
时间:2021-01-19 10:20:14 人物类英语作文 我要投稿





  I have a happy family. Home have father, mother and brother. Oh, and I, don't forget.

  I have an amiable mother, she is very concerned about my body. Every morning, when I get up, my mother would give I cook an egg and let me eat on the way, said ate can fill brain, to listen more energeti In the evening, I finished my homework, it was time to sleep, my mother will give me a glass of milk, said eat good for your health. Do you know why I so fat so strong? Is ate eggs at night to drink the milk in the morning, so, I also want to tell the classmates here, you also call parents like my mother do eat for you, so that could make you a lesson more have spirit and the body more strong. Look, this is particularly concerned about my mother of the body.

  My father is a serious and kind man, he is especially concerned about my study. On one occasion, I exam falls to a dozen in the class. I am very happy, the good news as soon as he got home tell mom and dad. But dad said, take an examination of a such result, is proud of. You haven't heard the old saying that modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind? It's like a pot of cold water poured straight to my heart, I almost cried. Dad saw me like this, and quietly sat by my side, slowly enlightened me, willing to speak a lot of lose with grace, and encourage I should make persistent efforts, straight I said so far. Look, this is my serious and kind father.

  My brother is a lively and lovely, very naughty, naughty brother. He sometimes very lively and lovely, he will be in when I am not happy, do some faces, or say some funny things make me happy. However, he is very naughty, sometimes he often when I was doing my homework for one way or the other things bother me, sometimes also will steal things with me, so I always hurt, who is called me sister? Look, this is my cute and very naughty, naughty brother.

  I am a cheerful person. I have a happy family, my father loves me, mother love me, brother also can give me a lot of fun. I love mom and dad, I love my brother. I in the warm home life, grow up happily in the warm home.

  Well, I have told you my family, also should let me listen to your house!



  我有一个和蔼可亲的妈妈,她很关心我的身体。每天早晨,我起床的时候,妈妈都会给我煮上一个鸡蛋,让我在路上吃,说吃了能补脑子,上课听讲更有精神晚上,我写完了作业,该睡的时候,妈妈会给我调一杯牛奶,说吃了对身体好。你们知道我为什么这样胖这样结实吗?就是早上吃了鸡蛋晚上喝了牛奶,所以,我也要在这里告诉同学们,你们也叫家长像我妈妈那样做给你们吃,这样能让你们上课更加有精神,身体更加结实。 看,这就是特别关心我身体的妈妈。

  我的爸爸是一个严肃而又慈祥的人,他特别关心我的学习。有一次,我考试考落到了班上十几名。我很高兴,一到家就把这喜讯告诉了爸爸和妈妈。然而爸爸却说: 考了一个这样的成绩,就骄傲了。你没有听说过一句老话叫 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 吗? 这就像一盆凉水直泼到我的心里,我差点儿就哭了出来。爸爸见到我这样,就心平气和地坐在我的身边,慢慢地开导我,讲了不少 胜不骄败不馁 的道理,并鼓励我应该再接再厉,直把我说乐为止。 看,这就是我严肃而慈祥的爸爸。

  我的弟弟是一个活泼可爱而又十分顽皮、淘气的弟弟。他有的时候非常活泼可爱,他会在我不开心的时候,做一些鬼脸,或说一些搞笑的事情让我开心。然而,他有的时候又十分顽皮,他经常会在我做作业的时候拿这样或那样的事情来烦我,有的时候还会跟我抢东西,结果我总是吃亏,谁叫我是姐姐呢? 看,这就是我活泼可爱又十分顽皮、淘气的弟弟。











