初中英语《Should I be allowed to make my

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初中英语《Should I be allowed to make my own decisions》的教案设计


初中英语《Should I be allowed to make my own decisions》的教案设计


  1. 掌握课文中出现的一些新词汇和词组表达。

  词汇:race, taught,importance,care, succeed, point, achieve, realistic, obey

  词组:get in the way, care about, make decision, be serious about, spend time on,

  achieve one’s dream

  2. 根据阅读材料的内容提取要点,实现对文章内容的理解。

  3. 就阅读材料的内容提出自己的观点和想法。


  1. 学会粗读和细读两种阅读方式,培养阅读能力。

  2. 培养用英语讨论问题的能力。


  1. 通过阅读,使你对如何控制兴趣爱好和学业上的时间分配有自己的理解。

  2. 通过参与讨论,培养英语学习兴趣和敢于用英语进行表达的意识。


  Section 1 Before You Read (阅读新课前)


  T: How old are you? What grade are you in? Are you a teenager?


  1. How old is a teenager? ______________________________

  2. What are some of the rules that a teenager should obey?(哪些规则需要遵守)


  Learning Strategy (学习策略)

  阅读learning strategy, 理解本单元的阅读策略介绍的内容,试着用自己的话归纳.

  Section2 While You Read (当你阅读的时候)

  Prediction : By look at the picture and the title, what is the article about?(看图片,题目,文章将会说些什么内容)

  Read the article, understand the general idea and find the topic sentence (阅读文章,理解大意)


  Para1:What do the teenager think about the hobbies? What do the parents think about the hobbies?

  Para2: Who? __________ Where is he from? __________ what’s his hobby? ____________

  What does his parents think about his hobby? ___________________________________

  Para3: What does he think he should be allowed to? use a phrase: ______________(用词组概括)

  Para4: Does his parents allow him to practice running on school night? Why ?

  Para5: Does he agree with his parents’ ideas? What does he think?

  Section3 After You Read

  Do3a, 将下列词组在文章中找到,并理解他们的意思,并造句。


  1.get in the way of_________ 2.(be)serious about________ 3. spend time on ____________

  3b 再次快速地浏览文章并找到更多的例子填到相应的`地方

  3c 你认为刘云应不应该被允许练习跑步,和你同桌讨论并用文章中的信息来支持你的观点。



  Section4 Go for it


  Time Schoolwork Time Hobbies








  If you have time!

  你有你最喜欢的明人,调查他的童年以及他是如何成为一个成功的人的,小组合作,写一篇文章,并将这个名人的照片以及你们小组的文章贴在教室的English Corner内。




  1. As a student, we have to o________ the rules.

  2. Our teacher listed three p_________ on how to write a good essay.

  3. He has been ____________(教) to be polite since he was 9.

  4. He isn’t ______________(现实) enough, and he always puts himself in his beautiful dreams.

  5. At last, he ______________(成功) and became a great businessman.



  1. get in the way_____________2. care about____________3. make decision______________

  4. be serious about___________5. spend time on__________6.achieve one’s dream__________


  ( ) 1. I don’t think teenagers should be allowed to drive, because they are ___________.

  A. not enough serious B. not serious enough

  C. too serious D. not serious

  ( ) 2. I have to stay at home ____________ school nights.

  A. in B. at C. on D. for

  ( ) 3. Many students will be __________ if the class is boring.

  A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. slept

  ( ) 4. Students _______ to use E-mail English in everyday writing.

  A. may not B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. shouldn’t be allowed

  ( ) 5. ----I think teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to smoke. ----I agree ________ you.

  A. with B. on C. about D. for

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