
时间:2022-10-05 20:19:45 英语四级 我要投稿
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  中国正面临着人口老龄化和低出生率这些发达国家拥有的问题。在商业领域这些问题则显得更加紧迫。创业的一代人正在老去,但他们很难说服自己的孩子来继承遗产,继续经营他们的企业。对家族企业来说,落实一个清晰有效的继任计划(succession plan)是一个令人头痛的'问题。虽然有很多原因可以解释这种不情愿继任的情况,但商业环境的恶化(deterioration)已被证明是主要因素之一。

  China is facing the developed world's problems of an ageing population and low birth rate.These problems have taken on even more urgency in the business community.The founding generation is getting older but having great difficulty persuading their children to carry on their legacy and keep their business running.Putting in place a clear and effective succession plan is a headache for family-run businesses.While there are many reasons to explain such reluctance,the deterioration in the business environment has been proven to be one of the main factors.


  1.中国正面临着人口老龄化和低出生率这些发达国家拥有的问题:“面临着”可用face表示,“面临着…的问题”可译为facethe problem of;“人口老龄化既可译为populationageing,也可译为an ageing population。“发达国家拥有的问题”可用the developed world's problem of表示。

  2.创业的`一代人正在老去,但他们很难说服自己的孩子来继承遗产,继续经营他们的企业:“老去”即“变老”,可译getolder。“难以做某事”可用固定表达方式have difficulty (in) doing sth来表示,“很难说服自己的孩子”,可译为have great difficulty persuading their children。“继续经营他们的企业也就是使他们的企业可以继续经营下去”,故可译keep their business running。

  3.对家族业来说,落实一个清晰有效的继任计划是一个令人头痛的问题:“家族企业”可译为family-runbusiness,“国有企业”则为state-run business。


  在中国,就业方面的不平等现象仍然是一个严重的问题。性别歧视的根本原因是,“男尊女卑(female inferiority)”的错误观念在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固。为了解决这个问题,应该逐渐形成一种新的性别文化,以增加两性间的和谐,政府也应该探索可以提升女性就业前景的市场机制。这是一个长期而艰巨的任务,需要所有政府部门的投人和协作。在家庭暴力(domestic violence)的问题上,完善法律体制将是解决这个问题的最好的办法。

  Inequality in employment is still a serious issue inChina.The fundamental cause of genderdiscrimination is the incorrect idea of femaleinferiority that is still ingrained in many people'sminds.In solving this problem,a new gender cultureshould be cultivated to increase harmony betweenthe two sexes and the government should explore market mechanisms that can promotewomen's job prospects.It is a long and arduous task that requires input and coordinationfrom all government agencies.On the issue of domestic violence,improving the legal systemwould be the best way to deal with it.

  1.在中国,就业方面的不平等现象仍然是一个严重的问题:“就业方面的不平等”可译为inequality in employment,其中inequality(不平等)由equal (平等的)派生而来。英语中派生词很多,考生在平时要多加积累。

  2.性别歧视的根本原因是,“男尊女卑”的错误观念在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固:“根本原因”可译为fundamentalcause或fundamental reason。“男尊女卑”已经给出英文female inferiority,该词组直译为“女性社会地位较低”,引申为“男尊女卑”。“在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固”可译为be still ingrained in many people's minds,也可译为be still deeply rooted in many people'sminds。

  3.这是一个长期而艰巨的'任务,需要所有政府部门的投入和协作:“长期而艰巨的任务”可译为a long andarduous task。“需要所有政府部门的投入和协作”可译为that引导的定语从句,其谓语为require,“投入和协作”可用input and coordination表示,而output则意为产出。



  “剩女(leftover women)”这个词被用来指那些在二十八九岁,甚至更大年龄仍未结婚的女性。有些人认为“剩女”是需要认真对待的社会力量,而另一些人则主张这个词应被视为褒义词,意思是“成功女性”。据2010年的中国婚姻调查 (Chinese National Marriage Survey)报道,90%的'男人认为女人应该在27岁之前结婚。在中国,大部分“剩女”都是受过良好教育的中产阶级。跟以前几代人相比,如今的女性更加自由,更能够独立生活。

  “Leftover women”is a term that refers to women whoremain unmarried in their late twenties andbeyond.Some people regard leftover women as asocial force to be reckoned with”,while others haveargued that the term should be taken as a positiveterm to mean“successful women”.In a 2010 Chinese National Marriage Survey,it was reportedthat 9 out of 10 men believe that women should be married before they are 27 years old.InChina leftover women are mostly well-educated middle class.Women today are more free andable to live independently in comparison to previous generations.

  1.有些人认为“剩女”是需要认真对待的社会力量,而另一些人则主张这个词应被视为褒义词,意思是“成功女性”:“认为…是”有多种译法,可译为regard…as,consider…as等,而句中的“被视为”同样也有多种表达方式,如be seen as,be taken as或be regardedas等等,使用时注意掌握。“需要认真对待的社会力量”即asocial force to be reckoned with,其中reckon with意为“认真对待,需要解决”。“褒义词”可以译为a positive term。

  2.据2010年的中国婚姻调查报道,90%的男人认为女人应该在27岁之前结婚:“据…报道”可译为it isreported that...,本句型为英语中的常用句型,其中的reported可替换为不同的词表达不同的意思,如it issaid that意为“据说”等。

  3.跟以前几代人相比,如今的女性更加自由,更能够独立生活:“跟…相比”可译为in comparison to,也可译为compared to。



  Suzhou is a city with a long history of silk culture. It has a tradition of mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling and weaving. Suzhou’s silk was an imperial tribute and gained a worldwide reputation from as early as the Tang and Song dynasties. Suzhou city also abounds in natural gifts, abundant sunshine, plentiful rainfall and rich soils, which offer a pleasant environment for high yield of cocoons and high qualities of silk. It has been the main producing area and distributing center of raw silk materials in China.










