
时间:2021-01-22 12:02:54 高三年级英语作文 我要投稿


  导语: 放下繁忙的工作,暂停名利的追逐,收敛内心的贪欲,远离无尽的争斗,关闭潘多拉的魔盒;让周末的阳光照进心田,赶走黑暗。亲,带上爱,快来吧,和我一起把周末变成梦想中的世外桃源。;那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!



  Sunday early in the morning, I got up from the bed lazily, turn on the TV, watching TV. A moment later, my mother called me downstairs to eat breakfast, I'm not happily say: "today is Sunday, I want to watch some TV".

  "To write your homework, write again slowly, that is like your sister, write a pen brush soon, word write well again, you still don't hurry downstairs", I think mom really wordy.

  I reluctantly underground floor after breakfast, began to do my homework, mother see I am writing homework went to wash his clothes, I saw my mother busy went to secretly run to the room, looking for snacks to eat from the cupboard, mom can't find me, just call my name loudly. I came out, mother asked me: "where have you been, not good homework, go to run". I prevaricated, speechless, mother is angry, punched twice in my ass, said: "if you don't write my homework seriously, has been playing until you shout pain." After I was beaten by my mother to do homework. For a moment, mom to take to the streets to buy food, I am proud of thought: "better mother take to the streets for a long time, I can see a cartoon." After the mother left, I'm happy to run upstairs and turn on the TV. See the animation, after a while, mother came back, but I still watch television with relish, the mother went upstairs and saw I was watching TV, aggressive came and swept over the gave me a slap, "why don't you consciously." Face a hot spicy to pain, my tears fell down, I touch the face of cry to say: "I know I was wrong, not anymore." I said, and ran downstairs absorbedly write homework.

  Actually how is my bad, I should not be don't listen to your mother, should seriously do the work, can't do. Also can't let parents worry about, this is my Sunday, I should remember that a slap in the face of the lesson.














