
时间:2021-01-24 08:06:29 英语日记 我要投稿





  Half a long holiday, the weather is still very good, sunny, warm wind gently blowing. We are going to xixi wetland park to play today.

  Because is the first time to come here, not familiar with, can only wandered aimlessly. Well, there is a wide asphalt road in the middle of the park - the dike. Dad said a walk along the jetty, should not leave too many attractions.

  Small bridge, flowing water, somebody else is the characteristic of the park is the largest. Lounge Bridges, zigzag bridge, arch bridge strewn at random have send. Conduit and throughout the park. The house and the house of the city here is very different, just like my hometown old house over there. But many haven't built, not busy. There are lively and we came to a layer of bricks before 5, see under the tower, tower there are so many people everywhere. Along the narrow wooden ladder, we reached the top. Standing on the tower can see the whole park, fogging, far away.

  The battery of f on the sightseeing car, can take a trip to spend five yuan. Get off at the terminal, we saw a big yard. The driver said this is one of the qing dynasty called Gao Shiji - high-chuang great family. The government's home is different, very big very air. Through the front door, again from the back garden, more than a ground. Various shapes of houses around them, very beautiful. I like the round hole in the wall, like the moon hang in there, the moon with a pavilion.

  From high-chuang come out, we have ended the xixi wetland park tour for the first time. There are a lot of places we don't have to go, then come back next time.







  On November 12, sunny on Saturday

  This morning, my father took me to xiangyang to swim and play in the park.

  Approached the park, door on each side squat down a stone lion, like commanding general guarded gates, lifelike. Frame with four Chinese characters "xiangyang park", engraved on both sides with a couplet: "eight hundred mu of the city. When's the picture, thousands of years old wall belongs to the footnote here".

  Through the gate, right against the face is a big flower-bed, "xiangyang FengRi" five big scarlet letter, as if in welcome to our arrival. Blooming flower beds, colorful flowers, red like fire, powder like xia, white snow, yellow gold, beautiful. Of flowers attracted many small bees, is busy mining nectar, there is only little yellow butterfly dancing in the flowers, like the golden leaves.

  Along the winding path, we came to a moat, all kinds of the boat in the river swimming, have the duck, dragon, and pavilions in the shape of a... Reflection in the river. Some people enjoy the beautiful scenery on the ship, some children bouncing around in the boat to enjoy, and the old man in the boat leisurely fishing. Sometimes we'll see hordes of little fish, in the water to swim, swim here for a while, for a while to get there, as if in play with us. Banks of the river a row of willows graceful, swaying, as if to show itself to visitors graceful posture...

  Xiangyang park is good place for beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant!
















