
时间:2021-01-28 13:16:31 商务英语 我要投稿





  修订价格定于2016年4月1日起生效。通货膨胀影响整个工业连带令货品价格上涨。虽然如此,本公司并未全面提升价格,调整幅度亦不大。本公司坚守一贯信念,务求出产优质之耐用消费品,迎合顾客的需要。 谢谢贵公司多年惠顾,盼继续合作。

  The revised prices will apply from 1 April 2016. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board. In many cases, there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders.



  We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want. The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances, you have returned goods that were originally ordered. To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it. I trust this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.


  4月12日建议担任为公室器具之独家代理来信已经收悉。过去双方合作皆互利互助,能获您的眷顾作我公司于巴林的独家代理,殊感荣幸。据知您公司两技师曾到我公司米兰工厂受训。相信您公司在取得代理权后,仍会继续注重合格售后服务人员的训练。现随信附上协议草稿, 请查实各项条款,并告知你方意见。

  Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and, I must say, mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .The sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified after sales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval.





商务英语写作 Declaring A Visit09-12




