
时间:2021-01-20 19:06:50 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


  导语:每一个学生都有俗语自己的课外生活,你的课外生活是怎么样的呢,今天小编为大家整理了:我的课外生活英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!



  My after school life is rich and colorful. That impressed me the most is the summer vacation in a swimming competition.

  A hot afternoon, I and my brother and uncle go to the swimming pool to swim. My brother and I was about to launching the uncle say: slow down, please! We come to a swimming, ok? Good! Good! I answer together with brother. I glanced at his brother with his eyes, the heart thinks: hey, he is so small, I must win! A two or three! The words sound just fell, my brother and I quickly jump into the water, two arms and slippery with water, feet kept riding that first on a down in the air. Only hear the sound of the uncle came ashore: Jing surplus! Come on! Are you coming soon! Come on! With uncle encouraged plus my efforts. I finally won! I reached the other side, the first surfaced, I pushed the goggles to overhead, I open my eyes see, ah! I really won! I cried for joy. Before long, the younger brother is here. See his face down, unconvinced.

  Uncle said We would you like a diving competition? Good! Brother at once to the spirit, gold-medal seem to feel the opportunity came, he agreed. I breathe hard, drill into the water, in the water, I breathe out constantly. Wait until I have no gas, I had to emerge. Lost in the mind think, unexpectedly, this time I won again! Ha! Ha! Two than zero! I am happy and excited, but I'm not proud, because I am a sister, my brother was the win. So I patted his brother's shoulder and said: younger brother, don't be sad oh, we again next time, I'm sure you can win!

  This is my after school life, isn't it wonderful!



  一个炎热的下午,我,弟弟和叔叔一起去游泳馆游泳。我和弟弟正要下水,叔叔说: 请慢点!我们来一次游泳比赛,好吗? 好!好! 我和弟弟一起回答。我用眼睛瞄了弟弟一眼,心想: 嘿,他个子那么小,我准赢! 一 二 三! 话音刚落,我和弟弟迅速地跳入水中,两臂使劲滑着水,脚不停地蹬着,头一上一下地换着气。只听到岸上传出叔叔的声音: 婧盈!快!你快到了!加油啊! 有了叔叔的鼓励再加上我的努力。我终于赢了!我先到达了对岸,我浮出水面,把泳镜推到了头顶上,我睁开眼睛一看,啊!我真的赢了!我高兴得叫起来。没过多久,弟弟也到了。只见他一脸失望的样子,很不服气。

  叔叔又说 我们要不要再来一个潜水比赛? 好啊! 弟弟一下子来了精神,似乎觉得雪耻的机会来了,他一口就答应了。我使劲地吸了一口气,一下子钻到了水里,在水里,我不停地吐气。等到我完全没有气的时候,我只好浮出水面。心里以为输了,没想到,我这次又赢了!哈!二比零!我既开心又兴奋,但我没有骄傲,因为我是姐姐,我本来就该赢弟弟的。于是,我拍了拍弟弟的肩膀说: 弟弟,别伤心哦,我们下次再比,我相信你一定能赢!










