
时间:2022-03-29 18:18:54 高一年级英语作文 我要投稿




  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇1

  Get me a very shameful thing, because it also produced a misunderstanding. Although by misunderstanding is not I, but every time I think about it, like into a ball of cotton's sad. Is this misunderstanding has occurred for more than a year, that day we are have art, may be due to the morning to eat many, I put a dumb ass, I at that time out, subconscious held her breath at the same time, almost simultaneously, cover your nose and my classmates around eyes rested on me. Embarrassed I immediately to calm down, too ashamed, I will not let them find is "smoke", so I as if nothing has occurredly picked up the exercise books, went straight to the teacher, to the number of points. Me frankly on the students to dispel the doubt, the students and look to fat, at ordinary times love fart Lv Jiaqi. The Lv Jiaqi, the appearance of a face of innocence, as he put his hand over his mouth and nose, and waved the PAWS of fat hand. "Not me! Not me!" But who will believe a word of it, I feel smug, thanks to my calm smart! But the Lv Jiaqi because it was a "reputation" - fart king. Later the king "fart" in none got around, but I never dare not to call him so, even dare not face up to his eyes, because only I know he was a misunderstanding, a few times I really want to apologize to Lv Jiaqi, but I really have no the courage and guts, explained the misunderstanding. Although there is no face to face with him to explain, but through this matter, I know, we won't have the second mistake again in my body.


  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇2

  "Misunderstanding is one side wall that separates the two worlds. Sincerity and friendship, as if never exist. Misunderstanding is a piece of sea, drowned out two hearts. Be brave and honest, seem as if they are blocked in the door. Don't live in the truth, that a thin layer of membrane, friendly and tolerance to chung broken" this is my favorite poem, I am eager to remove misunderstanding, communication with the desire of the heart. Misunderstanding is the bane of friendship; Misunderstanding is the destroyer of all feelings; Friends is the most afraid of be misunderstanding. This time, it is the mouth. The next day, I talked with a friend, somehow, more say the more fierce, I still don't know where is wrong, finally angry on both sides. Maybe you misunderstood, you misunderstood what I said. To be honest, only you more like my friend, I don't want to give up the friendship. So in every time after the quarrel, I take the initiative to go to your apology, have you ever thought about how I feel, to apologize, you don't know what went wrong, my personality is the most hate is an apology, didn't expect first say "sorry" to always quarrel with my friend, I'm tired, don't you think? In such a misunderstanding, sooner or later, we will not be a friend. Why have the word why blame misunderstanding let me know the misunderstanding, but a true friend is not afraid of misunderstanding, I hope we can become real friends.

  “误会是一面墙,隔开两个世界。真诚与友谊,仿佛从来不曾存在。误会是一片海,淹没两个心灵。勇敢与坦诚,仿佛被挡在大门外。不要活在真相之外,那一层薄薄的膜,友善与宽容定能涌的破”这是我最喜欢的诗,我渴望解除误会,拥有沟通心灵的愿望。 误会是友谊的克星;误会是一切感情的破坏者;朋友最怕的就是误会。 这次,又是嘴巴惹的祸。次日,我与朋友交谈,不知怎么的,越说越凶,我至今不知错在哪儿,最后双方都生气了。可能你误会了,你误解了我说的话了。实话说,只有你比较像我的朋友,我不想放弃这份友谊。因此在每次吵架之后,都是我主动去找你道歉,你可曾想过我的感受,去向你道歉,不知错在哪里,我的性格最讨厌的就是道歉,没想到第一次说‘对不起’竟然总是吵架的朋友,你不觉得我很累吗?在这样误会下去,迟早我们会不是朋友。 怪误会为什么有这个词为什么让我懂得误会,不过,真正的朋友是不怕误会的,希望我们能成为真正的朋友。

  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇3

  When I misunderstood by others, I will calm more he explained; When I was misunderstood by others. I will use the truth to tell his mistake; When I misunderstood by others, I can use good heart pry open our friendship; When I misunderstood by others, I will know her out of our mistake!

  In the village, in the family, in school, between the classmate, are hard to avoid can produce misunderstanding, people have different choices of different moral! Some people swear, and some of them will slow a more others explain! I believe that; Most people will choose the latter. Because we Chinese tradition is not dead! Some people scold people, the in the mind comfortable, resulting in misunderstanding, is indeed a permanent a permanent involvement. Your friendship will use will not be able to together!

  Remember once, I have art and forgot to bring my pencil and see a table with several teams, it took one, class is over I will put the pen on his desk! But, the second day early in the morning, deskmate asked me: "my pen?" I really don't know is the cry or the smile! I clearly on his desk yesterday, but today... I just sit at the same table is a nice person. Hurriedly said: "yesterday the art class, I put the pen on your desk, I have no you have the pen, please don't misunderstand me!!!!!!!" He heard, a grain of salt, touched the head and turn the turn eyes, seems to be remembered? I breathe a sigh of relief, finally lifted a misunderstanding!

  Being misunderstood, do not be afraid of others so sometimes hate you. As long as you make the right choice, can remove misunderstanding, out of the mistake!





  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇4

  This morning, I still didn't disappear?

  This morning, my mother look at whether to my time to do morning reading, carelessly give broke her favorite cosmetics. Because, my mother didn't wake up, so as not to hear. To my time to do morning reading, my mother and found her cosmetics don't know who was broken? Mother asked me: "cosmetics is broken by you?" I say: "mother, cosmetics is not my broken." Mother looking at the sleeping father. I love to laugh, at ordinary times love this crucial moment ah smiled. Mom heard me laugh, looking at me immediately. I saw the situation not hurriedly say: "mother, not me, not me." But no matter how much I explain, mother just don't believe it. Beside sleeping father know now why, also added fuel to the fire of say: "you admitted to quickly, lest you be flesh." I said: "I haven't done let me admit what?" In my angry, I ran back to the room, thinking: mom and dad you must believe my daughter ah.

  In the afternoon, apologize to my mother said: "this morning is my wrong, forgive me?" I say: "forgive you this time, not after not clear why, blame someone else." Mother promised to me.




  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇5

  Today, as usual, I got up very early. Shave, brush my teeth, and then I go to school happily. Afternoon I as usual, and ran home from school to home, I saw dad counting money. I curiously ask: "what are you doing in a few money, father?" Dad said angrily: "I less one hundred yuan of money, so I turned and tossed in the number, or less one hundred yuan money. Small li, this one hundred yuan whether you take? Quick say!" I loudly say: "I didn't take!" Dad didn't believe, however, also said to check my bag. I feel the grievance, cry to say: "I didn't take, did not take. You do not believe that check my bag?" Dad said as he scold: "don't you have to do afraid I check?" I more angry, I was so mad words also said not to come out. At this time, dad took my bag to turn over one times, find no money. At this time, I was angry, still blame dad.

  Later, father to pick up my mother. Peace is not the same when he was walking, don't and I said a cry, and went away. Spirit cried and ran back to my room to hide in the woli cry.

  Didn't see me, when I go home mother ran upstairs to find me. Find my room and saw I hid himself in the pillow, affectionately asked me: "small li, don't you sick?" "No, dad insisted that I took him one hundred yuan......" Mother said: "ah, the father is really bad, you should not trust their children, should ask me more. At the same time your father where is I take one hundred dollars money. In the morning, he had gone. Someone calls I borrow one hundred dollars, I took from your father one hundred yuan. Ok, good boy, don't cry. My mom to talk to your father." I'll get up with her down the stairs. Mother gave dad a ruthlessly say the. Father embarrassed to say to me: "daughter, I'm sorry! It's dad is bad. Is dad misunderstood my lovely daughter. Now I solemnly apologize to you!" I smile through tears, said: "daddy, you should listen to the opinions of others, don't always doubt people!"




  朋友间的误解英语作文附中文 篇6

  Sunny day, my good friend bell zhi came to my house to play. At that time, I together with her on QQ, she know my password, but I didn't, because I have been very believe her, she would never make a gross, but just that day, I misunderstood her... Her home soon, I can't on the QQ, I'm out in a rash, asked the father, he said someone is on my QQ. At this time, I thought: "in addition to bell zhi know my password, no one knew, is nothing more than her..." I doubt the bell zhi slowly. I am sitting in front of a computer, desperately to curse her: "what did she turned sex, is really of! The one who is, won't have what good end, wait and see!" I like this for a whole afternoon, finally I don't think this way. After dinner, I make a phone call to her, she is a meet, I was very rude to speak: "you have on my Q? To be honest, quick!" Zhang two monks confused, she timidly replied: "I don't have your qq, I got home to watch TV, the computer didn't touched touch." I think: "well, well done, very will pack!" Then, I intentionally against her: "that why I can't on qq? If only you know my password, after you left, I won't on it. This is precisely what's going on?" "How do I know!" She readily answer. I fire emit three zhangs, angrily threw her a word: "is really dare not admit have a guilty conscience." Say, ignoring her feelings off my call. The next day, I finally can come up to the Q. After dad explained, I just know originally I Q of the virus, he helped me in tune. Now, I didn't realize his mistake, ah, I misunderstood the good friend, said yesterday that I would have brought her a lot of damage. I wronged her, she will be sorry. I apologized to her bravely, finally, we are still good friends. I reflect on their own reckless stupid, indiscriminate wronged person. Through this matter, I understand: encounter things must clear up things calmly, and then correct treatment. Only the discernment man, can avoid the happening of misunderstanding.

  阳光明媚的一天,我的好朋友铃芷来我家玩。那时,我和她一起上QQ,她知道了我的密码,可我并没有防备,因为我一直以来都很相信她,她绝对不会做出见不得人的事,但正好那天,我误会了她...... 她回家不久,我就上不到QQ了,我急得团团转,问了爸爸,他说是有人正在上着我的Q。这时,我想:“除了铃芷知道我的'密码,再也没有人知道了,无非是她......”我慢慢地怀疑起铃芷。我坐在电脑前,拼命地咒骂她:“她怎么转性了,真是的!这种人不会有什么好下场的,等着瞧吧!”我就这样气了整整一个下午,最后我觉得这不是办法。饭后,我打了个电话给她,她一接,我就很无礼地开口:“你有没有上我Q?实话实说,快!”她丈二和尚——摸不着头脑,胆怯地回答:“我没上你的Q啊,我一回到家就看电视了,电脑摸也没摸过。”我想:“哼,做得不错,挺会装的!”然后,我故意顶她:“那怎么我上不到Q呢?好象只有你知道我的密码啊,你走后,我就上不到了。这究竟是怎么回事呀?”“我怎么知道!”她爽快地回答。我火冒三丈,怒气冲冲地丢给她一句:“真是做贼心虚不敢承认。”说罢,我不顾她的感受关了电话。 第二天,我终于能上到Q了。经过爸爸的一番解释,我才知道原来我的Q中了病毒,他帮我调好了。现在,我才认识到自己的错误,哎,我误会了好朋友了,昨天我说的话一定会给她带来了不少的伤害。我冤枉了她,她一定会不好受的。我勇敢地向她道歉了,最后,我们还是一对好朋友。 我反省了自己的鲁莽愚蠢,不分青红皂白就冤枉人。通过这件事,我明白了:遇到事情一定要镇定地把事情弄清楚,然后再正确处理。只有明辨事理的人,才能避免误会的发生。









