安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’S Picture-Book 干爸爸的画册

发布时间:2017-08-10 编辑:tyl

  "That night King and peasant are one united power. Then there is relief, and there is victory. Church bells ring, and songs of thanksgiving resound. Commoners, on this spot you won your knightly spurs!

  "What comes next? Look at this picture. Bishop Svane's wife drives in a closed carriage, which only the high and mighty nobility dare do. The proud young men stop the carriage; the bishop's wife must walk to the bishop's house.

  "Is that the whole story? Something much greater is stopped next - the power of pride.

  "Burgomaster Hans Nansen and Bishop Svane clasp hands to work in the name of the Lord. Their wise and honest talk is heard in the church and the house of the commoner. One handclasp of fellowship, and the harbor is blocked, the gates are locked, and the alarm bell rings.

  "Power is granted to the King alone, who remains in his nest in the hour of peril; he governs, and rules over great and small. It is the time of absolute monarchy.

  "Now let's turn the page, and time with it.

  " 'Halloo, halloo, halloo!' The plow stands idle, and the heather grows wild, but the hunting is good. 'Halloo, halloo!' Listen to the sounding horn and the baying hounds! See the huntsmen, and look at the young and gay King himself, Christian V! There is merrymaking in palace and in town. In the halls are waxlights, in the courtyards torches, and in the streets of the town are new lamps. Everything is so new! Favors and gifts go to the barons and counts of the new nobility, brought in from Germany. Nothing is accepted now except titles and rank and the German language.

  "But then there sounds a voice that is truly Danish, the voice of the weaver's son, who is now a bishop; it is the voice of Kingo, singing his beautiful psalms.

  "There is another commoner's son, this time the son of a vintner, whose thoughts shine forth in law and justice. His book of laws has become gold-ground for the King's name, and will stand for ages to come. That commoner's son, the greatest man in the land, receives a coat of arms - and enemies as well, so that the sword of the executioner is raised over the head of Griffenfeld.

  "But mercy is granted, with life imprisonment, and he is banished to a rocky islet off the coast of Trondhjem.

  Munkholm - Denmark's St. Helena

  "But the dance continues merrily in the palace hall; there are splendor and pomp there, and courtiers and ladies dance to lively music.

  "Now these are the times of Frederick IV!

  "See the proud ships with their flags of victory! See the tossing sea! It can tell of great deeds for the glory of Denmark. We remember the victorious Sehested and Gyldenlöve! We remember Hvitfeldt, who blew up his ship to save the Danish fleet, and flew to heaven with Dannebrog. We think of the struggles of those ages, and of the hero who sprang to the defense of Denmark from the mountains of Norway - Peder Tordenskjold.

  Across the surging sea his name thunders from country to country.

  Lightning flashed through the powder dust;

  A thunderbolt roared through the whispering age.

  A tailor's boy jumped down from the tailor's table;

  From Norway's coast he sailed a little sloop.

  And over Northern seas there flew again

  The viking spirit, youthful, and clad in steel.

  "Then a fresh breeze blew from the coast of Greenland, bringing a gentle fragrance, as if from the land of Bethlehem; it brought tidings of the Gospel light kindled by Hans Egede and his wife.

  "So this half page has a golden ground; but the other half, which means sorrow, is ashen gray with black specks, as from fire and disease and pestilence.