
时间:2021-01-20 09:48:27 英语读后感 我要投稿





  Les miserables hero jean valjean was a convict took 19 years punishment. Frustrated in his life, his spiritual process is also very bumpy. After prison, the bishop's influence, he determined to from good. Jean valjean was a good-natured laborer, the cruelty of the society, the punishment of the law, the grim reality so that he gradually became a beast of prey, blindly revenge to the society, so that made the true to his life-long regret, and lead to a more profound enlightenment, become the starting point of his spiritual development, also prompted his spirit rise to the realm of lofty personality. He finally decided to migrate, alias Madeleine. In foreign country, he work hard and become rich. Showers of love, after that, he was appointed mayor. Jean valjean in this life, in their struggle, have the self-sacrifice of sentiment, Hugo in his image, for the survival of mankind, points out the way.

  In the name of the future to criticize the book the history and present situation of the society, to judge all alien forces in the name of human existence, which represents the eternal shield in the development of human history. A good book, the sun is round, one thousand good book is one thousand round the sun. Bright regionalization, will light up our way forward, also can let the world all the secret before we take in everything in a glance.

  This is too brief. Now, our life rich and colorful, both in the living environment and learning environment is very superior, so we should cherish everything in sight. Grasp now, looking to the future.


  悲惨世界的主人公冉是个服了19年刑的苦役犯。他一生备受挫折,他的精神历程也是极其坎坷。出狱后,受到主教的感化,他决心从善。冉阿让本是一个本性善良的劳动者,社会的残害,法律的惩罚,现实的冷酷使他 逐渐变成了猛兽 ,盲目向社会进行报复,以致犯下了真正使他终身懊悔,却又导致一种更深刻的觉悟,成为他精神发展的起点,也促使他的精神人格上升到崇高的境界。他最终决定远走他乡,化名马德兰。在异国他乡,他努力的'工作并成为巨富。这以后,他广施仁爱,后来被任命为市长。冉阿让本的一生,在苦难中挣扎,却有着舍己为人的情操,雨果用他的形象,为人类的生存,指出了一条路。










《悲惨世界》 读后感02-19

