My beautiful school我美丽的学校英语作文

时间:2022-01-26 11:44:22 美丽 我要投稿

My beautiful school我美丽的学校英语作文

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My beautiful school我美丽的学校英语作文

  My beautiful school我美丽的学校英语作文 篇1

  My school is Tailan primary school, Thats a good place, this is a beautiful school.

  There are many flowers, many classrooms, many leaves, many offices, a large hall, a playground in our school, in the playground we can run and play. Also there is a garden in my school, many flowers and trees in it, we often walk in the garden after lunch.

  I like my school very much! Do you like my school?




  My beautiful school我美丽的学校英语作文 篇2

  We have a beautiful school. There are. some flowers, grasses and trees in the school. My school has a big play ground, some buildings.

  some teachers and some children. My class is nice. At school we learn English, ask and answer teacher’s questions, tell stories and draw pictures.

  Every day I go to playground to run and play some games. There is a garden in my school. I wish I were a bird, then I could fly in the “garden”. I wish our school will be more beautiful tomorrow.

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