外研社英语五年级上册《You should...》教案设计

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外研社英语五年级上册《You should...》教案设计


外研社英语五年级上册《You should...》教案设计











  一、 Sing a song. Down by the bus-stop. Teaching procedure: 一、

  教师在黑板上用简笔画画出马路、汽车和面包车,和学生们玩guessing game。


  1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today I will introduce two new frients to you. 幻灯片出示两车自我介绍部分。



  2. T:But the car has a big problem. 学习短语cross the road. 通过图片实际演示帮助学生理解cross的意思。操练对话,并且引导学生在老师要求帮助时说出:Let me help you! Hello, I’m a red car. I like to run. I’m fast. Hello, I’m a green van. I’m slow. The is fast. The is slow. The is fast. The is slow. The _____ is fast. The _____ is slow. The is fast. The is slow. But I can’t cross the road. Let me help you! (帮助)

  3. Look at the light. It’s red. Can I go? No. Red light, stop. 强调Look at之间的连读现象。练习阅读chant

  4. the light. It’s . Can I go? . light, wait. 引导学生通过对上一篇对话的学习,填出所缺单词。指导wait to 之间吞音的阅读方式。练习阅读chant。

  5. . . Can I go? . 增强难度,引导学生自动生成知识。练习阅读chant。

  6. 游戏:T:I’m a big traffic light. You can ask me:Traffic light, traffic light, what do you say? If I say‘Red light.’You should be still and say: Stop. If I say‘Green light.’You can keep walking and say: Go.

  7. 采用人机对话的形式,出示一个盲人因为看不见路灯而不能过马路的场景,引导学生把所学知识应用到实际场景中。?

  This is a traffic light. We must(必须) look at the light. Red light, stop. Stop on the road. Yellow light, wait. I wait to go. Green light, go. Cross the road.


  8. 情感升华:教师继续扮演盲人。

  T: I can’t see. Where the table? S: Let me help you. 引导老师走到桌子旁。

  T: I can’t find my computer. Where is my computer? S: Let me help you. 引导老师走到计算机旁。

  T: Let’s watch a short movie.播放一段以助人为主题的幻灯片。

  T: In our daily life, we always can see some people need our help. When you see them, please extend your helping life. We can say…

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