
时间:2022-10-04 16:21:20 季节类英语作文 我要投稿
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  导语: 恍忽间明白春光明媚的春天之所以如此的美,是因为它让人的心情在此刻绽放。下面是小编为大家整理的:优秀的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!



  Girl has quietly came to our side, one day, the teacher will take us tour this spring in the world. Accompanied by waves of cheers, we set out. Along the way, tall, thick trees on both sides has graciously opened his eyes, pulled out the whole blue twigs, long out of pieces of green with yellow leaves, and happy to meet with the arrival of the voice. Roadside, hits the grass and flowers out of the soil in the face, curiously looked this wonderful world, so fresh and vibrant. Suddenly, listen to the students cheered loudly, look, the beautiful rape all over the field, become a sea of flowers, so spectacular, so beautiful, with light yellow, this better than the golden rice and wheat! Oh, what a beautiful creature! Revel in the aftertaste of rape, a cui lust drops and attracted me, that is its green, it is a vibrant green, it is a thriving green! Beside, peach trees, plum trees, the bitter rivals, clashing frequently with plain beautiful flowers. She like rosy clouds pink, do you like Snow White, each one is sending out the refreshing fragrance, is invigorating.

  In a few minutes, we arrived at the yi river. See ripples ripples in the river, river, lawn like a green carpet, hits the grass green have to force your eyes, there are more green trees, ponder the flowers, for the quiet and tastefully laid out and added a bit more beautiful scenery. The genial spring breeze gentle caress all, the students had to succumb to the joyful mood, happily on the grass, dances. Female students three group, two group of squat together, zheng big eyes, pick the delicate and charming flowers; Male students are not so gentle, and some clattered from slope to the slope, some like a rolling stone rolled, some still standing on the stone next to the tube, put it as "wooden bridge", each student with a happy smile on their faces. It's getting late, we looked at the picturesque yi river, but would you want to go back.

  姑娘已经悄无声息的来到了我们的身边,这天,老师便带着我们游历这春意盎然的世界。 伴随着一阵阵欢呼声,我们出发了。 一路上,两旁高大粗壮的树木已欣然睁开了双眼,抽出了一条条青色的细枝,长出了一片片绿中带着嫩黄的叶子,愉快地迎接着春姑娘的到来。路边,一棵棵小草,一朵朵小花从土里探出脸蛋,好奇地张望着这个美好的世界,那么的精神焕发,生机勃勃。 忽然,听得同学们高声欢呼,放眼望去,秀美的油菜花遍布田野,成了一片花的'海洋,那么雄伟壮观,那么美妙绝伦,满眼舒心的黄,这比那稻麦的金黄更胜一筹!啊,多么美好的造化! 正陶醉在油菜花的余味当中,一片翠色欲滴又吸引了我,那是一派生机的绿,那是充满活力的绿,那更是一片欣欣向荣的绿!旁边,桃树、李树,互不相让,都开满了质朴美丽的花儿。她如彩霞般粉红,你像雪花一样洁白,每一朵都散发着沁人心脾的幽香,令人心旷神怡。

  一会儿工夫,我们便来到了驿河。只见河中涟漪荡漾,河岸上,草坪好似一张嫩绿的地毯,一棵棵小草青得逼你的眼,这里更有团团绿树,簇簇鲜花,为这幽雅境界更增添了几分秀美风光。和煦的春风慈爱的抚摸着一切,同学们早已按捺不住喜悦的心情,欢快地在草地上叫着,跳着。女同学们三个一群,两个一伙的蹲在一起,睁大了眼睛,摘着娇艳的野花;男同学们则没这么斯文,有的欢叫着从草坡上冲到坡下,有的像石滚一样滚下去,有的还踩着旁边的石管,把它当“独木桥”,每一位同学脸上都洋溢着开心的笑容。 时间不早了,我们望着风景如画的驿河,满心留恋地回去了。


  Spring scenery Nor, all things recovery, a world full of vitality. In the winter vacation is one of the most grand festival - the Spring Festival on this day, all people went downstairs to fireworks, to increase the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Eat the family reunion dinner everyone sitting beside the TV set, watching the Spring Festival gala. This day will far in parents home long home, and their children eat reunion dinner. But trying to separate again, always in tears, it's hard to meet as well as difficult. Spring also day by day in the winter holiday is coming. The chill in the air, the more warm, the original silent sky appeared some birds. Looked from a distance, some trees bare, lifeless, nearly this way, you will find some tender green shoots. Play some puppy kitten on the grass in the chase, very happy appearance. Again to see in the countryside, the farmer uncle has started to dial a, looking forward to the season of harvest. Farmers children go from door to door in the village of spring New Year, the family will say "happy New Year" or "kung hei fat choi" will be very glad to listen to the master, pick a big sugar gave him, children ready, of course, took out a pocket put up the sugar. The children will now be content will have to leave, and then go to the second homes. There are children, relatives and friends to give money in hand and ran a toy store, looking at the wide variety of toys hesitant, and muttered something to buy that one? Buy that one? ...... . This is the spring scenery, let a person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind.

  春景 春回大地,万物复苏,天地间一片生机勃勃。 寒假中有一个最盛大的节日——春节这一天,所有的人都下楼去放烟火,来增加春节的气氛。吃完团圆饭大家都围坐在电视机旁,收看《春节联欢晚会》。这一天一些远在他乡的父母们都会不远万里的赶回家,和儿女们吃顿团圆饭。但又要分开时,总是泪流满面,真是相见时难别亦难。 春天也在寒假中一天天走来了。空气中的寒气少了,多了一些温暧,原本无声的天空出现了一些鸟儿。远远望去,一些大树光秃秃的,毫无生机,近此看,你会发现一些嫩嫩的绿芽。草地上一些小狗小猫在打闹追逐,很高兴的样子。再到农村看看,农民伯伯们已经开始拨种了,期待着收获的季节。农春的小孩在村里挨家挨户的.拜年,到了一家就说声“新年快乐”或者“恭喜发财”主人听了就很高兴,随手拿一大把糖就给了他,小孩当然早有准备,拿出一个口袋就放起糖。这些小孩就会心满意足的离开,再到第二户人家去。还有的小孩手里拿着亲戚朋友给的压岁钱就往玩具店跑,看着那些琳琅满目的玩具犹豫不决,一边还嘀咕着买那一个呢?买那一个呢?……。 这就是初春美景,让人心旷神怡。










