童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译

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童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译

  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编帮大家整理的童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译

  童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译 1

  Everybody grows up with fairy tales. Before they sleep, their parents read stories to them. Fairy tales have great influence on many people’s career, especially the directors and writers. They create new stories on the basis of these classic fairy tales. These fictional world brings something positive to people.


  Fairy tales picture a wonderful world for children. In the imaginary world, children can find a lot things that they have never seen in the real life. Such as the animals who can talk, or the aliens walk in another planet. All of these provide the young people a wide vision of life, which gives them the passion and inspiration to create new things.


  The most important value of fairy tales is to show children the way to see the world. In the stories, family love and friendship are always the main themes. The protagonists fight against the evil forces with the support of their families and friends. They win in the end and grow up as the strong people. This shows the children never to give up and success will come.


  童话Fairy Tales英语作文及翻译 2

  When I was very small, my parents would tell me stories before I slept, so I was very interested in fairy tales. The famous stories like the little mermaid, Cinderella and Snow White are very familiar to me. The things I learned from these stories made me a strong girl. As a girl, I knew I must have strong will as these heroes. They never gave up when they met problems. So if I insisted, I could win at last. The most important thing for me to learn was to keep a kind heart. These fairy tales told people that nice people would have a happy ending, which was the right value.


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