
时间:2021-01-21 17:08:42 英语教案 我要投稿


  18. 定语从句




  关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

  关系副词有:when, where, why等。

  18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句


  1)who, whom, that


  Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语)

  He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)

  2) whose 用指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。例如:

  They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

  Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。

  3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。例如:

  A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.

  农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)

  The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)

  18.2 关系副词引导的定语从句


  1)关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构,因此常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用。例如:

  There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。

  Beijing is the place where(in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地。

  Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?

  2)that代替关系副词,可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和"介+which"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。例如:

  His father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。

  He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which) he lived forty years ago.


  18.3 判断关系代词与关系副词

  方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如:

  This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的村。

  I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。


  (错) This is the mountain village where I visited last year.

  (错) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.

  (对) This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.

  (对) I'll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.

  习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词 where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。

  方法二: 准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关系副词。

  例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

  A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

  例2. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held.

  A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

  答案:例1 D,例2 A

  例1变为肯定句: This museum is ___ you visited a few days ago.

  例2变为肯定句: This is the museum ___ the exhibition was held.

  在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where, that, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,可以省略关系代词,所以应选D。

  而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。

  关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词(who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词 ( where 地点状语,when 时间状语,why 原因状语) 。

  18.4 限制性和非限制性定语从句

  1) 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开。例如:

  This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)

  The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.


  2) 当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。例如:

  Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.


  y house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.


  This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。

  3) 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数。例如:

  He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me.


  Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。


  18.5 介词+关系词



  3)某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。例如:

  This is the house in which I lived two years ago. 这是我两年前住过的房子。

  This is the house where I lived two years ago.

  Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? 还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?

  Do you remember the day when you joined our club?

  18.6 as, which 非限定性定语从句

  由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this或and that。As一般放在句首,which在句中。例如:

  As we know, smoking is harmful to one's health. 如我们所知,吸烟有害健康。

  The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us. 太阳使地球暖起,这对我们人类很重要。


  1)Alice received an invitation from her boss, ___came as a surprise.

  A. it B. that C. which D. he

  答案C. 此为非限定性从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which.,it 和he 都使后句成为句子,两个独立的句子不能单以逗号连接。况且选he句意不通。

  2)The weather turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.

  A. what B. which C. that D. it

  答案B。which可代替句子,用于非限定性定语从句,而what不可。That 不能用于非限定性定语从句,it不为连词,使由逗号连接的两个句子并在一起在英语语法上行不通。

  3)It rained hard yesterday, ____ prevented me from going to the park..

  A. that B. which C. as D. it

  答案B. as 和which在引导非限制性定语从句时,这两个关系代词都指主句所表达的整个意思,且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。但不同之处主要有两点:

  (1)as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可。

  (2) as 代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词;若为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用which.。在本题中,prevent由于是行为动词,所以正确选项应为B。

  as 的用法

  例1. the same…as;such…as 中的as 是一种固定结构, 和……一样……。例如:

  I have got into the same trouble as he (has). 我碰到了跟他一样的麻烦。

  例2. as可引导非限制性从句,常带有'正如'。例如:

  As we know, smoking is harmful to one's health. 如我们所知,吸烟有害健康。

  As is known, smoking is harmful to one's health.


  18.7 先行词和关系词二合一

  1) Whoever spits in public will be punished here. (Whoever 可以用 anyone who 代替)

  2) The parents will use what they have to send their son to technical school.(what 可以用all that代替)

  18.8 what/whatever; that/what; who/whoever

  1)what = the thing which;whatever = anything。例如:

  What you want has been sent here. 你要的动词都送了。

  Whatever you want makes no difference to me. 不管你要什么,跟我没什么关系。

  2) who= the person that whoever= anyone who。例如:

  (错)Who breaks the laill be punished.

  (错)Whoever robbed the bank is not clear.

  (对)Whoever breaks the laill be punished. 王子犯法,与庶民同罪。

  (对)Who robbed the bank is not clear. 谁抢了银行还不清楚。

  3) that 和 what


  I think(that)you will like the stamps. 我想你会喜欢这些邮票的。

  What we need is more practice. 我们需要的是更多的实践。

  18.9 关系代词that 的用法


  a) 引导非限定性定语从句时。例如:

  (错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here.

  b) 介词后不能用。例如:

  We depend on the land from which we get our food. 我们依赖土地获得食物。

  We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.

  2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况

  a) 在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。

  b) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。

  c) 先行词有the only, the very修饰时,只用that。

  d) 先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that。.

  e) 先行词既有人,又有物时。例如:

  All that is needed is a supply of oil. 所需的只是供油问题。

  Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. 那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察。

  高三英语A healthy life教案

  Unit3 A healthy life

  1、abuse v.


  (1)We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.

  (2)All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.

  (3)He greeted me with a stream of abuse,_which made me feel sad.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 滥用 B. 谩骂 C. 虐待;伤害

  (1) A (2) C (3) B

  drug abuse 滥用药品 child abuse 虐待儿童


  (1) 滥用能会给我们的子孙后代(offspring)带可怕的未。

  The abuse of energy will bring our offspring a terrible future.

  (2) 根据最新的法律,家长不允许虐待儿童。

  According to the latest law, parents are not allowed to abuse their children.

  2、ban n. & v. 禁止;取缔;禁令


  (1)From last June, there is a_ban_on offering plastic bags for free in supermarket.


  (2)People are banned_from_smoking in many public places in England.


  ban…from (doing) sth. 禁止(做)某事

  a ban on关于……的禁令

  ban / forbid / prohibit

  ban由于法律或社会压力而禁止,有谴责或不赞成的意思。搭配ban…from (doing) sth.

  forbid较常用。可以是个人,也可以是国家、政府机关作出的规定和准则。搭配forbid sb. to do sth. / forbid doing sth.

  prohibit强调以法律、官方行政手段或规制度的形式加以禁止。搭配prohibit sb. from (doing) sth.

  用ban / forbid / prohibit的适当形式填空

  (1) After the accident, he was banned from driving alone.

  (2) Our school forbids us to bring cell phones to school.

  (3) The law prohibits the tobacco from being sold freely.

  3、due adj. 应付的,到期的,预期的


  (1)Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达。

  (2)The electricity bill is due today.今天该交电费了。

  (3)A great deal of money is due_to you.这些钱应该付给你。

  due to因为……;归因于,归功于

  be due to do sth. 定于某时做某事



  He was fired due to the global financial crisis.


  The summit is due to be held in an African country.

  4、accustomed adj. 习惯的,通常的


  (1)We were_accustomed_to working together.


  (2)Having moved to the northeast of China, I had to accustom_myself_to the dry weather.


  be / become/grow/get accustomed to (doing)sth. 习惯于[=get used to (doing) sth. ]

  accustom oneself to(doing) sth. 使自己习惯于……;养成……的习惯


  (1)She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.

  (2)He took his accustomed seat by the fire.

  (3)I'm not accustomed to getting up so early.



  Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.


  The pants were in their accustomed places.

  5、quit (quit, quit / quitted, quitted) vt.


  (1)I am so tired that I decide to quit next month.

  (2)I had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.

  (3)He quit smoking, and talked something to the person next to him.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 离开 B. 停止 C. 辞职

  (1) C (2) A (3) B

  quit 必须接名词或动名词作宾语。 除此之外,以下动词也有类似用法:suggest; practise; risk; enjoy; escape; admit; advise; allow; appreciate; avoid; deny; mind; miss; permit; consider; forbid; finish; prevent; keep; delay; dislike; imagine。



  The coach stared at the team members and asked them to quit talking.


  The thief has the skill of escaping being caught by policemen.


  I would like you not to mind me writing to you for help.

  6、feel like doing sth. 想要做某事


  (1)I feel_like_drinking a cup of hot tea in the cold winter every evening.


  (2)I feel_like_lying on the bed and listening to the music. 我喜欢躺在床上听歌。

  (3)It feels_like a snake. 这摸上去像是条蛇。

  would like to do sth. 想要做某事

  prefer to do sth. 喜欢做某事

  would rather do…than do 情愿做……而不愿……

  prefer doing (sth. ) to (doing) sth.


  enjoy doing sth. 喜欢 / 乐意做某事



  He feels like a cigarette.


  I would rather finish it until late night than have a rest leaving the work unfinished.

  7、take a risk / risks冒险


  (1)I know that I am taking_a_risk,_but it is all worthwhile.


  (2)He took_the_risk_of losing his own life and saved my life in the cold river.


  at risk冒风险;处于危险中

  at the risk of(doing) sth. 冒……的危险

  risk doing冒险做…… at one's own risk自担风险



  In order to search for the lost child, he risked getting caught in a snowstorm.


  Anyone swimming in this lake is at his own risk.


  The war broke out, and many innocent people were at the risk of losing their lives.

  8、in spite of 不管;尽管


  (1)They kept going in_spite_of their fears.


  (2)In_spite_of the heavy rain, he came on time.


  in spite of=despite=regardless of不管,不顾,尽管;后跟名词、动名词、代词、名词短语等。




  In spite of / Despite / Regardless of what others said, I think he's a very nice person.


  They had a wonderful holiday, in spite of / regardless of / despite the bad weather. / Although the weather was bad, they still had a wonderful holiday.

  9、As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.(P18)




  As is well known,great changes have taken place in China.

  10、When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it_was_time_to quit smoking.(P18)


  It is (high / about) time for sb. to do sth. =It is (high / about) time that sb. did / should do sth. 该某人做某事的时候了。

  It is high time for us to say goodbye. =It is high time that we should say goodbye.



  (1)It_is_high_time the teacher dismissed the class.

  (2)It_was_the_second_time that the teacher had been interrupted.

  (3)It_was_for_the_second_time that the teacher was interrupted.

  (4)By_the_time I got home, they had finished supper.

  (5)There_was_a_time_when_I was often bullied by my classmates.

  (6)The_first_time I met her in Shanghai, I fell in love with her.



  It's Saturday already. It's high time for you to put down your work.


  It's about time that we should plan for our future.


  ( )(3)It's high time that we students ______ even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination is coming nearer.

  A. work B. will work

  C. worked D. have to work

  ( )(4)y train arrives in Shanghai at 10 this morning. By that time the plane I would like to take ______ from there.

  A. is leaving B. will have left

  C. has left D. will leave

  ( )(5)— It's the second time that I ______ to Shanghai.

  — What great changes! It's ten years since I ______ it last time.

  A. have been; left B. had been; left

  C. am; had left D. come; had left

  ( )(6)I thought her nice and honest ______ I met her.

  A. first time B. for the first time

  C. the first time D. by the first time

  ( ) (2010湖南)John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work ______ has made him what he is today.

  A. why B. when

  C. which D. that

  It_is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.(P22)

  D 考查强调句型。题干为强调句型,被强调部分为years of hard work,故选D项。



  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. If you are ________(满足于) with such a small success,you won’t make greater progress.


  2. In order not to be heard by our English teacher,I had to ________(低语)the good news to my deskmate David.


  3. Daniel ________(溜走)out of the classroom through the back door when no one was looking,but he was caught by the headmaster outside.


  4. Hawking is one of the ________(杰出的)scientists in the world,who puts forward the new theory of the black hole.


  5. With Jack ________(指示)me,I had no difficulty in finding the famous singer’s house.


  Ⅱ. 选词填空

  up to now;cut off;pick up;be content with;be badly off

  1. With the electricity ________,all the machines had to stop working.

  答案:cut off

  2. He ________the salary at present,so he’s decided to leave the company.

  答案:isn’t content with

  3. Our junior middle school ________for teachers.

  答案:is badly off

  4. ________,the work has been quite smooth.

  答案:Up to now

  5. I believe things will ________soon.

  答案:pick up

  Ⅲ. 易错模块

  1. No matter how I tried to read it,I just couldn’t make ________of this sentence.

  A. meaning B. thought

  C. sense D. idea

  解析:选C。make sense of理解,明白。句意:不管我怎么努力读,就是不明白这个句子的意思。

  2. y aunt always loses her way when she is out by herself,because she has no ________of direction.

  A. sense B. feeling

  C. touch D. scene

  解析:选A。have no sense of direction是习惯用法,指没有方向感。sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch视/听/嗅/味/触觉。

  3. (2008年高考福建卷)What’s the ________of having a public open space where you can’t eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?

  A. sense B. matter

  C. case D. opinion


  4. I am sure David will be able to find the library-he has a pretty good ________of direction.

  A. idea B. feeling

  C. experience D. sense

  解析:选D。have a sense of. . . “有……感”,句意:我敢肯定戴维能找到图书馆,他有很好的方向感。

  Ⅳ. 语法专练

  本单元语法——v. ing作表语、定语和宾补

  1. (2010年南昌二中月考)On the bank of the river,we found him ________on a beach,with his eyes ________on a kite in the sky.

  A. seated;fixing B. sitting;fixing

  C. seated;being fixed D. sitting;fixed

  解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。第一空用seated或sitting作宾补,第二空处是with复合结构,由fix one’s eyes on sth. 可知应用过去分词fixed。

  2. Her main job is ________the office,which means keeping the diary and filling in everybody’s appointments.

  A. managing B. to be managing

  C. having managed D. managed

  解析:选A。此题考查v. ing作表语。

  3. The plan to be carried out next month needs ________among the members of the Labor Union before ________.

  A. to discuss;carrying out

  B. to be discussed;carried out

  C. discussing;being carried out

  D. discussed;to be carried out


  4. At the airport,a man dressed in a black suit was caught ________on the clean floor.

  A. spit B. spitting

  C. spat D. to spit

  解析:选B。现在分词作主语补足语。catch sb. doing sth. 意为“发现某人正在做某事”。

  5. y favourite cartoon character is ickey ouse. It’s so ________that we often feel ________when we see it.

  A. exciting;exciting B. excited;exciting

  C. exciting;excited D. excited;excited



  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. They made a________(重大)discovery,which surprised us.


  2. He________(迎接)all the guests warmly as they arrived.


  3. She gave her son a________(拥抱)and let him go to bed.


  4. Much to my surprise,my intention was________(误会了).


  5. She kissed her little girl on the________(脸颊).


  Ⅱ. 易错模块

  1. You’d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.

  A. even if B. as if

  C. in case D. in order that

  解析:选C。由句意:看医生时最好带点东西读,以防需要侯诊。可知应用in case。in order that“为了”,even if“即便”及as if“好像”均与语境不符,故选C。

  2. John may phone tonight,I don’t want to go out ________ he phones.

  A. as long as B. in order that

  C. in case D. so that

  解析:选C。本题考查习语的用法。in case意为“以防;免得”。根据句意可知C项正确。

  3. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house ________ there is a power out.

  A. if B. unless

  C. in case D. so that

  解析:选C。句意:我父母住在一个小村庄里。他们总是在家里存着蜡烛以防停电。in case“万一,以防”,符合题意。

  4. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ________.

  A. at last B. in case

  C. once again D. in time

  解析:选B。in case可作副词,常放于句尾,意为“以防万一”。

  Ⅲ. 情景交际

  1. (2009年杭州检测一)—You hate Jim,don’t you?

  —________. I just think he’s a bit annoying,that’s all.

  A. Not exactly B. That’s it

  C. Absolutely D. No way


  2. (2009年杭州检测二20)—What about the rent?

  —________. You can pay weekly or monthly.

  A. It’s up to you B. That’s all right

  C. You can’t miss it D. Not at all


  3. (2009年皖南八校三模)—I’ve been invited to a department party tonight. Are you going to come?

  —Oh,I’d really like to,but I have a ton of work. ________.

  A. Thank you anyway B. You’re welcome

  C. All right. D. With pleasure


  4. (2009年安徽示范性高中联考)—I wonder if you’d mind me asking you some personal questions.

  —No,not at all. ________.

  A. Go ahead B. No way

  C. That’s it D. Help yourself

  解析:选A。考查交际用语。根据No,not at all(一点儿也不介意),可知用Go ahead,此时意为“问吧”。No way肯定不,没门儿;That’s it说对了;Help yourself请随便(吃、用等)。

  Ⅳ. 语法专练

  本单元语法——v. ing形式作状语

  1. (2009年海南万宁月考)Last Sunday,my cousin sent me an email ________me to his birthday party.

  A. invited B. inviting

  C. to invite D. having invited

  解析:选B。此题考查非谓语动词作定语。在英语中,过去分词作定语表示被动和完成,不强调时间的先后关系;现在分词作定语表示主动和进行。若表示被动和进行,则要用being done的形式;一般不用having done的形式作定语;动词不定式作定语表示将来。此题中用现在分词作定语表示主动,改为定语从句则是which invited。

  2. (2009年南昌调研)As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not________,and asked myself what I was going to do.

  A. moved B. moving

  C. to move D. being moved


  3. The students entered the classroom,smiling and________,and________down to have their lessons.

  A. talked;sat B. talking;sitting

  C. talking;sat D. talked;sitting

  解析:选C。本句的谓语动词是entered. . . and sat,smiling and talking是现在分词作状语,表示伴随动作。

  4. (2009年西城质检)The food,________good,was soon sold out when it was taken to the market.

  A. tasted B. being tasted

  C. tasting D. having tasted

  解析:选C。分词作非限制性定语,逻辑主语the food与taste是主动关系,故用现在分词。

  5. He sent me an email,________ to get some further information for his research.

  A. hoped B. hoping

  2016年高考英语知识点必修三Module 2单元总复习教案


  1 measure v. 测量;评估;测定

  n. 尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施

  (回归课本P12)What does the Human Development Index measure?





  ①Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results.


  ②I would rather have my clothes made to my own measure than buy those which are readymade.


  ③The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.


  ④Her work has improved beyond measure.



  1.It is amazing that the little boy can swim________the river________100 meters wide.





  解析:选A。across表示从表面上穿过;over指越过;through指从中间穿过,所以第一空用across;第二空用现在分词作定语,修饰the river。 本句意为“那小男孩能游过一百米宽的河真是了不起。”

  2.It’s high time we________effective________to improve your working conditions.





  解析:选A。考查固定短语take measures to do...表示“采取措施干……”。本句意为“该是我们采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件的时候了。”

  2 position n. 地点,位置;姿势;地位;立场,处境;职位

  (回归课本P12)The UK is in the thirteenth position,while China is in the middle of the list.



  in a...position处于……的地位/处境

  be in/out of position在/不在适当的位置

  be in a position to do sth.(因有能力、金钱或权力而)能做某事

  take up(one’s)position就位

  shift one’s position改变立场


  ①This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position.


  ②When I know all the facts,I’ll be in a position to advise you.


  ③She held the position of sales manager.


  ④After the shelves were in position ,we realized we’d forgotten to paint them.




  (1)state 多表示身体、心理状况,也可表示物质的状态。



  (4)position处境、情势 (尤指影响自己的行动能力);也可用来表示政治上的形势、局面,不如situation正式。

  ①He applied for the position of assistant manager in the big company.

  ②She is in no condition to travel.

  ③The economic situation of the country is disastrous.

  ④Water has three states:solid,liquid and steam.


  3.(高考陕西卷)From their________on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city.

  A.stage B.position

  C.condition D.situation


  4.Before entering the room,I was asked to show the soldier the________of my suitcase.

  A.contents B.shape

  C.position D.instructions


  3 figure n. 数字;图形;人物;身材

  v. 计算;认为,以为

  (回归课本P13)Complete the chart with figures from the passage.




  ①His score is now well into double figures.


  ②I figured that he was drunk and shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


  ③(高考安徽卷)Ask some openended questions,which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy.



  5.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to________ its reality.

  A.make up B.figure out

  C.look through D.put off

  解析:选B。句意是:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费一段时间才能弄清楚它的真实情况。make up组成;编造;弥补;look through温习;仔细查看;浏览;put off推迟。


  Can you ________________it?你能弄明白如何做这事吗?

  答案:figure out how to do

  4 exchange v. & n. 交换;调换;兑换;交易

  (回归课本P19)There are visits and exchanges between schools,theatre groups and sports teams.




  ①He exchanged the plough for the sword.


  ②Will you exchange seats with me?


  ③An exchange of opinions is helpful.


  ④Let’s make an exchange.You’ll clean my room,and I’ll do the shopping for you.


  ⑤(牛津P691)Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?



  7.I have offered to paint the house ________ a week’s accommodation.

  A.in exchange for

  B.with regard to

  C.by means of

  D.in place of

  解析:选A。句意是:我主动提出粉刷这所房子,条件是让我免费吃住一周。空白处要用in exchange for表示“作为交换”。with regard to关于;by means of凭借……手段;in place of代替。

  5 make efforts 努力,尽力

  (回归课本P12)The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts.




  ①Every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raised at the last meeting.


  ②Frank put a lot of effort into the preparations for the party.


  ③We will spare no effort to host the Shanghai Expo.


  ④(牛津P641)With effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住了笑。


  8.Every effort should be________to save the boy’s life.

  A.taken B.done C.made D.given

  解析:选C。考查固定搭配make every effort to do...表示“尽一切努力做……”,本句意为“应该尽一切努力来挽救那个男孩的生命。”


  She________________(尽力)to be nice to her boss.


  答案:made an effort

  6 be connected with 与……有联系;与……有关

  (回归课本P16)Which word is connected with building?




  ①Connect the speakers to the record player and plug it in.


  ②(高考江苏卷)The first would possibly connect Kunming with Singapore via Vietnam and Malaysia.


  ③Her diligence must have something to do with her success.


  ④We only discuss what is related to us.


  ⑤The reporter wants to know whether the official is involved in the case.



  10.That soldier was suspected to________the crime.

  A.connect to B.connect with C.be connected to D.be connected with

  解析:选D。be connected with“和……有联系”。


  1【教材原句】 Norway is at the top of the list,while the U.S. is at number 7.(P12)


  【句法分析】 while 在此句中作并列连词,意为“然而”,表示一种对比关系。

  ①Some people are for his plan while others are against it.


  ②I am fond of music while my brother is fond of sports.


  while还可以表示“尽管,虽然”以及“只要(=as long as)”。

  ③(牛津P2293)While I am willing to help,I do not have much time available.


  【注意】 but是并列连词,常用以引出与前后相对照或修饰前文的句子、词或词组。while常用作从属连词,表示“而,然而”时强调前后对比性,用来引导句子。


  11.(高考安徽卷)?I wonder how much you charge for your services.

  ?The first two are free________the third costs $30.

  A.while B.until

  C.when D.before


  12.She thought I was talking about her daughter,________in fact,I was talking about my daughter.

  A.whom B.where

  C.which D.while


  2【教材原句】 It’s an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and...(P19)



  (1)be of+抽象名词=be+该名词相对应的形容词

  (2)“be of+集合名词或其他类型的名词”。此处为普通用法,相当于“……的”,此时的名词多是表示亲属、血统、种族、国籍及出处等的名词,常用的名词有family/blood/race/origin等。

  (3)“be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,相当于be made of或be built of。


  be of the size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour/shape/kind/type...。

  ①This dictionary is of great use to learners of English.

  =This dictionary is very useful to learners of English.


  ②Her father is a man of short height.


  ③Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind.


  ④They are of the same state.=They belong to the same state.他们属于同一个州。

  ⑤Our building was of bricks.=Our building was built of bricks.我们的楼房是用砖建的。


  13.(高考辽宁卷)Children need friends________their own age to play with.

  A.of B.for

  C.in D.at

  解析:选A。考查介词搭配。of与age构成固定搭配。friends of their own age意思是“他们的同龄朋友们”。

  14.This book is________to my translation,but that one is________.

  A.great help;helpless

  B.a great help;of no use

  C.important;of few importance

  D.very helpful;of no any use

  高三英语Module6 Unit1 Laughter is good for you 专项复习导学


  Module6 Unit1 Laughter is good for you 导学案


  Teaching aims:

  1. Review the reading by filling in the form with the words and choosing the right answers.

  2. Get the students to grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.

  3. Get the students to understand some difficult sentences .

  Teaching important points:

  1. How to make the students have a better comprehension of the text.

  2. How to help the students be familiar with the language points.

  3. How to help students master the usages of some important words and phrases .

  Teaching difficult points:

  Make sure we can use the words and phrases correctly

  Learning guide:

  Read , recite and practice .

  Language connection:

  Review some words and phrases learnt last class.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1:Revision and lead-in

  Choose the correct answer

  1. A stand-up comedian might decide to tell different jokes _____ reactions of an audience.

  A. as a result of B. in response of C. according to D. referred to

  2. In observational comedy, the comedian makes jokes about humorous things he or she _____ in everyday life.

  A. watches B. sees C. observes D. looks

  3. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people ____ the show is broadcast live on TV.

  A. if B. when C. asD. during

  4. One little known fact is ____Crystal is the host of the Academy Awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck.

  A. thatB. when C. that when D. when that

  5. You can ____ to hear a lot more from Billy Crystal ---he has no plans to stop making films, or to stop telling jokes.

  A. promise B. wait C. hope D. expect

  6. Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can _______ help you fight pain.

  A. even B. ever C. just D. still

  7. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying ‘ Laughter is the best medicine’ may be true _____.

  A. after allB. at all C. above all D. all over

  Step2 : Try to remember the phrases as quickly as possible.


  1.被绊倒 ________________ 2.减肥 _____________________

  3.对某人做印象模仿________________ 4.效仿他人 _______________

  5.对……有影响________________ 6.后来 _______________________

  7.拿……开玩笑____________________ 8.在舞台上_______________________

  9.对……作出反应__________________ 10.排队____________________

  Step3. Fill in the blanks with the following phrases. change the form if necessary.

  on stage queue up make up

  joke about point to make fun of

  in response to later on

  1. This outstanding girl was sent to me ___________ my request for a suitable secretary.

  2. The actor was _________ for most of the play.

  3. I for hours to buy tickets for this Sunday’s concert.

  4. It is wrong to the students who do not do well in exams.

  5. My friends and I often each other’s clothes and hairstyle, but we do not mean any harm.

  6. When I asked the man for directions, he the shop I was looking for, which was straight across the road.

  7. I will be out of the office , so if you need to contact me, please call me on my mobile phone.

  8. She a story about why she was late, but no one believed her.


  情况好( )

  一般( )

  不好( )

  Step4: Learn some language points.(方法引导:熟读课文并借助字典去查阅相关知识点的用法)(A级)

  1.laughter[C]n. 笑声;v. laugh 笑,大笑

  laugh at 发笑,嘲笑


  ①While the children were listening to their teacher’s joke, they were shouting .

  A. in laughter B. with laughter C. in tears D. with laughter

  ②No one enjoys .

  A. laughing at B. being laughter at C. being laughing at D. being laughed

  2. make fun of 取笑,拿……开玩笑

  [常用搭配]: make fun of 开玩笑,嘲笑

  play jokes on 开……的玩笑

  play a trick on 捉弄,开玩笑


  Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, fun.

  A. had B. have C. to have D. having

  3. response

  (1) She made no response.

  (2) Her cries for help met with no response.

  [单词积累] responsibility (n.) 责任,负责,任务

  responsible (adj) 须负责任的

  [知识链接] in response to 对……做出反应

  be responsible to 向……负责

  take responsible for 对……负责

  be responsible for 对……负责,作为……的原因,应归功于……


  1. The employer must be responsible the employees while the employees must be responsible the project.

  A. for; to B. to; for C. to; to D. for; for

  2. A stand-up comedian can tell different jokes the reaction of an audience.

  A. in answer to B. in response to C. in reply to D. A、B、and C

  3. live 可作形容词或副词,意思是“现场的/地,直播的/地”

  eg: There are live football matches on TV every Sunday.


  【词汇辨析】 living / alive / live / lively

  living 指“活着的,健在的,现行的,现代的”常用来表示某事物充满活力或正在发挥作用。主要用作定语,修饰名词(人或物均可);也可用作表语。

  【eg】: 1.He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present.


  2. Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.


  alive 常作表语、状语或补足语,表示“没有死,还有气”,与dead相对应。

  【eg】: The boy was found alive by the river. 这个小孩被人在河边发现时还活着。

  live 一般只作定语,意为“活的,有生命的”

  【eg:】I dare not catch a live fish. 我不敢抓活鱼。

  lively (与active 同义)意为“活泼的,思想活跃的,有生气的。”主要用作定语,修饰名词(人和物均可)。

  【eg:】She is a lively girl.


  (1). Some of the latest news about the meeting televised from Beijing .

  A. was; direct B. were; straight C. were; alive D. was; live

  (2)The house belongs to my aunt, but she here any more.

  A. hasn’t lived B. didn’t live C. hadn’t lived D. doesn’t live

  (3). you’d better watch the football match tonight. It is .

  A. alive B. living C. lively D. live

  4. amuse (vt.) 使愉快,使高兴

  amused (adj) 逗乐的,觉得好笑的 amusement (n.) 可笑,愉悦,娱乐

  be amused at / by sth. 对……感到好笑,被……逗乐

  be amused to do sth. 因为作某事而感到好笑

  to one’s amusement 使人感到好笑的是 with amusement 愉快地

  【考点快讯】 While seeing the stand-up, most of the children laughed with joy.

  A. amused; amused B. amused; amusing C. amusing; amusing D. amusing; amused



  (1)作名词时,award 的意思是“奖品”、“奖金”,其义与prize近似,两者都指因为作出杰出成就而受奖。例如:

  The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.



  We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.



  He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design.



  I would feel rewarded if my book---A Study of English Twins could be of some help to the readers.



  1.One reason crystal has become so famous is his outstanding ability to improvise.


  2.when crystal was the host of the 2004 Academy Awards, a very old actor, who had acted in films before they had sound, gave a speech..


  3.Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain.


  Step6: try to solve any other problems you may have by discussing it with your classmates. Make sure you understand everything in the text.

  Summary : what you have learnt today



  1.这不是我们应该正在讨论的。(be supposed to)




  3.教书很苦,但我认为值得。(tough work, be worthwhile)


  4.来到广州后不久,他就成立了自己的公司。(soon after)



  1.??There is a story here in the paper about a 110?year old man. ??My goodness! I can not imagine ________ that old

  A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been

  2.What surprised me was not what he said but _______he said it.

  A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which

  3.The mother felt herself ________ cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.

  A. grow B. grown C. to grow D. to have grown

  4.There have been several new events ______to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

  A. add B. to add C. adding D. added

  5._________this cake, you’ll need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour.

  A. Having made B. make C. to make D. making

  6.Don’t sit there __________ nothing. Come and help me with this table.

  A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing

  7.One advantage of playing the guitar is _______it can give you a great deal of pleasure.

  A. how B. why C. that D. when

  8.Everybody in the village likes Jack, because he is good at telling and ________jokes.

  A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up

  Step1:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A

  Step2:1.trip over 2.lose weight

  3.do an impression of sb. 4.follow in the footsteps of sb.

  5.have an effect on 6.later on 7.make jokes about/make fun of 8.on stage 9.in response to 10.queue up

  Step3:1. in response to 2. on stage 3.queued up 4.make fun of

  5.joke about 6.pointed to 7.later on 8.made up

  Step 4:B B D 回答;反应,响应; B D D D D D

  Step 5: 略



  1. This isn’t what we are supposed to be discussing.

  2. My idea is that we stay where we are and wait for help.

  3. Teaching is tough work, but I think it is worthwhile.

  4. Soon after he arrived in Guangzhou, he set up his own company(a company of his own).



  Unit1 Module6 Grammar 导学案

  The present tenses(现在时态)

  Learning points(学习目标):1.To grasp the usages of the present tenses.

  2.To finish some exercises about the present tenses.

  Important points(学习重点):1.To understand the difference between the present tense

  2.Know more about special rules of the present perfect tense

  Difficult points:(学习难点)How to use the four present tenses well.

  Learning guide(方法引导):Read,remember and apply

  Step1. Review all types of the form of the four present tenses

  Step2.Overview of the tenses:

  一、The simple present (一般现在时)

  1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作、客观真理、科学事实、格言,目前的特征、状态、能力等。(与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:every day, once a week, always, often, every time, now and then, occasionally, seldom, sometimes, usually, etc.)

  The earth (move) around the sun.

  Columbus proved that the earth (be) round.

  Practice makes perfect. (译)


  I’ll ( go) there after I finish my work.

  If it (rain) tomorrow,I won’t go there.

  3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:There goes the bell.铃响了。There comes the bus.汽车来了。Here she comes.她来了。

  4.表示按时刻表计划或安排好的动作。(只限于表示起始或移动意义的动词: begin,come leave, Start,arrive, go , ect.)如:

  Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 (take) off at 8:20.


  ①??Can I join your club,dad?

  ??You can when you______a bit older. (NMET)

  A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got

  ② This machine .It hasn’t worked for years(06 浙江).

  A. didn’t work B. wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working

  ③ Send my regards to your lovely wife when you home.(06上海)

  A. wrote B. will write C. have written D. write

  二、The present continuous(现在进行时)

  1.表示说话的时刻正在进行的'动作。通常由表示“此刻”的时间状语(now, at this moment),或通过Look/Listen!这两个提示语来表明此时此刻动作正在进行

  She is making a fire now.

  Listen! Mary is singing an English song in the classroom.


  They are planting trees on the hill these days.

  I don't really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.

  3.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。能这样用的动词并不多,通常是arrive, begin, come, do, drive, fly, go, leave, stay 等表示位置转移的动词。这种用法比较生动,给人以一种期待感。

  例如:She is leaving for Beijing.她要去北京。

  He (work) as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。

  My father (come) to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。


  例如:The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。

  The sun (rise) in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。


  a.表示一种重复的动作,带有“厌恶”、“赞叹”等感情色彩 现在进行时往往与constantly, always, forever等状语连用,给现在的动作披上一层感情色彩。

  She‘s constantly complaining. 她不停地抱怨。

  My brother is always leaving things about. (译)


  The house is falling down. 房子正在倒下。

  The weather is changing for the better. (译)



  I'm forgetting my English. 我的英语开始忘了。

  Food is costing more. 食品贵了起来。

  c. 强调动作的重复

  The train is arriving late almost every day this summer. (译):

  Someone is knocking at the door. 有人不断地在敲门。

  The boy is jumping with joy(译):

  5.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget,



  ① I don’t really work here.I______until the new secretary arrives. (NMET)

  A.just help out B.have just helped out

  C.am just helping out D.will just help out

  ② ??Is this raincoat yours?

  ----No,mine______there behind the door. (NMET)

  A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung

  三、The present perfect(现在完成时)


  I have finished the report./ She has cleand the room.

  2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for…”, “since…”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:

  He (learn) English for six years.

  They (work) here since they left college.




  4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:

  ??Where is Li Hua? -He has gone to the reading-room.

  ??She knows a lot about Shanghai.-She has been there.


  marry,finish,complete,begin,start,break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:He has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”

  可采用1)“ago法”:He finished the work three hours ago.

  2)“延续法”:He has been through(with)the work for three hours.

  3)“since法”:It is/has been three hours since he finished the work.


  ①??______my glasses?

  ??Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago. (NMET)

  A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.Have you seen

  ② You don’t need to describe her.I______her several times. (NMET)

  A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet

  ③ ??Do you know our town at all?

  ??No,this is the first time I______here.

  A.was B.have been C.came D.am going

  四、The present perfect continuous(现在完成进行时)

  1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:He has been doing the maths problems since 8:00./ It has been raining for two days.


  I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我等了你两个小时。(动作不再延续下去)

  It (rain) for three hours. 雨已经下了三个小时了。(动作可能延续)

  ----“How long have you been learning English?” ------你英语学多久了?

  --“I (learn) English for two years.” ---- 我学了两年了。(动作可能延续)

  ---------“Why are you so dirty?” ------ “I (play) football.”

  ---------你身上怎么这样脏? ---- 我刚才踢足球了。(动作不再延续下去)

  Step3 Practice(当堂检测):

  1 The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive.

  (08全国卷I’ 29)

  A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected

  2.(08上海卷’28) ---Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?

  -- Terry? Never! She___ tents and fresh air!

  A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. hates

  3..?Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?

  ?Yes, I have. I guess it ______ now. [2007 辽宁卷]

  A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading

  4.--- I don’t suppose the police know who did it. ( 2006江苏卷)

  --- Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and ________ now.

  A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned

  5. . Although medical science __________ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning. ( 2006江苏卷)

  A. achieved B. has achieved C. will achieve D. had achieved

  6 Teenagers their health because they play computer games too much(08重庆卷’ ).

  A. have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D. will damage

  .7. I have to go to work by taxi because my car ________ at the garage. (2006重庆卷)

  A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired

  8. I ______ in London for many years,but I,we never regretted my final decision to move back to China. (2006重庆卷

  A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived

  9. I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ____on it for more than an hour. (2006湖北卷)

  A. has been working B. will have worked C. will have been working D. had worked

  10.Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _____ English for a year. [2007 湖南卷]

  A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying


  Unit1 Module6 Grammar 导学案

  The present tenses(现在时态)

  Learning points(学习目标):1.To grasp the usages of the present tenses.

  2.To finish some exercises about the present tenses.

  Important points(学习重点):1.To understand the difference between the present tense

  2.Know more about special rules of the present perfect tense

  Difficult points:(学习难点)How to use the four present tenses well.

  Learning guide(方法引导):Read,remember and apply

  Step1. Review all types of the form of the four present tenses

  Step2.Overview of the tenses:

  一、The simple present (一般现在时)

  1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作、客观真理、科学事实、格言,目前的特征、状态、能力等。(与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:every day, once a week, always, often, every time, now and then, occasionally, seldom, sometimes, usually, etc.)

  The earth moves (move) around the sun.

  Columbus proved that the earth is (be) round.

  Practice makes perfect. (译) 熟能生巧


  I’ll go ( go) there after I finish my work.

  If it rains (rain) tomorrow,I won’t go there.

  3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:There goes the bell.铃响了。There comes the bus.汽车来了。Here she comes.她来了。

  4.表示按时刻表计划或安排好的动作。(只限于表示起始或移动意义的动词: begin,come leave, Start,arrive, go , ect.)如:

  Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 takes (take) off at 8:20.


  ①??Can I join your club,dad?

  ??You can when you______a bit older. (NMET)

  A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got

  ② This machine .It hasn’t worked for years(06 浙江).

  A. didn’t work B. wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working

  ③ Send my regards to your lovely wife when you home.(06上海)

  A. wrote B. will write C. have written D. write

  二、The present continuous(现在进行时)

  1.表示说话的时刻正在进行的动作。通常由表示“此刻”的时间状语(now, at this moment),或通过Look/Listen!这两个提示语来表明此时此刻动作正在进行

  She is making a fire now.

  Listen! Mary is singing an English song in the classroom.


  They are planting trees on the hill these days. 这几天他们正在山上种树

  I don't really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.


  3.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。能这样用的动词并不多,通常是arrive, begin, come, do, drive, fly, go, leave, stay 等表示位置转移的动词。这种用法比较生动,给人以一种期待感。

  例如:She is leaving for Beijing.她要去北京。

  He is working (work) as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。

  My father is coming (come) to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。


  例如:The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。

  The sun is rising (rise) in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。


  a.表示一种重复的动作,带有“厌恶”、“赞叹”等感情色彩 现在进行时往往与constantly, always, forever等状语连用,给现在的动作披上一层感情色彩。

  She‘s constantly complaining. 她不停地抱怨。

  My brother is always leaving things about. (译) 我弟弟总是乱丢东西


  The house is falling down. 房子正在倒下。

  The weather is changing for the better. (译) 天气慢慢转好了。



  I'm forgetting my English. 我的英语开始忘了。

  Food is costing more. 食品贵了起来。

  c. 强调动作的重复

  The train is arriving late almost every day this summer.(译)这个夏季火车几乎天天晚点

  Someone is knocking at the door. 有人不断地在敲门。

  The boy is jumping with joy 那个男孩高兴地跳个不停

  5.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget,



  ① I don’t really work here.I______until the new secretary arrives. (NMET)

  A.just help out B.have just helped out

  C.am just helping out D.will just help out

  ② ??Is this raincoat yours?----No,mine______there behind the door. (NMET)

  A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung

  三、The present perfect(现在完成时)


  I have finished the report./ She has cleand the room.

  2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for…”, “since…”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:

  He has learned (learn) English for six years.

  They have worked (work) here since they left college.




  4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:

  ??Where is Li Hua? -He has gone to the reading-room.

  ??She knows a lot about Shanghai.-She has been there.


  marry,finish,complete,begin,start,break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:He has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”

  可采用1)“ago法”:He finished the work three hours ago.

  2)“延续法”:He has been through(with)the work for three hours.

  3)“since法”:It is/has been three hours since he finished the work.


  ①??______my glasses?

  ??Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago. (NMET)

  A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.Have you seen

  ② You don’t need to describe her.I______her several times. (NMET)

  A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet

  ③ ??Do you know our town at all?

  ??No,this is the first time I______here.

  A.was B.have been C.came D.am going

  四、The present perfect continuous(现在完成进行时)

  1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:He has been doing the maths problems since 8:00.

  It has been raining for two days.


  I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我等了你两个小时。(动作不再延续下去)

  It has been raining(rain) for three hours. 雨已经下了三个小时了。(动作可能延续)

  ----“How long have you been learning English?” ------你英语学多久了?

  --“I have been learning (learn) English for two years.” ----我学了两年了。(动作可能延续)

  ---------“Why are you so dirty?” ------ “I have been playing (play) football.”

  ---------你身上怎么这样脏? ---- 我刚才踢足球了。(动作不再延续下去)

  Step3 Practice(当堂检测):

  1 The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive.

  (08全国卷I’ 29)

  A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected

  2.(08上海卷’28) ---Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?

  -- Terry? Never! She___ tents and fresh air!

  A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. hates

  3..?Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?

  ?Yes, I have. I guess it ______ now. [2007 辽宁卷]

  A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading

  4.--- I don’t suppose the police know who did it. ( 2006江苏卷)

  --- Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and ________ now.

  A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned

  5. . Although medical science __________ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning. ( 2006江苏卷)

  A. achieved B. has achieved C. will achieve D. had achieved

  6 Teenagers their health because they play computer games too much(08重庆卷’ ).

  A. have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D. will damage

  .7. I have to go to work by taxi because my car ________ at the garage. (2006重庆卷)

  A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired

  8. I ______ in London for many years,but I,we never regretted my final decision to move back to China. (2006重庆卷

  A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived

  9. I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ____on it for more than an hour. (2006湖北卷)

  A. has been working B. will have worked C. will have been working D. had worked

  10.Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _____ English for a year. [2007 湖南卷]

  A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying


  Module6 Unit1

  Language is good for you


  Teaching aims:

  After this class, the students will be able to:

  1. Have a good understanding of the two short plays;

  2.Form groups to discuss and prepare their own performances.

  Teaching important points:

  Let students know what the steps are to prepare a play.

  Teaching difficult points:

  Let students know how to perform the play well

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Review Revision(A级)

  1.取笑,拿…..开玩笑 2.排队

  3.不久以后 4.对……作出反应

  5.结对,两人一组 6.对…..产生影响

  7.编造 8.减肥

  Step 2 Words and phrases(你记住这些生词和短语了吗?)A级


  1. 长凳,长椅 n ____________ 2. 使不交叉 vt _____________

  3. 舒适的,安逸的 adj _____________ 4. 恼怒的,气恼的 adj ____________

  5. 漫步 vi _____________ 6. 拥挤的 adj _____________

  7. 抬高,举起,使上升 vt __________ 8. 意味深长地 adv _____________

  9. 撕,扯 vt ____________ 10. 爆破,爆发 vi ___________

  11. 闪耀,怒目而视 vi ________ 12. 空手的 adj ______________


  1.好像腾地方 ________________ 2. 一卷 _____________________

  3. 突然冲入_________________ 4. 对……怒目而视______________

  5.拿出 ___________________ 6.撞到 ___________________

  7. 一叠,一沓 ________________ 8.把报纸撕为两半 ______________

  Step3. Lead in

  1. What have we talked about in this unit up till now?

  2. We have talked a lot about laughter, performing and dramas. Now you have a chance to experience dramas for yourselves.

  Step 4 Reading and analyzing

  1.The invisible bench

  Now please read the script and then answer the following questions.

  ① Is there a bench in the courtyard?

  ② What does the word “invisible” mean?

  ③ Is this a comedy? Why or why not?

  ④ In which style of stand-up is this play, observational,

  prop, physical or I mprestudentsionist?

  2.The important paper

  Ask the Students to read the script and then ask them some questions

  ① How many characters are there in the play?

  ② Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play?

  ③ What does the King actually want?

  ④ Why are the others unable to understand him?

  Step 5 Planning and preparing

  1. Ask the Students to discuss in groups the following questions, which will help them to carry out the project. Ask them to write down their plans.

  ?Which play do you want to put on?

  ?Who will play each character? Who will be the director?

  ?Will you need props? Who will find them?

  ?Will you need costumes? Who will make them?

  ?Where and how often will you practice?

  2.Ask some groups to report them idea about the project.

  the teacher may give some suggestions in this step.

  当堂检测: Multiple choice

  1.While the children were listening to their teacher’s joke, they were shouting_____.

  A. in laughter B. with laughter

  C. in tears D. with laughters

  2. ?How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

  --Well, I get along ____.

  A. somewhere B. somehow

  C. sometime D. sometimes

  3. The police are offering a big __ __ for the information about that traffic accident.

  A price B. prize C. reward D award

  4. __ ______ it is to ride on a one-horse open sleigh on such a beautiful day!

  A. What a fun B. What fun C. How a fun D. How fun

  5. The audience were __ ______ by his _______ performance on the stage.

  A. amused; amused B. amusing; amusing

  C. amusing; amused D. amused; amusing

  6. Mr. Zhang will be _______ the office while I am away.

  A. take charge of B. in charge of

  C. in the charge of D. under the charge of

  7. It remains to be seen whether it is ________ to carry out the reform in Education.

  A. worth B. worthy C. worthless D. worthwhile

  8. He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he’s very ______ about it.

  A. interested B. anxious C. enthusiastic D. worried

  9. He was too tired and he refused to ___________ any extra work.

  A. take off B. take in C. take up D. take on

  10. The great damage done by the earthquake made the prices __________.

  A. going up B. risen C. raising D. raising up



  1.取笑,拿…..开玩笑 make fun of 2.排队 queue up

  3.不久以后 soon after 4.对……作出反应 in response to

  5.结对,两人一组 in pairs 6.对…..产生影响 have an effect on


  1.好像腾地方 _as if to make room 2. 一卷 a roll of

  3. 突然冲入 burs t in 4. 对……怒目而视 glare at

  5.拿出 hold out 6.撞到 bump into

  7. 一叠,一沓 a stack of 8.把报纸撕为两半 tear the paper in two

  Step 3

  ?laughter, stand-up, performing and acting, dramas, crosstalk



  1 ?No; ?That cannot be seen

  2 Can’t be seen with your eyes

  3. ?Yes. Because actors use body language to perform, which makes the audience laugh with a surprising and amusing ending.

  4.?Physical. They use their bodies to make jokes.


  1.?Three. The king, the queen and the servant.;

  2. the king

  3. ?Toilet paper.;

  4.?Because he is the king, important paper may mean very important official documents for him.

  当堂检测Multiple choice

  1-5 B B C B D 6-10 B D C D A



  unit 1

  1. make friends with sb.

  2. develop friendships with sb.

  3. What do you think the proverbs tell us about ?

  4. Beijing is well worth a visit.

  Beijing is well worth visiting. 北京值得一游。

  Beijing is worthy to be visited. Beijing is worthy of being visited.

  5. get along well with sb. 与某人友好相处

  6. feel betrayed 感到背叛了

  7. betray sb. to sb. 把某人出卖

  8. a surprise maths test 一次突然的数学考试

  9. be / feel ashamed of … 对……感到惭愧

  10. be proud of/ take pride in 以…为自豪

  11. feel like (doing) sth /clause. 想、感觉像 ……

  12. be determined to do / determine to do sth.

  make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心去做某事

  13. I admitted that I had made a mistake

  I admitted having made a mistake. 我承认我犯了错误。

  He has been admitted to Beijing University. 他被北京大学录取。

  14. keep one’s secret 保守秘密

  15. keep one’s word / keep one’s promise 信守诺言

  16. go straight to 直奔

  17. break one’s word 食言

  18. forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人所做的事

  19. yell at sb. 对着某人大叫

  20. laugh at / make fun of / play a joke on/ tease sb


  21. focus one’s attention on 集中精力于

  22. as a result of / because of/ owing to/ due to/ thanks to


  23. can’t stand (doing) sth. 不能忍受(去做)某事

  24. apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉

  25. lead to / contribute to / result in/ cause 导致

  26. turn into a horrible argument 转变成可怕的争论

  27. feel guilty about… 因为……感到内疚

  28. feel jealous of 嫉妒

  29. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

  30. an unforgettable experience 一次难以忘怀的经历

  31. have every right to do sth. 完全有权利做某事

  32. embarrass sb. in public 当众使某人尴尬

  33. mean to do= intend to do = plan to do 打算干某事

  34. mean doing 意味着

  35. blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb/ 因为某事而责备某人

  36. sb be to blame for sth 某人因受到责罚

  37. lie in 在于

  38. lie with 为…的职责

  It lies with you to accept or reject the offer.


  39. before long 不久

  40. There is no doubt that he will succeed. 无疑他会成功。

  I have no doubt that… 我不怀疑…

  41. I doubt whether / if he is right. 我怀疑他是否正确。

  42. first of all 首先

  43. stay up late/ stay up at night / stay late into the night 熬夜

  44. make it 成功

  M 5 unit 1 grammar ? project

  1. cheer sb. up 使某人提起精神

  2. persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

  try to persuade sb to do sth= advise sb to do= suggest sb’s doing试图说服/劝告/建议某人做某事

  3. speaking of friends, I’ve met some… 谈到;说到

  4. rather than 而不是

  5. join the school badminton team 参加学校羽毛球队

  6. ever since 自从那以后

  7. would rather do sth than do sth = prefer to do sth rather than do sth

  = would do sth rather than do sth 宁可…而不…

  8. had better do sth. 最好做某事

  9. can’t wait to do sth. 等不及去做某事

  10. chat on the Internet / chat online. 在网上聊天

  11.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人去做某事

  12. spend an absurd amount of time online


  13. offer/give sb. practical advice 给某人提供实用的建议

  14.a sentence free from mistakes 摆脱(不好的东西)的,无…的

  15. in advance 提前/事先

  16. get through to … 打通……的电话

  17. apart from 除了……之外

  18. be absorbed in … 全神贯注于……

  19.three and a half hours later= three hours and a half later


  20. in the world = on earth 到底,究竟

  21. have / take different attitudes towards … 对……有不同的态度

  22. It is likely that = sb. be likely to do 很可能做某事

  23. be based on shared activities or interests

  牛津高中英语模块五 unit2

  welcome to the unit---- word power

  1. follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程

  2. open the floor for discussion 自由发言

  3 in addition to /besides/as well as/apart from 此外

  4 be full of = be filled with 充满

  5 have a lasting/ good/ great/ instant/ effect on(upon )对……有持久/好/大/立即的影响

  6 grow to / climb to/ rise to/increase to 增长至

  grow by / rise by/ increase by 增长了

  7 wipe out 扫除;消灭

  8 give voice to sth=voice 发表

  9 cut back/ down on 减少

  10 My suggestion is that sb should do sth.

  11. be beneficial to…;be good for; do good to; do sb. good; benefit…对。。。。。。有益

  12. environmentally friendly way of living 环保的生活方式

  13. at the same time 同时

  14. This room is twice bigger than that one. 这个房间是那个的三倍大。

  This room is three times as big as that one.

  This room is three times the size of that one.

  15. be concerned about/ for concern oneself about / for 担心

  16. be concerned with/in 与……有关

  17. be responsible for (doing) sth 对……负责

  18. see/ consider/ regard/ treat/ think of sb as 把……视为

  19. the people running these factories 经营这些工厂的人们

  20. the key to success / the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的关键

  21. pay slightly higher prices for 为……付更多的钱

  22. ask around 四处打听

  23. be willing to do sth. 乐意干某事

  24. My money has run out.(无被动) / I have run out of money. 我的钱已经用完了。

  25 recycled material ( 可回收的材料)

  26 What if we run out of space? 要是我们没有空间了怎么样?

  27 What fun it is! How funny! 真有趣!

  28 do harm to = be harmful to = do damage to 对……有害

  29. run across= run into = come across 偶遇

  30. so/as long as…; if only… 只要。。。。。。

  31. personally (speaking),… 就我个人而言,。。。。。。

  32. cause damage to… 对。。。。。。造成破坏/损害

  Module5 unit2 grammar ? project

  1 be covered with/in 被……覆盖

  2 clean up the mess 清理

  3 customs officers 海关关员

  4 come over to 靠近

  5 watch the arrivals closely 仔细地观察到来者

  6 draw conclusions 得出结论

  7 natural disasters 自然灾害

  8 form up 形成

  9 according to 根据

  10 combat desertification 对抗沙漠化

  11 take steps to stop the process of desertification 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程

  12 provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 向……提供

  13 be stocked with 储备有

  14 set up a centre 建立中心

  15 pick out 挑选出;辨认出

  16 in the form of 以……的形式

  17 on account of 因为;由于

  18 present your point of view 表达你的观点

  19 turn off the tap 关水龙头

  20 raise concern both nationally and internationally/ both at home and abroad 引起国内外关注

  21 Not only does he like English but also he likes French. 他不仅喜欢英语,而且还喜欢法语。

  22 rely on/ depend on 取决于;依赖于

  23 recognize importance of doing sth 认识到做……的重要性

  24 be under way/ be under discussion / construction 正在进行/讨论/建筑过程中

  25 work out solutions to many problems

  26 replace…with… 取代

  27 He will be a great success= He will be very successful. 他将会是个成功的人。

  28 be home to a diverse range of fish and animals 是大量的鱼及动物的发源地

  29 the most endangered animals 大多数濒临灭绝的动物

  30 the number of + 谓单/ a number of + 谓复 ……的数目; 许多

  31 prohibit sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

  32 remain to be done / remain single/ the remaining $20= the $20 left 有待/保持单身/ 留下的20美元

  33 have harmful effects on 对……有害的影响

  34 We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning (about) the Yangtze river 关于

  35 appreciate doing / one, ones doing 欣赏/感激做某事

  36. encourage sb. to do …鼓励某人做某事

  37. fight against…; struggle against同。。。。。。作斗争

  38. be stocked with…贮备,备有。。。。。。

  39. make progress 取得进步

  40. so far; up to now 到目前为止

  41. work on 致力于

  第三单元短语Module 5 Unit 3

  Welcome ~ word power

  1) beyond one’s imagination超乎想象

  2) point out指出

  3) point to指向;

  4) point at直指

  5) interfere with…干涉;干预。。。。。。

  6) on one’s/ the way to doing sth. 正在做某事的过程中

  7) by the way 顺便问问,顺便说说

  8) by way of 途经;

  in this way 用这种方式

  In a way 在某种意义上,在某种程度上

  in one’s (the) way 挡路

  9)be approaching;be coming;be on the way;be around the corner;be at hand


  9) in general一般说来

  in a general way 一般,通常

  as a general rule 在一般情况下

  generally speaking一般说来

  10)praise sb for sth因某事而表扬某人

  win high praise 受到高度赞扬

  in praise of 赞扬(某人);

  beyond all praises 赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的

  with the intention of为了,以…为目的或意图

  without intention无意地

  10) make one’s intension clear说清楚自己的目的

  11) state/ announce one’s intention声明自己的意图

  12) be anxious to do sth. 渴望做…

  13) be anxious for/about sth. 对…担心

  14) desperate adj.不顾一切的, 拚死的,

  15) desperation n.

  16) the desperate look绝望的表情

  a desperate cry for help 绝望的呼救声

  be desperate to do sth. 急切想干某事

  17) adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea采取措施/ 采用新办法/ 采纳意见

  18) an adopted son;养子

  19) adopted words 外来词

  20) of one’s own自己的

  21) be related to…与…有关

  22) while (conj.) 当…的时候,和…同时(while引导的从句要表示一段时间)

  John came in while I was typing a letter. 当我正在用打字机打一封信时,约翰进来了。

  (conj.) 然而,虽然,尽管

  While he was hated by others, I liked him. 虽然别人恨他, 但我却喜欢他。

  23) deliver sb. from danger 救某人脱险

  24) deliver sth. to sb. 把某物交付给某人

  25) deliver a message/ a letter 传话/ 送信

  26) deliver a speech 发表演说

  27) succeed in doing sth. / be successful in doing/ have success in doing 成功地做某事

  28) be of benefit to 对…有裨益 = be beneficial to sb.;

  29) for the benefit of…为了…的利益

  30) benefit sb./sth. 有益于某人/某物

  31) benefit from/by 从…中获益

  32) for sale待出售

  33) use up用光

  34) feel sorry for…对。。。。。。感到遗憾

  35) comment on…; make comments on…对。。。。。。做出评论

  36) be in complete agreement with…; totally agree with…完全同意。。。。。。

  37) after all毕竟

  38) above all 首要,特别是 ;

  39) first of all 首先,首要的

  40) in all 总共,总计;

  not…at all 一点儿也不

  all the same 仍然,还;

  not at all 一点也不,不用客气

  all the best 万事如意 ;

  all the time 一直

  41) come across偶遇。。。。。。;

  42) come about 发生;

  come to 达到,总计

  come on 加油,快点;

  come over 过来;

  come up 走上前,走过来

  come out 出来, (花)开放,出版, (消息)传出

  43) die of hunger/ old age/ cancer

  44) die from the wound/ diseases

  45) turn out+形容词/不定式/从句,“结果是, 证明是”

  46) make sense讲得通;有意义

  47) go against nature与自然作对; 违背自然

  48) put sth. in place把……放在适当的位置

  49) end up doing…; end up with sth; end up in sp. 以。。。。。。而告终

  50) achieve a breakthrough实现一个突破

  Grammar~ Project

  51) in the field/area of science在科学领域

  51) be limited to…局限在。。。。。。范围内

  52) be harmful to…; be bad for…; do harm to…; do…harm对。。。。。。有害

  53) complain about/of... 抱怨/控诉。。。。。。

  54) conduct a survey; carry out a survey开展调查

  55) figure out想出;理解;明白;计算出

  56) the other day前几天

  57) on one’s part对某人而言

  58) urge sb. to do sth. 力劝某人做某事

  59) over/in the past/last few years在过去几年里

  60) environmental conservation/preservation环保

  61)meet/satisfy/supply/serve one’s needs(requirements/demands/requests)


  62) spell disaster招致灾难

  63) make choices做出选择

  64) turn out ( to be)…; turn out that…结果是。。。。。

  65) return to normal恢复正常

  66) deliver newspapers送报纸

  67) medical treatment医疗

  68) benefit from/by…得益于。。。。。。

  69) be strict with sb in sth对。。。。。。要求严格

  70) behave oneself表现好,守规矩

  71) advocate doing…提倡做。。。。。。

  72) put sth into practice将。。。。。。付诸实践

  73) construct/build a harmonious society构建和谐社会

  74) argue with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事

  75) concentrate/focus one’s efforts on…致力于。。。。。。

  76) do sth with the intention of…怀着。。。。。。目的去做。。。。。。

  77) perform tests on…在。。。。。。上进行试验

  78) follow in one’s footsteps 效仿。。。。。

  79) in favour of…赞成/支持/有利于。。。。。。

  80) from one’s point of view,…在某人看来

  81) decades of…几十年

  82) rather than 而不是

  83) at a fast rate 以很快的速度

  84) go off/to the point 跑题/切题

  85) beyond all praise 赞美不绝

  86) in desperate need of…极其需要。。。。。

  87) adopt one’s suggestions 采纳某人的建议

  88) deliver a speech作演讲

  89) be involved in…卷入

  90) seek one’s fortune寻出路;去淘金

  seek after the truth追求真理

  91) seek shelter from the rain找躲雨的地方

  92) seek advice from sb. 向某人请教

  93) the/common practice惯常做法

  94) perform tasks执行任务

  95) under construction在建设中

  96) in one’s favor受某人欢迎;对某人有利

  97) do sb. a favor; 帮某人一个忙

  98) ask a favor of sb. 请某人帮个忙

  99) argue sb. into/out of doing…说服某人做/不做某事









