文【篇二】

  Today early in the morning, I went to the countryside with my father and mother, my grandparents' house for some household chores.

  Once in the village, they saw the grandparents anxiously waiting outside. After a while, our car are a step closer to home, grandma seemed to see us, wrinkles disappear, sorrow gone at once, a brilliant smile, was greeted by a warmly.

  Because grandma physical disability, I helped grandma carefully up, like a fragile treasure, very quiet, slowly. My grandma to thirsty poured a cup of tea, the tea is not cold not hot, warm. My favorite but also specially added a grandma to eat lemon slice. I tasted the taste, sweet and sour, sour and sweet delicious! My hands over the for grandma said: "grandma, you taste, smell?" Grandma tasted one mouthful tea, and smiling said: "don't lose is my granddaughter, tea bubble pops the dalai! I love to drink" to hear the compliment, I smiled shyly.

  And I went to see grandpa, grandpa saw saw wood, each time saw are so demanding, began sweating one drop down, I don't have the heart to see. You're the person I talked to grandpa said: "the body is bad, let I saw!" Grandpa said: "not line not line, your body is small, do not move." "Please! Grandpa." I play the woman said. Grandpa had to say: "we who also not stem, we go home, that's good!" "Yeah" "is really can't stand you this note: monkey!" Grandpa smiled said. After I get home, I give him back rubs, only better.

  Today is a happy day, I understand, give others happiness, oneself to be happy, just like "send person rose, the hand have lingering fragrance".






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